The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) improves research methodology by collaboratively making biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.
Support BHL This Giving Tuesday!
In 2022, BHL uploaded its 60 millionth page of biodiversity literature. Thanks to our contributing partners around the world and to donors who support our work, BHL continues to inspire discovery through free access to biodiversity knowledge. On this Giving Tuesday, please consider donating to BHL so we can continue to support your research needs.

BHL Releases New Collection Development Policy
In November, the BHL Collections Committee released its new Collection Development Policy, which is written to provide recommendations and serve the collection management needs of BHL Partners. The policy is a comprehensive revision of the original policy written in 2010. Going forward, the policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

Constance Rinaldo, Immediate Past Chair, BHL Executive Committee, has died
In late October, the BHL community was shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Connie Rinaldo, former Head Librarian of the Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Connie was a longtime leader of BHL, serving as the inaugural BHL Secretary, followed by Vice Chair, Chair, and most recently, Immediate Past Chair. You can learn more about her work with BHL through a number of BHL blog posts she shared over the years.

CETAF + SPNHC + BHL Joint Statement on Citation of Authorities in Taxonomy
The story of a scientific name is part of the name itself. The need for better citation of authorities of taxonomic names is a complex issue with which the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF) has been grappling for some time. In a joint paper authored with the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) and BHL, the CETAF e-publishing working group recommends best practices to make taxonomic citations universally consistent, discoverable, and comparable across publications and platforms.

The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera: A Story of Pirate Publishers, ISSN Hijacking and Fraudulent DOI Assignment
What happens when a journal ceases publication but its website is hijacked for fraudulent purposes? BHL's Persistent Identifier Working Group worked diligently to untangle such a mystery with The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera and to ensure persistent access to this crucial research.

2022 BHL Annual Meeting - A Global Hybrid
For the first time, BHL held its annual meeting in conjunction with a major biodiversity/natural sciences organization. In June 2022, BHL joined the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) and the Natural Sciences Collections Society (NatSCA) to host our meetings in Edinburgh, Scotland. BHL coordinated two symposia on liberating collections data in biodiversity literature and the value of collections and collaborations across BHL.

OCR Improvements: An Early Analysis
Optical character recognition (OCR) plays a critical part in BHL’s contributions to the scientific community, allowing for full text search and scientific name recognition across the BHL corpus. BHL is working with the Internet Archive to reprocess some of BHL’s oldest content with the newest available version of Tesseract OCR. Early analysis indicates that this reprocessing will improve the accuracy of scientific name finding in BHL.

A Report on the GBIF 29th Governing Board Meeting
BHL Program Director, Martin Kalfatovic, traveled to Belgium in October to participate in the 29th Governing Board meeting of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). While in Belgium, Martin also visited with colleagues at Plantentuin Meise and the AfricaMuseum to explore possible collaborations with BHL.

Inspiring Discovery through Free Access to Biodiversity Knowledge.
BHL makes it easier than ever for you to access the information you need to study and explore life on Earth…for free, anytime, anywhere.
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180,000+ Titles | 287,000+ Volumes | 60+ Million Pages