Beth El Life

Monthly Bulletin of Temple Beth El Congregation

November 2024 | Tishrei - Cheshvan 5785

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Birthdays & Anniversaries

November Shabbat Worship

Friday, November 1 | 6:00 pm

Shabbat Worship and Dinner

Friday, November 8 | 7:00 pm

Shabbat Worship

Friday, November 15 | 6:15 pm

Sip into Shabbat: Wine & Cheese at 6:15 pm, Worship begins at 7:00 pm

Saturday, November 16 | 10:00 am

Shabbat Morning Worship and Bat Mitzvah of Emma Zimmern

Friday, November 22 | 7:00 pm

Shabbat Worship

Friday, November 27 | 7:00 pm

Shabbat Worship

Learning Opportunities

Torah Study: Book of Numbers

Saturdays, November 2 and November 23| 9:30 am

Join us at Temple Beth El or via Zoom as we continue our study of Bamidbar - The Book of Numbers. We will explore the text with the help of both rabbinic and modern commentaries. Learners of all levels and experience are welcome. Bagels and schmear will be served. For more information contact Rabbi Joel.

Torah on Tap

Tuesday, November 5 | 5:00 pm

Join us at Odd Colony Brewery (260 N Palafox St) for an adult beverage, lively conversation, and Jewish learning. In honor of Election Day, our topic will be: "Should Voting Be Mandatory? Jewish Values and Civic Participation." Schmoozing starts at 5:00, learning at 5:30. For more information contact Rabbi Joel.

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Sunday, November 24 | 5:00 pm

Join with friends from Pensacola’s Historic Downtown Congregations for our annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service. This year’s service will be hosted by Christ Episcopal Church (18 W Wright St). The service begins at 5:00 pm and is followed by a dessert reception.

Upcoming Events

Tot Shabbat

Saturday, November 2

9:00 am

Join us at Temple Beth El

for Tot Shabbat, featuring

Shabbat Songs, Playtime, Snacks

and more!

Friends and families of children

ages 0 - 6 are welcome.

Click below to RSVP.


Torah on Tap

Tuesday, November 5

Join us at Odd Colony Brewery (260 N Palafox St) for an adult beverage, lively conversation, and Jewish learning.

In honor of Election Day, our topic will be: Should Voting Be Mandatory? Jewish Values and Civic Participation. 

Schmoozing begins at 5:00,

learning begins at 5:30.

For more information contact Rabbi Joel.

NEW! Sisterhood Book Club

Thursday, November 14

6:00 pm

Join us for an evening of friendship and Nosh as we kickoff the new Sisterhood Book Club! We will gather at the home of Paula Vienneau and discuss "She's Up to No Good" by Sara Goodman Confino.

Details coming soon. For more information or to RSVP contact Paula Vienneau.

Challah Making Workshop

Sunday, November 17

10:00 am

Curious how to make challah?

School for Jewish Living parents are invited to join us for a Challah Making Workshop with SJL's own Debra Kerman.

No experience necessary!

A Message from Kathy Smith:

Thank you to everyone who reached out with calls, messages, and visits following John's passing. Your kindness and support, whether through sharing a meal or simply being there to talk, have been a great comfort to me during this difficult time. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you.

Emma Zimmern Bat Mitzvah

Hi, my name is Emma Zimmern. I will be a Bat Mitzvah on November 16, 2024.

My parents, Robin and Ben, my step parents, Kristina and Mike, and my sister Charlotte are so excited for my big day!

Right now, I’m an eighth grader at Gulf Breeze Middle School. My personal favorite subject is history. In my free time, I really enjoy singing and reading. I have been a part of Pensacola Children’s Chorus for 6 years and I love every bit of it!

For my tzedakah project, I collected stuffed animals for a local charity called Valerie’s House, which helps kids who have lost a parent or loved one.

Being a Bat Mitzvah is a really big goal of mine and I’m so excited to become a Jewish adult! (And of course the party)

We Need Oneg Sponsors!

We have returned to hosting Dessert Onegs following Shabbat Services and are in urgent need of sponsors. Sponsoring an Oneg is a wonderful opportunity to honor someone's memory on their yahrzeit, celebrate an anniversary or birthdaythank someone special, or observe a special occasion that has meaning to you. 

No planning experience is required!

To sign up/inquire about available dates, click below or contact Sydney McAbee.

Click Here to Host an Oneg

A Message from the Cemetery Committee

While it can be difficult to think about the end of our lives, it is an act of kindness to our loved ones to preplan our final arrangements. The Temple Beth El Cemetery offers the pre-purchase of Perpetual Care Agreements to Temple members for $3,000.

For more information, please contact Ray Engel at 850-516-3495.

Temple Beth El's Annual Poker Tournament will be held on Saturday March 8, 2025.

To sign up, or for more information please contact Terry Gross at 850-449-1762.

As we head into the busy season of holidays and celebrations, remember to visit our Temple Gift Shop for all your Judaica and gift needs.

 New items coming soon!

TBE Community Corner: Look what we've been up to!

Rosh Hashanah Luncheon

Family Service and Tashlich at Bayview Park

Thanks to our Sukkah Build Crew and Gourmet Pitmasters!

School for Jewish Living Celebrates Sukkot

JUST Conversation

October Sisterhood Luncheon featuring East Hill Honey

Sips in the Sukkah

New Member Havdalah

"Sydney's Suppers" Silent Auction Winners Liz and Phillip Broder

Joel Fleekop, Rabbi

Danny Zimmern, President

Board of Directors:

Danny Zimmern, President

Brenton Goodman Vice President

Carol Rosenblatt, Treasurer

Alice Klein, Secretary

Steve Eilen, Past President

Renee Eilen, Sisterhood Co-President

Paula Vienneau, Sisterhood Co-President

Terry Gross, Brotherhood President

Andrea Fleekop, Director, School for Jewish Living

Board Members at Large:

Lewis Bear III

Ray Engel

Nichole Friedland

David Goldberg

Janet Kahn

Ryan Greenhut

John Macias

Kim Sullivan

Andrew Rothfedder

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