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Upcoming Chamber events!
When: Wednesday, September 21
Time: 8:30am - 10:00am
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings Medina
Cost: $12 members; $15 non-members

Discussion Topic: "Right People, Right Seats" presented by Carrie Gough with Spire Marketing
When: Thursday, September 22
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings Medina
Cost: Free to attend (Cash bar available)

Topic: "Multi-Generational Leadership - Leading Your Parents & Your Kids" presented by Terri Greene, M. Ed., Director of LEAD Institute & Community Impact for Leadership Medina County
When:Tuesday, September 27
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Buffalo Wild Wings Medina
Cost: Free (Lunch included)

Topic: Employee Motivation, Training and Retention presented by Don Hicks, Regional Sales Manager-Ohio, for Vensure Employer Services
When: Thursday, September 29
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Architectural Justice
(2462 Pearl Road, Medina)
Cost: Complimentary Member Benefit

Join us for an open-house style networking event. Tour Architectural Justice's artisan shops and showroom and mingle with your fellow Chamber members. There will be a $500 countertop raffle and 25% off showroom sale. Food and beverage will be provided.
When: Friday, September 30
Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Location: Chick-fil-a Medina
Cost: Complimentary for members
(Food and beverage available to purchase on your own, if you choose.)

Start your Friday with a cup of coffee and some casual networking. We offer participants the opportunity to introduce themselves, and engage in conversation with fellow members.
When: Tuesday, October 4
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Williams on the Lake
Cost: $21 members;
$25 Non-Chamber members

Topic: Update about the Medina County Health Department presented by Health Commissioner, Krista Wasowski
When: Friday, October 21
Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Blair Conference Center
Cost: $60 for Members;
$80 for Non-Chamber Members
Chamber Partner Announcement
Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Group Experience Rating Membership Benefit

The Chamber is proud to partner with The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) & Hunter Consulting Company to offer an important member benefit! 

The Ohio BWC’s Group Experience Rating Program offers a discount up to 53% for chamber members.

Enrollment for the 2023 Policy Year is now open. The deadline to enroll for the group is November 11, 2022.

In addition to the discounted rates, Hunter Consulting is known for providing professional and aggressive claims management. Every Hunter client receives a dedicated account manager who serves as a single point of contact. We also provide a range of services not typically provided by other TPAs - attorney representation at Industrial Commission hearings, settlement & handicap reviews, guidance through BWC audits, and semi-annual safety training.

Current clients should be receiving their renewal information this month.

To receive your free (no obligation) quote, please visit:

Contact Jeff Price: or (513) 372-8718
You can count on Hunter Consulting to give your company personalized attention. That’s “The Hunter Difference!”
Chamber Partner Announcement
Chamber Business Blog
Telling your business story is a compelling way to get your audience more invested in you and to help build know, like, and trust. But your business story shouldn’t be a dry About Us page filled with dates you first opened and how many locations you’ve been through over the course of your business history.

Your business story is a lasso that draws people in and holds them there. But it can also be a feel-good moment in a sea of dread. With the pending recession and economic struggles most are enduring, now is the perfect time to cultivate and share your business story.

Click HERE to read the full article!
Chamber Business Blog
Board Of Directors

Teresa Rodgers, President ~ JACK Entertainment
Dan Calvin ~ Critchfield, Critchfield & Johnston, Immediate Past President
Ron Paydo ~ Huntington National Bank, President Elect
Michelle Masica ~ Sperry Commercial Global Affiliates - The Masica Company, VC Member Services
Ted Klimczak ~ Rea & Associates, Inc., Treasurer

Ryan Carlson ~ Carlson Financial Group
Rick Davidson ~ Community Energy Advisors
Nate Eppink ~ Medina County Park District
Jason Guyer ~ Schauer Group
Nick Howell ~ National Design Mart
Julie McNabb ~ JK Gift shop / Interior Design Studio
Dr. Richard Shewbridge~ Cleveland Clinic Medina Hospital
Jaclyn Taylor ~ Westfield Group
Kelli Wagner ~ Medina County Women's Journal
Chamber Staff 

Jaclyn Ringstmeier, Executive Director |
Stephanie Mueller, Membership and Events Coordinator |
Rebecca Parkhurst, Accounting Manager |

Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce | 330-723-8773 |