May 2024 | Issue 42
The TriCircle Connection
Click here to visit our website today!

From the Desk of
Ana Gopoian

Changes the Game!

TriCircle is most certainly a volunteer-based
organization. Finding people who have skin in the game is not difficult, everyone knows someone who is affected by the disease of addiction. The hard part is finding volunteers from among those affected who share our vision, who are willing to focus intently on solutions and who have the courage and commitment to stay for the long haul. Let's face it, TriCircle would not exist without the people who have stepped up and stayed the course. Those who have given generously of their time, talent and treasure are the heart of our organization and the core of our success.

To say we are grateful seems like an understatement. In recent issues of this newsletter, we have talked about our incredible accomplishments, our rapid growth and our evolution into an entity that inspires individuals, families and communities to overcome the disease of addiction, and we have talked about gratitude, giving and grace.

We are now at a critical turning point in our evolution as an organization that requires a broader foundation. We are casting the net further and further into the waters to recruit more volunteers and to continue aggressively pursuing full implementation.

Please consider becoming part of the TriCircle family. Things can be better, and we can make them better together. We do not have the luxury of sitting still, not even for a moment, and we need your help in the following ways:

  • Become a member of the Board of Directors
  • Volunteer at one or more of our upcoming events - see calendar
  • Fundraising & Events
  • Communications & Public Relations
  • Social Media
  • Run one of four monthly Setback Games
  • Join the TriCircle Memorial Scholarship Committee
  • Help with Outreach into the Community

Please show your support in the most valuable way - by volunteering! It takes a village and...

Together WE are Stronger!

Email us by clicking here to learn more!

You can also help by sharing our website and our newsletter with anyone,
and everyone you know! To visit or share our "How You Can Help" page, click here. To share a free subscription to The TriCircle Connection, click here.

Spotlight On
Jay Majors
CT Barber Expo

The Barber Super Bowl, now in its 13th year, continues to break records at the CT Barber Expo. Hosted at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut, the event attracts celebrities, including rappers and influencers. 
Drawing participants from around the world, the expo features vendors, competitors, and guests. Attendees came from 43 U.S. states and 36 countries in 2023. The mecca of men’s grooming showcases leading brands, providing a prime opportunity for marketing. Whether in the barbering industry or not, the expo offers a platform to reach influencers and elevate brands, making the 2024 event a must-not-miss trade show.
WANTED: TriCircle Memorial Scholarship Applicants, Committee Members & Donors!
Two $1,000 scholarships are being offered to students whose lives have been impacted by the disease of addiction. Applications can be obtained by emailing and are also available online at, and at the TriCircle Office, 169 Colony St, Rm 28, Meriden, CT 06451. 
These Memorial Scholarships are made possible through donations. Since its inception in 2016, Ana and many others have created a birthday fundraiser on Facebook to seed the scholarship fund each year. If you are interested in making a donation or in creating a birthday fundraiser, please reach out to us for more information, or mail a check payable to TriCircle, 169 Colony St, Rm 28, Meriden, CT 06451, designating in the memo that the donation is for the Memorial Scholarship.
If you would like to honor a loved one, send his or her information with an optional photo to
Volunteers are the backbone of TriCircle’s success. The next Memorial Scholarship Committee will meet on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 9:30 AM via zoom. Please join us by sending your request to Your input is valued!

Spread the word so students will continue to benefit and the scholarship will continue to thrive. The 2024 forms are now available on our website. The application deadline is June 7.

Harmony Within: A Fusion of Yoga and Art for Self-Discovery

Nurture your body and soul through gentle yoga and meditative art in this transformative workshop. Take advantage of this opportunity to transform your well-being at no cost to participants! 
Nathalie Villeneuve
Dana Brinker
Check Out Our Website
and let us know what you think!
Come Relax Your Body, Center Your Soul,
and Focus Your Mind. IT'S FREE OF CHARGE!
Our upcoming Yoga sessions will be held at DiversaFit
549 Center Street, Wallingford, on the last Saturday of each month. Special thanks to DiversaFit for offering
our new location, free of charge!
TriCircle Presents Weekly
SMART Recovery Meetings
What is SMART Recovery? SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change. Join us!
Click here for the 2024 Calendar of Meetings.
What's Happening?
Pathway of Recovery Men's Group every Thursday at TriCircle (see flyer below)

TriCircle's Hope After Loss Support Group Meetings - Every Monday (see full schedule link below)

Harmony Within - Last Tuesday of each month, 4:30 - 6:30 pm at Master's Manna, just before the SMART Recovery Meeting (see flyer above)

SMART Recovery Meetings - Every Tuesday (see flyer and schedule below)

Drop In Setback Middlefield - Wednesday, May 1 & 15 (1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month - see flyer below)

Drop In Setback Wallingford - Wednesday, May 8 & 22 (2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month - see flyer below)

TriCircle's Hope & Support Group Meetings - Every Thursday (see full schedule link below)

Yoga at DiversaFit - Last Saturday of each Month (see information below)

TriCircle Memorial Quilt Square Making Opportunity - stay tuned on our Facebook and website. Supplies and light refreshments provided.

CT Barber Expo at Mohegan Sun - Saturday/Sunday/Monday, May 4-6 WE NEED VOLUNTEERS on Sunday and Monday! Contact to lend a helping hand.

Country Music Fest at Tamarack Lodge - Saturday, May 25 doors open at noon, music begins at 1:00pm. A portion of proceeds benefit TriCircle (Volunteers needed - contact Ceci Iliff at

LIVE PHISH Concert at Mohegan Sun - Tuesday, July 23 Earth Skybox Suite (tickets and details coming soon)

3rd Annual Hope After Loss Self Care Retreat - Saturday, September 14 (Rain Date: Saturday, September 21) The Story Barn, 952 Main Street, Somers, CT (For more information contact Paula LaJoie

3rd Annual Hope & Support Self Care Retreat - Sunday, September 15 (Rain Date: Sunday, September 22) The Story Barn, 952 Main Street, Somers, CT (For more information contact Paula LaJoie

Are you a PHISH Fan?

SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday, July 23!

This TriCircle Fundraiser offers limited seating and includes dinner. There will be an awesome raffle. For details regarding sponsorship or a raffle donation,
contact Tickets will go on sale through Eventbrite soon. Stay tuned to our website and Facebook page so you can see and hear it live in the
comfort of the Earth Skybox Suite!
1741 Pub & Grill
Join us for some great food,
fabulous friends and lots of fun!

10% of proceeds from all of our Setback games benefit The TriCircle Memorial Scholarship Fund!

Wood -n- Tap
970 North Colony Road
Wallingford, CT
Join us for some great food,
fabulous friends and lots of fun!

Looking for a purpose driven, fun and fulfilling opportunity to showcase your amazing gifts and talents and give back?

TriCircle is searching for people who are action oriented and passionate about our cause to work with the Memorial Scholarship Committee. We need your enthusiasm and creativity, and we welcome you to join us. If you are interested in honoring your loved one through our TriCircle Memorial Scholarship, please inquire about making a donation or joining the committee by contacting Trish Williams at:

If your superpower is planning, organizing, and/or helping to implement events, then here is your chance to shine - we need help with Fundraising & Events! Meetings will soon be established by new members who will convene once a month at
TriCircle, 169 Colony Street, 2nd Floor, Meriden

We need volunteers to help with the TriCircle booth at the 2024
CT Barber Expo at Mohegan Sun, Sunday - Monday, May 5 - 6!
Please consider lending a hand.
Contact to sign up!

Community Service Hours Are Available for All of the Above!

Together WE are Stronger!
Searching for a Compassionate Group That Truly Understands?
Click here for a full schedule for
Hope & Support Group meetings, including location.

Click here for full schedule of Hope After Loss
Group meetings, including location.

Zoom options will continue to be available
for both support groups. All are welcomed and encouraged to utilize these services at no cost.

TriCircle is located at

169 Colony Street
Second Floor, Room 28
Meriden, CT 06451

We are pleased to be located inside the Women and Families Center.
This allows for wonderful opportunities to expand
the reach of our support services and resources
as we cultivate this collaborative partnership.
This location also provides increased accessibility
on the bus line and nearby train station.

Together WE are Stronger!
Your input is greatly appreciated!

If any of our readers know of an organization, group or idea that will add strength, availability and reach
to our collaborations and services, please
reach out to us at

Do you enjoy reading our newsletter?

Do you know someone who might also like to
receive The TriCircle Connection each month?
Click here to sign them up.
Visit our website to learn more about
TriCircle and consider a donation today!
PayPal Giving and Venmo are also ways to give.
Click the images below or scan the QR code to find out how!