Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Dear People of St. Mark’s,

We are writing to you today to announce an important transition in Cathedral leadership.

Seasons of transition always include moments that are good, nourishing and energizing, and some that are challenging, disheartening, and difficult to face. We have no doubt encountered both in this season.

One of those challenges is the reality of the Cathedral’s financial situation. The wardens, council, and staff have, over the last year, shared the hard truth of the financial headwinds that the community has been and is facing, and have been working to find ways to put the Cathedral on a more stable and sustainable path.

It is critical that we begin that journey toward stability by staffing within our capacity. To move us further in that direction, Dean Lane Hensley has suggested that the position of Interim Dean be eliminated. This allows for the maximum financial impact and begins necessary restructuring. The council and Bishop Loya have concurred with and accepted this recommendation. Dean Hensely’s final service will be April 28.

As Dean Hensley steps away, Bishop Loya will be stepping in to fulfill several of the key executive functions of the Dean, providing support, oversight, and leadership at the Cathedral. The Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Cathedral statutes allow for this, and it is not uncommon for a bishop to fulfill this role during a transition between tenured deans.

Because it is not possible for the Bishop to oversee the daily pastoral and programmatic life of the cathedral, he has appointed the Reverend Tim Kingsley to serve as Provost. In this role, Tim will be in charge of, and the main contact for, all the day to day affairs of the Cathedral, and will also provide leadership to the staff and operations of the Cathedral, in close collaboration with the Bishop.

The Bishop will directly support our governance—regularly chairing council meetings, meeting with the Rev. Kingsley and the wardens on a regular basis to support the management of Cathedral affairs, and working with the council to begin structuring the search process for a new Dean.

Bishop Loya will be with us on April 28 to preach, celebrate Dean Hensley’s time with us, and host a congregational forum with the wardens and Father Tim.

We have worked together to discern a path forward that, while it feels faithful and right, we know also feels hard. The people of God at St. Mark’s have faced countless challenges in the past, and we will no doubt face them again in the future. In times of great challenge, as in times of great joy, the God who in this season brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ has sustained us, helped us find new life, and empowered us to reach out with the love of God to make this truly a house of prayer for all people. We are so thankful for this community. We ask you to join us in prayer as we seek to follow the way of Jesus in the coming months of our life together. 

Ms. Gina Christ, Senior Warden, on behalf of the council

The Rev. Lane Hensley

The Rt. Rev. Craig W. Loya


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