Saturday September 11
901 G Street, NW
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Shelves overflowing from all that COVID reading? We have a kindhearted solution to lightening your load! The MLK Library Friends are collecting gently used books.
They are seeking books in very good to excellent condition for a book sale that will support MLK library programs. There is a special call for:
Fiction * History * Children’s Books * Cookbooks * Political Books *Art and Architecture * Biography * Science Fiction * Science* Coffee Table Books * DVD movies
Please note that following will NOT be accepted textbooks, magazines and journals, VHS tapes, law books, reference books including encyclopedia and dictionaries, travel books over four years old, or dirty, dusty or water damaged books.
Kindly bring your books to a volunteer in the MLK Library vestibule on Saturday and a volunter will look over the book donation and offer a receipt.