There are times in life when the simple words “thank you” seem totally inadequate.
That is exactly how I feel as I retire after 42 years of service on the clergy roster in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. God has blessed me in so many ways to serve such wonderful saints of His and to serve alongside so many wonderful saints of His.
It has been my honor and privilege to serve you at St. Paul’s over the past 10 years, five as your associate pastor and then five as your senior pastor. With the completion of the Tell the Next Generation ministry expansion campaign, a world-wide pandemic, the Tell the Wonders He Has Done ministry expansion campaign — and on a personal level — a hip replacement and a shoulder replacement, life has been anything but boring!
I have said to several people that I only wish I were 10 years younger at this point. I truly believe that the next 10 years and beyond at St. Paul’s are going to be incredible in terms of what God is going to do. He has blessed us at St. Paul’s over the past 175 years, and we have seen His blessings in some incredible ways over the past five years! How exciting the next ten years and beyond are going to be!
As is customary and best, Anne and I will be “going away” for a while. This is not because it is what we want to do, but rather because this is what is best for all concerned. There needs to be a separation for a while so that all concerned can focus on the future in a new and different way. At some point in the not-too-distant future, we hope to return and be with you again as members and fellow worshipers in the family of faith at St. Paul’s.
However imperfectly, I have always tried to live my life knowing that it is our gracious God who rightly deserves all the praise and thanks for all the good that occurs. My favorite reminder of this is Psalm 115:1, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” It is God’s steadfast love and faithfulness that results in all that is good and worthy of praise. It is His steadfast love and faithfulness that resulted in the sending of His Son, our Savior, to make atonement for all sin and all evil!
And so, dear friends at St. Paul’s, “thank you.” Thank you for the honor of serving you! Thank you for your expressions of love, support, and encouragement over the past 10 years! Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!