Friday e-BLAST

All e-Blast communications can also be viewed on our church website Waterville United Methodist Church (

Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Palm Sunday
April 2nd – 10:30 am service

The Sunday before Easter commemorates Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem walking on palm branches before his Holy Thursday arrest.

Please join us for an Easter Egg hunt immediately following the service. Children through 6th grade are welcome to participate in this egg-citing event.

All egg hunters will be awarded a sack-full of goodies! Please bring your own baskets (we will have some bags on hand too).
We are accepting candy donations for this event in the office or
Sunday School rooms!

Easter Flowers

Envelopes to order Easter flowers will be located in the backs of the chairs in the Sanctuary or on the Welcome Table in the Gathering Space.

Flowers will be $10
We will be taking our prayers to the community on Good Friday, talking time to pray for the residents, business, and people who call Waterville home.

We ask that you bring a cross to carry. We begin at the church at noon and will circle the block. (Pray Blvd. to Waterville-Swanton Rd to Waterville-Monclova Rd and back to the church). As we walk, we will take time to pause, read from the provided scripture passages, and pray for who and what you see around you.

Children (and those with a childlike spirit) are encouraged to participate. We will have sidewalk chalk available for those who choose to pray through creative expression.

The sanctuary will be open during this time for prayer also.

 Join the B&B Bible Study Group on Thursday mornings, 7:30 am at Dale’s Diner downtown Waterville.

They cover Oswald Chambers
“My Utmost For His Highest”. 
Open to men and women. A great time with Jesus and others!

WUMC Chair Yoga & Light Weight Strength Class for Seniors

Join Sara Kirby as she leads a 45minute class of seated and standing yoga. poses to increase flexibility, balance, and range of motion. Seated light weight resistant moves to increase muscle tone and strength. Finish with a final relaxation to promote mental clarity and reduce stress. (Bring your own weights 1-6lbs).

Cost is $12 month, or $3 per session

Youth Alive Teen Group at
Waterville United Methodist Church 

Sunday, April 16th
6:30 PM- 8:00 PM

Grades 7-12

Snacks will be provided.
Lenten Devotions 2023: Friday, March 31st
Focus: Following Jesus is easy when everything runs smoothly. The cross is our reality check. Looking at a crucifix reminds us of suffering. Looking at an empty cross reminds us of the resurrection. Either way this is our story. Sometimes it is easier to focus on the beauty and glory of the resurrection. That’s what the early Christians tried to do but the world remembered the cross of crucifixion. The cross was the most shameful way to die in their world. When all was said and done, the manner of your death most revealed your character. Furthermore, the disciples ran and hid in fear of the Roman authorities. Women were the first to see the risen Jesus. In a patriarchal society these actions were suspect. This did not give credibility to Jesus. The martyrdom of Jesus was a stumbling block to His divinity. These thoughts still plague many today.
Prayer: Almighty God, Jesus, out of love for us, you endured the shame of the cross. May we never be ashamed of You, Jesus? May we be ever grateful that Your shame is our gift of new life? Amen
Read: Romans 9:33 NIV
 As it is written: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”
Meditation: The world finds the bloody Jesus hard to understand. Do you know people like that? They challenge us. How prepared are we to defend our Jesus? What do we tell them? How does sin play into the conversation? Are you ready to defend your Lord or could the world shame you into being quiet?
Benediction:   “May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence.” 11 Peter 1:2-3
Friday Funny
Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Email Us / 419.878.3645 / 7115 Waterville Monclova Rd. Waterville, OH 43566
We offer several worship opportunities: