October 18, 2024
Join us as we embark on a compelling six-week journey through the Book of Daniel. We'll explore how faith can thrive even in the most challenging circumstances. The stories of Daniel and his friends offer more than just ancient history; they provide a roadmap for believers, even to today.
In our first week of Exiles, we'll explore how Daniel and his friends resolved to remain faithful to God's ways despite the pressures of Babylonian culture. We'll discuss practical ways to maintain our spiritual identity in a world that often challenges our beliefs and convictions. Join us as we learn from Daniel's example how to live as 'exiles' - fully engaged in our world, yet always mindful of our true citizenship and allegiance to Christ.
Michael Turner, Executive Pastor, will be teaching in the Auditorium for the Contemporary Worship services; Bill Bouknight, Retired GMC Guest Pastor, will be preaching in the Sanctuary for the Traditional Worship services.
For those worshiping remotely, you're invited to watch our services online, on Facebook and YouTube.