October 18, 2024

Join us as we embark on a compelling six-week journey through the Book of Daniel. We'll explore how faith can thrive even in the most challenging circumstances. The stories of Daniel and his friends offer more than just ancient history; they provide a roadmap for believers, even to today.

In our first week of Exiles, we'll explore how Daniel and his friends resolved to remain faithful to God's ways despite the pressures of Babylonian culture. We'll discuss practical ways to maintain our spiritual identity in a world that often challenges our beliefs and convictions. Join us as we learn from Daniel's example how to live as 'exiles' - fully engaged in our world, yet always mindful of our true citizenship and allegiance to Christ.

Michael Turner, Executive Pastor, will be teaching in the Auditorium for the Contemporary Worship services; Bill Bouknight, Retired GMC Guest Pastor, will be preaching in the Sanctuary for the Traditional Worship services.

For those worshiping remotely, you're invited to watch our services online, on Facebook and YouTube.

Disaster Relief

At Mt. Horeb, we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus when disaster strikes. Many families in Western North Carolina are in need. If you know of those in need of assistance, willing to serve, willing to donate financially or donate supplies needed, please visit our website at for all details.


We are partnering with the Global Methodist Church and emergency responders to get items to the needy families in the hardest hit areas. Please drop your donations off Monday through Thursday from 11 AM-1PM and 4-6 PM and on Sunday mornings from 8:45-11:30 AM. We will collect items for the month of October. Look for the Donations Dropoff banner at the white metal garage across the far west end of the parking lot. All items needed can be found here.

Hymn Sing

We are excited to invite you to another Hymn Sing on Sunday night, October 27, in the Sanctuary at 6 PM. For those unfamiliar with a hymn sing, it’s the old-fashioned way with just the use of our hymnals and a piano. We’ll sing any of your favorite hymns you request. It’ll be such a fun night of worship for the whole family, so don’t miss it!

Rooted: GMC Student Conference

The Global Methodist Church of South Carolina’s Youth, will hold its first student ministry event on Saturday, October 26 from 9 AM to 4 PM, here at Mt. Horeb Church. This event will bring together several hundred middle and high school students from GMC churches across South Carolina for worship, teaching, breakout sessions, and more. Mt. Horeb has a limited number of spaces secured for our students to purchase for only $25. Register here.

Immersion Baptism

Our next immersion baptism will be November 17 in our Contemporary services. As Global Methodists, we believe that baptism is an outward sign of an inward work that God is doing in our lives and because God’s work is perfect, we believe in only being baptized once. If you are someone who has never been baptized and would be interested in being fully immersed under the water, or if you’d like to learn more about baptism, please plan to attend our upcoming immersion baptism class on either Sunday, October 27 at 12:30 PM or Wednesday, October 30 at 7:30 PM. Once you’ve completed the class, we’ll schedule you for baptism on November 17 or a future date. Register at

An Evening with Steven Curtis Chapman

Join us for an Evening with Steven Curtis Chapman on Friday, November 8 at 7 PM as Concerts at Mt. Horeb hosts this inspirational Christian artist. In a career that has spanned more than three decades, Steven Curtis Chapman is the most awarded artist in Christian music history. With 59 Gospel Music Association (GMA) Dove Awards, five GRAMMY® Awards, an American Music Award and a historic 50 No. 1 singles, he has sold more than sixteen million albums with ten RIAA-Certified® Gold or Platinum albums to his credit. Tickets are now on sale at

Travel With Friends/Christian Marriage Cruise

Pastor Jeff and Lynn are hosts for a Christian Marriage Cruise to the Caribbean on January 18-25. Travel With Friends has put a wonderful week together for couples interesed in strengthening their marraige while enjoying the beautiful scenery in the Caribbean. Click here for more information or to register for the trip. Email and we willl let Pastor Jeff know you are coming!

Online Bulletin

If you can't be here on Sunday morning, stay connected through our online bulletin. You can see our weekly financial report as well as a list of needs to pray over. Click here to view our weekly bulletin.