17th Street and 20th Street Bike Lanes
On June 30, ANC2B convened a listening session for DDOT to present its plans as set forth in the Notices of Intent (NOIs) for two bike lanes in Dupont Circle.

DCCA applauds ANC 2B for convening the meeting. With respect to the West Dupont project, DDOT emphatically reaffirmed that the agreed upon plan, which was established after two well attended public sessions, and which provides for protected bike lanes on both 20th Street in Dupont and 21st Street in Foggy Bottom should not be modified. Several commentators including DCCA, supported DDOT's position but urged DDOT to find a solution to bring the bike lane up to R Street.   

With respect to the 17th Street NOI, DCCA and others objected to a process which did not allow for any meaningful community input before the NOI was issued and with its proposed finalization of the plan by the end of the summer. This timeline leaves little time for serious consideration of the community's concerns.

DCCA remains troubled by the process adopted, the failure to engage the entire ANC in the process, the varied pedestrian safety issues raised by the plan and the loading concerns raised by the wide variety of businesses operating on 17th street.

Looking ahead, DCCA will formalize a set of principles to develop its comprehensive comments to DDOT which will be circulated to DCCA members in the coming weeks for input and comment. While we recognize the desirability of facilitating safe biking on this important street, it does not have to be at the expense of pedestrians and businesses.
DC COVID-19 Updates and Response
As always you can find the DC Government's COVID-19 informational update here. The page contains continually updated news, resources, and data on the public health emergency.

  • They Mayor's June 30 Situational Update lists testing sites, grocery distribution programs for students and their families.

  • The update also reminds that even outdoor activities require safety precautions and provides guidance on how to plan. This includes, keeping aware of the space to guest ratio, discouraging large groups, keeping a list of guests in case it is needed for contact tracing, ensuring guests can practice proper hand hygiene (have soap and water and/or hand sanitizer available), limiting the use of shared items (e.g. use single-use towels instead of a shared hand towel) , etc.

The testing curve has flattened but the virus has not been eradicated. Click here to see the update and review the reminders on remaining vigilant with safety guidelines.
Highlighting DCCA Members Work to Keep Dupont Green
A new oak tree has been planted in the triangle park at 18 th and Q Streets.

The tree was co-sponsored by DCCA and members Robin Diener and Bonnie Garrity.

Bill McLeod of Historic Dupont Main Streets arranged for it to be planted.
Let's Take Your 4th of July Cookout Spread to the Next Level....
You have shucked the corn, formed the burger patties and squeezed the lemonade but have you considered adding...

  • Boozy Cherry Bombs?
  • BBQ Chicken?
  • Red White and Blue Cheesecake Strawberries?
  • An American Flag S'mores Dip?

...to your table? Those fun recipes and more can be found here.
Smithsonian Classes Move Online
Crank up the AC and peruse the list of Nearly 100 Online Programs from the Smithsonian.

The Washingtonian reports that the Smithsonian will be releasing 91 new digital programs that the public can access through its new Smithsonian Associates Streaming platform.

Its studio art classes, virtual tours, expert lectures, and more will be held on Zoom throughout the summer. From astronomy to true-crime to anthropology and wine, the collection is bound to offer something for everyone.

This is the first time Smithsonian Associates has released all of its educational and cultural programs online. Lecture ticket prices are $20-$25 for SA members; $25-$30 for non-members; art class prices vary.
How to Become an ANC Commissioner: Petitions Now Available
Your Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC)  provides people with a greater say in the matters that affect their neighborhoods, to bring government closer to the people and to bring the people closer to government. ANCs are a unique feature of the District's Home Rule Charter since 1976. 

Dupont Circle is represented by ANC2B with nine Commissioners. Each Commissioner has a Single Member District (SMD) and represents about 2,000 residents. Corcoran Street NW neighbor Susan Meehan served on the first Dupont Circle ANC. The Ward 2 ANC map can be viewed  here .

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners  are non-partisan, serve two-year terms without pay and are elected at DC Elections in November in even-numbered years. 

The ANCs' main job is to be their neighborhood's official voice in advising the District government (and Federal agencies) on things that affect their neighborhoods. Although not required to follow the ANCs' advice, District agencies are required to give the ANCs' recommendations  "great weight"  on certain issues. 

Moreover, District law says that agencies cannot take any action that will significantly affect a neighborhood unless they give the affected ANCs 30 days advance notice. This includes zoning, streets, recreation, education, social services, sanitation, planning, safety, budget, and health services. The ANCs may also initiate recommendations for improving city services, conduct neighborhood improvement programs, and monitor resident complaints.

Qualifications:   To have your name on the November 3, 2020 ballot you must be a registered voter and have lived in your Single Member District (SMD) for 60 days prior to turning in your nomination petition. The deadline for turning in your petition this year is Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 t herefore you must have begun living in your SMD no later than June 6th, 2020. The petitions are now available at dcboe.org .

Because of covid-19 there will be a different procedure this year for nomination petitions. Instead of requiring the signatures of 25 other registered voters of your SMD, only 10 will be required. Petitions will also be available electronically, and they may be turned in electronically. More information on these procedures will be on the Board of Elections website ( dcboe.org ) once they are available.
Local Newslinks of Note
NAACP, long headquartered in Baltimore, will move to 14th and U Streets in D.C. - LINK

How 28-year-old Brooke Pinto became D.C.’s youngest-ever council member - LINK

D.C. statehood approved by U.S. House for first time in history - LINK

How D.C.’s Live Music Venues Are Trying To Survive The Pandemic - LINK

An All-You-Can-Eat Crab Deck Is Popping Up at Union Market This Summer - LINK
Membership runs through the calendar year.

DCCA membership is open to residents, businesses and supporters of the Dupont Circle neighborhood according to the Association's Bylaws.
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | info@dupont-circle.org | www.dupont-circle.org