~Prizes Include Monetary Awards, International Publicity and Continuing Education Classes~
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FOFA is announcing its seventh concurso (contest) for young folk artists who live and work in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. This year’s concurso will take place February 7 - 22, 2025, and its theme is “My Story In My Hands” (Mi Historia Entre Mis Manos). There is NO entry fee, and it’s open to artisans 35 years of age and younger.
“We’re thrilled to once again be inviting young Oaxacan artesanos to submit their works and gain recognition for their artistry,” said Margee Rogers, chairperson of FOFA-U.S. “What’s more, the concursos shine a light on many Oaxacan families’ rich, multi-generational folk art traditions.”
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Starting with the first concurso in 2008, FOFA has organized these popular events in conjunction with MEAPO (Museo Estatal del Arte Popular de Oaxaca), the state of Oaxaca’s official folk art museum, based in the town of San Bartolo Coyotepec. Nearly 200 young Oaxacan artisans have participated over the years, with many going on to gain both domestic and international acclaim. | |
FOFA’s Oaxaca-based director, Gina Barrionuevo (center), delivers a flyer announcing the 7th concurso to acclaimed ceramic artist, Leticia Aguilar (left), and her teenage son, Leandro (right). Leandro is a fourth-generation folk artist. His grandmother is the world-renowned red clay pottery artist, Josefina Aguilar. The talented Aguilar family exemplifies the multi-generational nature of Oaxaca’s folk art traditions. | |
The folk art categories that will be open for entries include:
- woven rugs and wall hangings;
- textiles (woven cotton, wool, silk and embroidered clothing, accessories and home goods);
- ceramics (black, terracotta and painted red clay objects);
- sculptural wood carving;
- decorative painting of carved wood;
- various (tinwork, totomoxtle, dried flower art, jewelry, basketry, carved bone, paper maché, wax objects and more).
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Gina Barrionuevo delivers a 2025 concurso announcement to artist Laura Raymundo at her family’s workshop in the village of San Antonino. Laura and her sister Montserrat create unique artworks out of dried flowers (flores inmortales), a traditional but increasingly rare folk art. | |
The process for inviting participants begins this month, with FOFA’s Oaxaca-based director Gina Barrionuevo, and consultant Mónica Diaz, traveling to villages throughout the state to personally distribute printed cards, posters and flags announcing the contest. Gina and Mónica are committed to encouraging a wider swath of young artesanos to participate this year, helped by the recent opening of a new highway that reduces the time from Oaxaca City to communities in the southernmost part of the state. | |
A poster announcing the upcoming young artists contest hanging in the town center of Mitla, a village in Oaxaca’s Valles Centrales (Central Valleys). | |
The panel of judges for FOFA-U.S.’s seventh concurso will include five experts in Mexican folk art and culture: Marta Turok of Mexico City, and Francisco Guevara, Linda Hanna, Moises Garcia Nava, and Linda Marston Reid of Oaxaca. They will evaluate all entries using criteria such as use of traditional folk art techniques, originality of design, and creativity/artistic expression.
Monetary awards will be given to the First, Second and Third Prize winners and recipients of honorable mentions in each of the six categories. All winners’ and honorees’ works will be commemorated in a handsome four-color catalogue distributed to them at the grand opening ceremony for an exhibition of their work, to be held at MEAPO later in the year. And, throughout 2025 and beyond, FOFA will offer winners and honorees classes and workshops in Oaxaca that have been specially developed to support their artistry and entrepreneurialism.
Please consider making a donation to FOFA so we can encourage more young artisans than ever before to participate in our seventh concurso! We appreciate your interest and support!
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Your donations have made these initiatives possible!
Please make an anniversary gift to support FOFA's efforts to enable talented young Oaxacan artists
achieve sustainable livelihoods.
For a comprehensive look at FOFA's programs, visit our website at:
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Thank you!
47 Plaza St W #7a
Brooklyn, NY 11217-3905
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