Northwood School Laker

January 26, 2024

Notice: The Star Party that was scheduled for tonight has been canceled due to the weather. A new date will be announced in the near future.

Tech Tip

Did you get a really neat drone for Christmas? Well, it turns out the amount of drones sold in the last two months have increased by a huge amount. Everything from cheap $20 ones you can buy at a convenience store (which I have and is now stuck in a tree), to the ones that cost hundreds of dollars and can even carry payloads. If you are now into the drone hobby, keep in mind that when you fly your drone, you are responsible for any damage that may incur due to you crashing into something belonging to someone else. Also, keep in mind that your neighbor's property includes the air above up to 200 feet. So in some towns you could get in trouble for trespassing by flying over someone's house or property. Especially, if you get it stuck on their roof and have to get it down. (Like I did a couple months back.) Just a couple of pointers to keep in mind while using your drone.

~ Steve Robert, Technology Director

News from the Library

Students in Ms. Ahlberg's class did a great job in Library class today! The students went onto the Library of Congress website to look at photographs that Lewis Wickes Hine took of child labor in the early 20th century. They shared their ideas in small groups and drew conclusions on the children's working/living conditions based on the primary sources they looked at. Historians in the making!

News from Kindergarten

The kindergarteners have been very busy learning addition. We are all very proud of our math quilts featuring addition problems with sums up to 10, and fancy patterned borders. They are going to look great hung up in our rooms!

From the Northwood School District Clerk:

The following positions are open for the March school district elections:

School Board Member: 3 year- 2 positions

School District Moderator: 3 year- 1 position

School District Treasurer: 3 year - 1 position

School District Clerk: 3 year- 1 position

The filing dates for the above vacancy is January 24, 2024 to February 2, 2024, 5 P.M. 

Anyone interested in running for this position, please contact the School District Clerk at Email:, by phone, 603-234-8609, or leave a message at the school.

Thank you,

Penny Hampl

Northwood School District Clerk

School & Community Information

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

Important Dates

February 7 - School Board meeting, 6:30

February 8 - Deliberative Session, 6:00

February 13 - Kindergarten Nursery Rhyme Show, 9:30 - 10:30

February 16 - 6-8 Dance, 6:30 - 8:30

February 21 - School Board meeting, 6:30

February 26 - March 1 - February vacation 

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
