April 2023

The spring term is nearly at the close and the flowers and sunshine are reminding us that there will be a day, soon hopefully, when we will complain about heat and wish for rain... 

As we close out the term, some of you may already be thinking about prepping summer courses or renewing courses for September. Before you close the door on this term, we invite you to take a moment to reflect on how things went with each of your courses, keeping it discrete and concrete: what’s one thing that I enjoyed/worked well, what’s one thing that didn’t work well, and what’s one thing I’d like to try next time?

If you’d like to turn your reflection into small actionable changes you can implement in your teaching practice next term, attend our upcoming Course Re-Design workshop (May 15-17) or book a consultation with one of our CTE members! 

And while you’re at it... 

Complete our Faculty Needs Assessment to help us prioritize and plan to support your practice. It’s a short survey that shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete!  

Finally, the CTE is delighted to share two announcements in this newsletter with the Capilano University community. First, we are proud to announce the 2023 Teaching Excellence Award Recipients. Second, we have booked two Keynote Speakers for the upcoming Capilano University Teaching and Learning Symposium. Please scroll down to learn more. 

Brit Paris, Director, Teaching and Learning, and the CTE Team

2023 Teaching Excellence Award

As a teaching-focused university, we could not be prouder of the exceptional response from students to this year’s call for nomination for the 2023 Teaching Excellence Awards. In the 399 detailed nominations received, students recognized the work of 158 faculty who inspired them with a distinct learning experience that:

  • Transformed their learning
  • Fostered a sense of learning community in their classes
  • Used interactive teaching methods that valued student perspectives and diverse ways of knowing and being
  • Supported student health and well-being


We are incredibly fortunate to have so many inspiring and dedicated instructors at Capilano University!


This year's award recipients are:

School of Kinesiology

School of Performing Arts—Jazz

School of Performing Arts—Jazz

School of Access and Academic Preparation

School of Social Science

Jerome Genz

Kofi J.S. Gbolonyo

Laura Harrison

David Kirk

Emma Trottier

Symposium Keynotes - Registration Now Open! 

Mark your calendars! May 2nd – 4th we’ll be hosting our annual 2023 CapU Teaching and Learning Symposium: Centering Health and Wellness in Teaching and Learning. You can now register here! 

Come learn and reconnect with colleagues, share ideas about teaching and learning, and celebrate our Teaching Excellence Awards recipients (announcement coming soon!).  

Peter Felten, from Elon University, will be delivering our online Keynote address. His talk will be about a new, free online resource for students: Connections are Everything: A College Student’s Guide to Relationship-Rich Education

Sally Stewart, from UBC Okanagan, will be delivering our in-person Keynote address. Her talk will be about ”healthifying” our curriculum and the impact of wellbeing on student academic success. 

Read more about our Keynote speakers here.

Thank you to all of you who submitted proposals for sessions. We are looking forward to engaging with your work and will be reaching out to you soon! 

Welcome Marina Tourlakis and Yi Cui 

 Please join us in welcoming Yi and Marina to the CTE team! 

Marina Tourlakis, PhD, has joined the CTE team as an Educational Developer until April 30, 2023. Marina is a science educator with over 8 years' experience in course (re)design, development and delivery at the university level. She is keen to share her experiences for using interdisciplinary learning, inquiry-based lab learning, student-centred pedagogies, and process-based pedagogies with faculty. 

Yi Cui, PhD, joins us as an Educational Developer as of April 1, 2023. Yi has extensive experience in teaching, research, and instructional development. She is enthusiastic about improving teaching and learning through design, technology, and learning analytics. 

What We’re Reading 

ChatGPT and Academic Integrity 

Academics continue to wrestle with what the advent of generative AI tools means for post-secondary education. There are a lot of blogposts, opeds, and articles coming out on this topic. Here’s a recent one that focuses on the Canadian context: How are Canadian postsecondary students using ChatGPT? 

“Technologies like ChatGPT can provide an invaluable resource for students who need technical terms explained in plain language or wish to have assignment questions reworded, for example. Further, higher rates of ChatGPT usage among international students could reflect a deficit in available institutional supports for students whose first language is not English.” 

EdTech RoundUp

Moodle 4.1 Upgrade – Monday, May 1st, 2023 

There will be an eLearn outage from 5:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Monday, May 1st 2023 – during this time IT will be upgrading the eLearn site to the latest version of Moodle. You and your students will not have access to eLearn during this time.  This is a major upgrade that will change the layout of your course and add some new features.  

Here are some suggestions to help you prepare for the switch: 

Course: Introduction to eLearn, Topic: Strategies for Adapting to 4.1 ( 

To help with the transition to this new version of eLearn, the CTE will be holding a series of online drop-in workshops from noon to 1pm on the following dates: 

  • April 12, 2023 
  • April 26, 2023 

We’ll take a look at your course in the new format and talk about strategies for working with the new layout and features. If you’d like to join us, see the events calendar for the Zoom link. 

If you have any questions about preparing for the upgrade, please feel free to reach out to us at 

Interested in a workshop specifically for your department? Contact EdTech.

Access to the Dev Server 

If you would like access to the development server to check out your course before May 1st (for testing purposes only), send a request to

Upcoming Events and Workshops

New Faculty Orientation

(in person) April 25 Time: 9am-3pm

*Coordinators, please encourage your new hires to attend!* 

Offerings in the Certificate in University Teaching and Learning

Course Re-Design

(In Person) May 15, 16, 17 Time: 9am-4pm

Inclusive Teaching Practices

(In Person) June 12-14, Time: 9 am-4pm 

Instructional Skills Workshop

(In Person) May 24, 25, 26 Time: 8:30am-4:30pm

Upcoming Conferences and Symposia 

Capilano Teaching & Learning Symposium

(Online) May 2, 2023; (In Person) May 3 & 4, 2023

Registration now open!

University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching

(Online) April 26-28, 2023

University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference

(Online pre-conference) May 3, 2023

(In Person) May 4, 2023

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

(In Person) June 13-16, 2023

ISSOTL23 – International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

(In Person) November 8-11, 2023; Utrecht, Netherlands

Events – BCcampus 

Explore recordings of past workshops and seminars and register for upcoming ones!

Connect with Us

Looking for a workshop or a faculty learning community on a specific topic? Interested in professional development for your department? Contact us at

We are also available for 1:1 Consultations, in-person and virtually.

Drop by Fir 402 Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm

or reach out to book a specific time from the link below. 

Book your appointment now   

The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) fosters excellence, innovation, and collaboration in teaching and learning by supporting faculty and staff through programming, mentoring, professional development opportunities, and research on effective teaching.