Harvesting Hope & Strengthening Faith

It is a great privilege to present some of the valuable ministry that the teams of CCI-Myanmar have done in the last month. We cannot stop thanking the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness upon the teams and teachers' ministry even during this difficult time. May His name be highly praised and honored forever! 

Pastor and some of CCI students were very committed to the Lord's harvest. Since group meetings were not allowed, they chose to look after the needs of the community. The picture shows one of the services they provided – the dedication of a farm to support a family. The family was so happy and thanked God for His servants. Acts of love like these help families and strengthen their faith in the Lord. 

Pastor S visited pastors and ministers individually to observe each ministry and to encourage them to start discipleship training. Three out of eleven have received books to study before they are ready to start the training. Most of them are in the process. Pastor S is very happy to be a part of the CCI family and is very active in the ministry. He will be holding seminars in the coming months

I had a golden opportunity to visit my people in Malaysia from March 11-25. I led a Bible study on the Book of Acts for one week at a local church and a seminar on God’s Financial Principles (GFP) in the other week with another home cell group. I was so encouraged by the hunger of the participants.

Later, with the Regional Director of the India Subcontinent and a CCI leader from India, we held a Teachers Training Workshop (TTW) at a church.

They are ready to start the CCI training class in Malaysia in the Burmese translation. It was a good experience working in the ministry together. The ministry is expanding. Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support.

May the Lord richly bless you,

CCI Myanmar National Director

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"I belong to the Asho Chin tribe and live on the western coast of Myanmar. I became a Christian and received water baptism when I was a teenager. I spent most of my young life drinking alcohol with my friends and was not a good father at all until I met Pastor B, who encouraged me to study the Bible. Throughout my studies, I reflected on my old life and clearly saw that my belief system was not right. I recommitted my life to Jesus Christ again. I am so thankful to the Lord God Almighty for His patience with me.

I finished my study of CCI courses in 2015. Since I graduated, I have started sharing my testimony with my old friends and relatives, while committing my life to assisting my pastor in the church to the best of my ability. Now, I can see that God is at work and that there are fruits of my efforts. My friends have committed their lives to Christ, and this impact has also reached my own family and relatives. I can’t imagine my life if I had not encountered the life-changing CCI training. God bless the CCI."

Praise points:

o  Praise God for the safe travel and exciting ministry opportunities with my fellow believers in Malaysia, alongside the Regional Director of the India Subcontinent and his family. It was a rewarding experience collaborating together for the advancement of the gospel. 

o  I have communicated with the four area leaders who are in good physical condition. Their family members are also doing well.

o  Pastor B and his entire family are now fully recovered from seasonal flu for over a week.

o  Three pastors, under the leadership of Pastor S, have received BTCP books and are now preparing to start CCI training. 



Prayer points:

o  Pastor B had a three-day evangelistic seminar among the Buddhist and animistic community from April 5-7. Pray that many souls will come back to Christ through their preaching of the good news of Jesus. 

o  Pray also for CCI graduates who are actively involved in spreading the good news, that many people may come to Christ through their voluntary service. 

o  Pray for the two churches that attended the workshop in Malaysia, that they may receive the materials soon and start training their own people to become better ministers in the community. 

o  Pastor S is planning to have seminars on TTW and GFP in two places during water festival. Pray that many will come to understand the need to make disciples in the church.

o  My friend Joseph and I are going to Thailand for a CCI church planting seminar from April 21-26. Both of us desperately need your prayers and financial support for our round-trip flights. Each person needs $218 for the round trips.

o  Pray for my wife, who was hospitalized for three days for a minor operation of stapled Hemorrhoidectomy. She is now at home but very weak physically. Family support is very important. Our family needs God's healing hands and guidance.

o  Keep praying for peace and justice in Myanmar.

o  This devaluation of our support is drastically affecting our family’s food budget. We are asking the Lord to provide an increase of $250.00 per month to meet these basic needs. Please consider making a new monthly commitment today to help meet this need. We thank you in advance for your help. 

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