From the Desk of Dr. Mark Rollefson, Superintendent of the Yorkville Joint #2 School District

November 1, 2022 | Issue #12

Molybdenum In Our Drinking Water

As promised in my last month’s newsletter, I would provide you information regarding Molybdenum in our drinking water.

One year ago in October of 2021, Yorkville administration brought in Jesse Jensen, an expert from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), to speak to the Board of Education regarding the levels of Molybdenum in our drinking water.  Mr. Jensen was very knowledgeable and provided great information for the Board of Education to consider.

If you read the October 2022 Newsletter, you can see that our Board of Education has included this drinking water issue in our facility and grounds study.

Much of the information provided in this newsletter has been gathered from Jesse Jensen of the DNR.  Some important background information is as follows:

  • Molybdenum (Mo) is not a regulated contaminant by the DNR’s Public Water Supply Program.
  • The naturally occurring levels of Mo in groundwater are comparatively low.
  • The U.S. Geologic Survey found a median value of 1 microgram/Liter nationwide.
  • In most circumstances, well owners do not need to include Mo during annual well testing.
  • Higher concentrations of Mo have been found in soil or groundwater typically in conjunction with spills or some historic waste disposal practices.
  • There are NO federal or state drinking water standards for Mo.

There is some history of increased amounts of Mo in Southeast Wisconsin.  WE Energies reported elevated Mo levels taken from private water supplies in August 2009.  Samples taken were a part of a land-use agreement with the Village of Caledonia for the WE Energies Oak Creek Power Plant Property.  Rumors at the time speculated this property to be the source.

Both WE Energies and Duke University did separate studies.  Both investigative studies concluded that coal ash deposited on the property was not the source.  

Although there are no federal or state drinking water standards for Mo, in 2006 the WI Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater recommended a threshold of 40 micrograms per Liter.  In 2013, after the studies cited above, the Bureau changed this number to 90 micrograms per Liter.  This interim number of 90 is still in place today.  It was at this time (2013) that Yorkville School disconnected our drinking water fountains and supplied students and staff with water purchased from Culligan.

In 2019, Yorkville Elementary School received the following from the WI-DNR: 

“There has been detects of Molybdenum above the Health Advisory Level.  The department record of a sample completed on February 25, 2013 with a result of 124 micrograms per Liter.  The Health Advisory Level for this contaminant is 90 micrograms per Liter.  Molybdenum is not a federal Safe Drinking Water Act regulated contaminant, however due the elevated levels of Mo it is recommended that the school use an alternate low Molybdenum source of water and post a public notice informing customers not to drink the water.”

The WI-DNR suggested we purchase drinking water in 2019.  Yorkville School made that decision back in 2013.

We have been purchasing our water from Culligan and providing students and staff with disposable cups to use.  Since 2013, the average annual cost to the district has been about $9,700.  This is approximately $97,000 from 2013 to date.

We certainly value health and safety over cost, but if the Mo issue can be resolved in a safe manner, while also saving the district these dollars, it is worth the investigation.

We started testing our well water for Molybdenum in 2021 on a monthly basis.  The results are as follows:

Clearly our numbers, other than two months, are consistently above the recommended level.

When considering health, people are generally exposed to low levels of Mo daily.  Most of this exposure is from food.  Low levels of Mo can also naturally be found in drinking water.  While low levels of Mo are required for health, high levels may cause health effects.  Studies in research animals have shown that eating or drinking high levels of Mo can damage kidneys and liver, and affect reproduction and development.

There are a number of mitigation options to consider including alternative water sources, such as the water we order from Culligan.  The Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) has approved water treatment devices and processes called reverse osmosis.  It appears this is more cost effective for homes, as opposed to a facility, like a school.

NEXUS solutions is working with the DNR, plumbers, architects, and engineers to provide us a solution.  In the meantime, we will continue to offer clean and safe water ordered from Culligan.

Clearly, the primary purpose of this newsletter article is to update you on the status of Molybdenum in our drinking water.  However, a secondary purpose inherently exists.  I would be remiss in not taking the opportunity to briefly share.  That is, earning the trust of our constituents.

To not share this information regarding Molybdenum, or hide behind it, would be out of weakness or fear.  Fear that people might phone us, worried whether their children are safe, or inquiring what we are doing to fix this.  Worse yet, if we did not share this information, you may never know.  We certainly welcome phone calls.

Alternatively, sharing this information with our parents, staff, community members, and business partners is transparent.  It is our intent to assure you that we are holding ourselves accountable to indeed be transparent when issues arise, while seeking solutions.  Not only do you entrust us with your children each day of the school year, you also expect us to be good stewards of your hard earned tax dollars.  Thank you.

I plan to keep our parents, community, staff, local businesses, and other partners informed over the upcoming months.


I am hopeful this newsletter was informative.  Feedback is welcomed.  My email address is  I appreciate hearing from you.

Dr. Mark Rollefson
Yorkville Joint #2 School District

18621 Washington Avenue
Union Grove, WI 53182
(262) 878-3759

Yorkville Joint #2 School District