May 3 Membership Meeting
Monday, May 3 @ 7:30 PM

The May meeting will continue the annual tradition of having Dupont's Ward 2 Councilmember present at the meeting and answer questions. A presentation and neighbor Q&A with CM Brooke Pinto will kick off the meeting and it will be followed by neighborhood updates, featured news and the election of DCCA Officers and Board Members.

DCCA Members can click here to register.

Not yet a member? New membership start as low as $15. Click to join.
Mary, Mary...How Does Your Garden Grow?
Thanks to an incredible team of DCCA volunteers and organizers it grows vibrantly and spreads joy for neighbors and friends.

Last weekend's morning efforts at T Street garden (along with last year's bulb planters) are greatly appreciated today and always! Without you, we cannot do this work!

The garden is looking better than ever and has provided a nice place for people to relax during the pandemic. Although we need to replant grass, we will wait until the fall as the park is still getting heavy use.

Interested in lending a (green) hand this weekend?

On Sunday at 9:00 a.m. we will be planting perennial plants in the T Street and Freedom Parks. We may also be spreading mulch, edging the gardens, moving plants and possibly cutting the grass. Hands are needed to put plants into the ground!

Please send an email and let us know if you are available to help! Bring gloves, hats, water, and tools (if you have them). See you in the park!
DC COVID-19 Updates and Response
As always you can find the DC Government's COVID-19 informational page here. The page contains continually updated news, resources, vaccination sites and data on the public health emergency.

The Mayor's April 12 Situational Update gives information on community virus spread, vaccine distribution, and Recovery Updates
It's Emancipation Day!
Friday, April 16 @ 12:00 PM

DC Emancipation day is the recognition of April 16, 1862 when slavery was abolished in the District of Columbia.

DC Public Library and Playback Theatre will host an interactive improvisational theatre that retells shared stories through movement, dance and acting in the moment with spontaneity. The actors and the audience will be asked to reflect on the themes of joy, freedom, and emancipation. They will also celebrate April being National Poetry Month with a spoken word poem about freedom from DC Public Library staff member, Micah Powell.

The event will be held on WebEx:
Meeting number: 157 118 5961
Password: emancipation
Ross Elementary School Auction
Ross Elementary School is seeking donations for their annual fundraiser, which will be held virtually on May 15th.

If you have something to donate, you can complete their online donation form here. Donation forms are due by May 1st.
Wellness Wednesdays
Wednesday, April 21@12:00 PM

Join DC's Office of Paid Family Leave in its Wellness Wednesday virtual series. OPFL is partnering with Yoga District, offering classes to relax, stretch and be well.

Beginner Yoga Don't have much yoga experience? That's okay! During this session, Yoga District's experts will teach you all about beginner yoga!

Click here to register
Enviro Film Fest: Free Screenings
Thursday to Sunday, April 22-25

The Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital celebrates Earth Day with free Screenings.

Enjoy the 2021 Audience Award winners, as well other selections from the 2021 Festival. All programs are free to stream starting Thursday, April 22, through Sunday, April 25. Click here to learn more.
Spring Has Sprung!
The National Mall's BloomCam is one way to live track the tidal basin's budding beauties throughout the workday. And lucky for you DCCA's Phil Carney has shared some of his photography after spending a recent afternoon under the DC sun. The colors and awakening of Spring in DC is one of life's treasures!
Suppa' Time
Not ready for restaurant dining? How 'bout a picnic boat rental?

A Running List of D.C. Bars Reopening After a Winter Pause

How Pizza Is Helping Restaurants Survive The Pandemic

(Featured photo by Braxton Carey)
Did you know that the “Second Empire-style” rowhouses proudly sitting at the corner of 17th and U streets, were previously owned by social reformerabolitionistand writer, Frederick Douglass? Read more about Douglass, this property, and the neighborhood in this month’s installment of DCCA’s continuing series on the Dupont Circle neighborhood.

Intrigued? Click to learn more about this month's featured location.
Newslinks of Note
DC Health To Open 10 Walk-Up Vaccination Sites For Residents 65 And Older - LINK

Kennedy Center Announces the Return of Live Theater—and, Yes, “Hamilton” Is Back - LINK

New York Times: What the Fight for D.C. Statehood Means - LINK
Membership runs through the calendar year.

DCCA membership is open to residents, businesses and supporters of the Dupont Circle neighborhood according to the Association's Bylaws.
Dupont Circle Citizens Association | |