Valley of the Sun Development

Hello Community Members!

This newsletter is being released to inform residents of a misleading article recently published on Castnet regarding a proposed 70-lot residential subdivision in the Valley of the Sun community, as well as related rumours circulating on Facebook. Although the NWCA does not take a position on proposed developments, we encourage residents to stay informed, seek information from reliable sources, and understand the context of public statements

AviSina Developments has recently announced plans for a proposed 70-lot residential development in the Valley of the Sun area. The developer has engaged with locals early in the process to understand community priorities, which have influenced the proposal. This project emphasizes community interests and offers a potential path for successful growth in the North Westside.  

Attached is a brief information package from the developer, which aims to inform the community.

Here’s what this development means for our community:

  • 70 residential lots, each at least 1.5 acres in size
  • 60-acre parkland dedication, including the ponds area
  • Provision for a local School site
  • Opportunities for secondary suites and affordable housing
  • An expanded tax base
  • Economic growth and potential for community service improvements

However, there are some preliminary concerns from government authorities, including:

  • Lot sizes might be too small
  • Potential risks with septic systems
  • Possible negative environmental impacts and habitat loss
  • Capacity of existing water systems

The proposed development is still in its early stages. Although several potential benefits have been identified, some significant concerns will need to be resolved if the project is to proceed. The RDCO Board is set to review the application for First Reading at its Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, April 25th, at 8:30 AM. If the Board approves the application, the developer has indicated that they will host an open house at the Killiney Beach Community Hall to provide more information and collect public feedback.

After the open house, the application would proceed to a Public Hearing, allowing residents and stakeholders to share their views with the RDCO Board. Following the Public Hearing, the Board will consider public input at the Second Reading, where they can approve, reject, or set conditions for approval. The application could later advance through the Third and Fourth Readings provided that any conditions are met

View AviSini Presentation

What You Can Do:

Stay Informed

Get accurate information and seek out primary sources. Sometimes, even trusted news agencies can unintentionally misrepresent the broader context.

You can find the RDCO staff report and supporting documents regarding the upcoming First Reading under Board Agenda Item 6.1: "Official Community Plan and Zoning Applications - Firwood Road and Alpine Road - EA West." For more information, visit the RDCO website at:

Context is key! It's important to understand that the RDCO report does not explicitly oppose the proposed development. Instead, it recommends that the Board withhold support because the proposal does not align with the Official Community Plan and Regional Growth Strategy, both of which were last updated in 2014. We encourage readers to keep this in mind when interpreting the recommendation. Additionally, consider the context of feedback from external agencies when evaluating the proposal. 

Attend the Open House

If the application passes First Reading, residents are encouraged to attend an open house. The NWCA will provide details if and when an open house is scheduled.

Ask Questions

Understanding the technical aspects of the proposal is important. For example, what's the difference between a Type 1 and a Type 2 septic system, and why is that significant?

Provide Input

As a community, we can work with investors to improve our area or resist change and accept the cost. New development offers opportunities for the community to pursue FireSmart initiatives, preserve parkland, build new infrastructure, and explore other benefits. Your input is vital in guiding our community's growth.

Together, let's ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability in our community's growth. Your voice matters, and your engagement is key to shaping our future.

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