Streams of Awareness


September, 19, 2022  

Birthdays come once a year and we all have them.  And the thing about birthdays is it is a day that represents a creation that God has made in you and I and set forth on this earth for His purpose.

I am not one for a big birthday celebration, but oh how I love being with my family when we do celebrate. Each time a birthday rolls around , I  consider it  to be a pivotal point to reflect on the year past. And the many ways God has declared his presence and how he has used trials and successes to help me grow to know him better. 


Birthdays are a way of keeping up with the years

that have passed and a forward expectation of the 

ones ahead. Some celebrate big with parties  

and such while others have a quieter day of 

reflection without much fanfare.  


But when a birthday does come our way, how 

often do we give God the credit for the days that have 

come and gone and the hopes and dreams for a new 

year that is on the horizon? 

God is the giver of life, and each of those 

Birthdays that we get to celebrate Is by his 

Appointment. I know that I take my precious gift 

of  life for granted quite often and I am reminded 

this day to be thankful to God.  Not just for my

 blessings of family and friends and adventures on

 this earth  but for the daily encounters of beauty and

 love that he allows to come my way. For I know that 

God is working to help me grow to be closer to him 

as these years multiply. Everyday I am still learning

 to trust that whatever he sends my way he will

 direct my steps when ever I ask. 

 Next time you have a birthday, remember as you 

Step back and reflect on the year past and look

 forward to the one to come,  to give God thanks and 

include him in your celebration; for God is good and 

glorious and bountiful in his love and gracious in his 

mercy. He is the reason we are living today, and we 

are in his very hands for our tomorrows.  And for 

each of you when your next birthday comes around, 

I wish you  a very Happy Birthday. May it be filled 

with hope and love and thanksgiving.  And may God 

be honored.

Psalm 139

My frame was not hidden from you

    when I was made in the secret place,

    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.

16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;

    all the days ordained for me were written in your book

    before one of them came to be.

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!


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