DIVINE LITURGY OF ST. BASIL - Please note that on the Sundays of Great Lent, The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated. The offering prayers for the Holy Gifts, are different than the prayers of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
COFFEE HOUR & FELLOWSHIP - Please know that during this Great Lenten Season, in following the fasting guidelines of the Church, there will be no meat or dairy products served.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY TODAY - The Spring General Assembly will be held following Divine Liturgy today. Come hear about the activities of the church and share your opinions and ideas of how we may serve the people of our community.
PALM SUNDAY FISH DINNER – Save the date of April 28 for the Anagennesis Palm Sunday Fish Dinner! Tickets are available at coffee hour and in the church office. See the flyers for details. Purchase your ticket by April 25.
PHOTOGRAPHERS WANTED – Photographers wanted to take pictures at future events for the St. George Memory Project. Please contact the office for more info.
PART-TIME CHANTERS/READERS NEEDED – We have services during Great and Holy Week next week. We welcome those who would like to assist and help with the readings. If you would like to volunteer to help with reading various Scripture passages or to chant, please come to the chanter stand before the service to offer your participation.
GREAT & HOLY FRIDAY RETREAT – We are happy to inform you that we are planning to have this retreat for the young people of our Parish Family. The retreat welcomes children from grades K – 12. Those families that are interested we ask that you email the church office so we can begin to know who is interested in this Retreat! Please note children 5 and under MUST be accompanied by an adult.
MYROFORES – All young ladies of the community are welcome to be Myrofores for the Good Friday services in the afternoon and evening on April 14. Please email Athena Bevan at sundayschool@stgeorgenh.org
SCHOLARSHIP PACKETS NOW AVAILABLE – Please contact the church office if you would like a scholarship packet.