"What Side?"



February 16, 2024


February 16Institute Day - NO SCHOOL

February 16-17Musical "Something Rotten" 7:00 - 9:30 pm**

February 18Musical "Something Rotten" 2:00 - 4:30 pm**

February 19Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL

February 21-24Maine East Art Exhibit**

February 23-24Musical "Something Rotten" 7:00 - 9:30 pm**


March 6Band Concert 7:00 - 9:00 pm

March 12 – Orchestra Concert 7:00 - 9:00 pm

March 14District Wide Choral Concert 7:00 - 9:00 pm

March 14End of 3rd Quarter

March 14-15March Madness College Panels**

March 25 - April 1 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL

**Additional Information Below


Maine East Families, 

I would like to share several reminders with you.

Multilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, Feb. 27th @ 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.

We are in the process of scheduling all students for classes for the 2024-25 school year.  This is an especially important time for our multilingual learners as we have some course and program updates.  We would love to share more information about these updates at our next MPAC meeting.  ALL families of multilingual students are welcome!  Please join us on Tuesday, February 27th at 6:30 p.m. in the Maine East cafeteria.  A light dinner will be served.  If you plan to attend, please fill out this quick form.  We hope to see you there!

Please take the Illinois 5Essentials Survey

Parents and guardians have an opportunity to participate in the Illinois 5Essentials Survey. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness and help guide school improvement.

If at least 20 percent of parents complete this survey at each school, a parent supplement report will be generated and shared to help the school district improve. Thank you so much for your support! Currently we are under that percentage so I am asking if you could please help by providing your feedback today.

The Illinois 5Essentials Survey is administered online on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education and the results become part of each of our schools’ Illinois School Report Card. The survey measures items like effective leaders, collaborative teachers, involved families, supportive environments and ambitious instruction.

All Maine East parents are encouraged to take this survey. The parent survey should take 10 minutes or less. The survey is available in English and Spanish.

Please follow this 5Essentials Survey link to take the survey. You will need to type in your personal email address, choose your county (Cook) and then type in Maine East.

Thank you very much for completing this important survey! 

رابط للخطاب باللغة العربية

ગુજરાતીમાં પત્ર માટેની લિંક

Link do listu w języku polskim

Enlace para carta en español

I hope that you all have a wonderful long weekend, 

Dr. Pikul



Performances start on February 16th for "Something Rotten!; a hilarious musical comedy which follows the Bottom brothers, Nick and Nigel, who are struggling to find success in the theatrical world competing with the wildly popular William Shakespeare.

Get your tickets by using this link:

or scan the QR code below.

Sectional Competition


Cherion Brock competed in a frosted cake event in which she created a graduation themed cake. She demonstrated various piping techniques and accompanied her cake with a graduation party theme display. She received a gold and most outstanding award!

Daniela Silvo, Izabella Sobieraj, Emma Asien, Angelina Kastanes, and Saman Baig competed in child care events that recognize participants who demonstrate relative and creative early childhood teaching techniques while presenting a piece of children’s literature or lesson to an imaginary group of three to five year old children.  Saman Baig received the most outstanding award in her event!

Joyce Hanna, Maya Cisneros, Bella Merza, Luis Perez, Noah Khio, Jadon Gregorio, Cynthia Espinoza, Amber Tined, Lori Radu, Paula Leal Romero, Lawense Antoine, Nour Altawalbeh, Maryam Alzandawi, Tariljal Bestre,  Avenlee Fehrmann, Laura Russell, Yanelly Sanchez, Hailey Stearns, Tess Murphy and Melissa Ordunalandi competed in fashion construction events that recognize participants who demonstrate sewing construction technical skills. Students constructed button up collared shirts, jackets and prom dresses for the event! Student’s workmanship was analyzed, as well as their fit and styling skills! Joyce Hanna, Melissa Ordunalandi and Amber Tined all received most outstanding awards. While at competition, students also received a tour of the fashion studio and learned more about the fashion studies program at Harper. All students are receiving dual credit from this program!



February is Black History Month and we recommend ALL of these fantastic nonfiction titles.

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