Arts Division Newsletter

#METOO and Women of Color Dean’s Lecture Series, 11/14/2024; (l-r): Karlton Hester, Professor of Music, Associate Dean, DEI; Maureen Dixon Harrison, Director, Communications, Events & Marketing; Ashleigh Abe, Student Success Project Coordinator; LisaMarie Rollins, Assistant Professor, PPD; Rowena Chiu; Dean Celine Parreñas Shimizu; Karen Meece, Executive Assistant to the Dean of Arts; Anju Nandlal Reejhsinghani, Vice Chancellor for DEI; L. Esthela Banuelos, Assistant Dean for Student Success and Chief of Staff; Aracely Aceves Lozano, Event & Outreach Coordinator ODEI; Yiman Wang, Professor of FDM & and Kenneth R. Corday Family Presidential Chair in Writing for Television & Film

Photo by Emily Reynolds

Message from the Dean of Arts

Celine Parreñas Shimizu, M.F.A., Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Film and Digital Media

November 21, 2024

Dear Arts Community,


As the fall anticipates the holiday season, many feel trepidation about the divisiveness in our country, and especially for the future of marginalized communities.

Let us give each other the gift of attunement. Where is this moment taking you? It took me to my youth growing up under martial law, dictatorship, corruption and the failing infrastructure of streets flooding into homes knee-high in a pervasive kleptocracy. The movies, music, and art of that time reflected the people’s conditions. One of the most influential and important film directors in the history of Philippine cinema, Lino Brocka, helped expose and chip away at power. He co-founded Concerned Artists of the Philippines and the Free the Artist Movement in his dedication to helping artists access speech and analytic power. His courage inspired so many all over the world to embrace the arts to help us move forward during extremely challenging times. The arts matter more importantly than ever. They empower us, enable us and unleash our imaginations to make change.

Recently, Rowena Chiu and Drew Dixon joined us for the #MeToo, Women of Color in the Arts event, which is part of a series to empower all our students to envision their career paths. They both spoke with passion and eloquence about what they endured physically, psychically, and emotionally in their very first jobs in entertainment industries where they endured abuse and exploitation and how they ultimately survived and ultimately triumphed in accessing their power and forming communities to share their power with the next generations.They exemplified to our students what it means to take back your power under even the most adverse circumstances, and reminded us there is still so much more work concerning these issues that we all need to do so we have equal access to the arts and our education.

I thank all of you who so generously participated in Giving Day! These funds directly assist our students in a variety of ways from funding socially impactful research to internship scholarships that support students’ basic needs as they seize opportunities, and professional programs that provide students with valuable career advising and networking. This is our biggest fundraising day of the year and all contributions make a huge difference in so many students’ lives.

This quarter also brings outstanding performances by our students, faculty, and staff, so be sure to check out all of our events.


Heartiest and happiest thanks to all of you, our faculty, staff, students, alumni, donors and friends for sharing our mission and vision: excellence and equity, and the power of the arts to enrich our lives, elevate our consciousness, and transform society.

I am grateful to lead and serve as your Dean. Count on me as your greatest champion. 


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People in the Arts

Featured Undergraduate Student

Jazmine Noguera

Film and Digital Media

When senior Film student, Jazmine Noguera (Porter ’25, film and digital media), first applied to UC Santa Cruz she was waitlisted, and planning on attending another university. But once she was officially accepted she made it her job to participate on campus and build her community. “After doing some research, I found out they had this Filipino organization called Bayanihan, and then I knew,” says Noguera.

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Featured Graduate Student

Jeppe Ugelvig

History of Art and Visual Culture (HAVC)

Jeppe Ugelvig, a third-year Ph.D. student in HAVC, has published his second monograph, Commodity Ecumene: On the Art of Nina Beier. The short book offers an engaging exploration of the work of Danish artist Nina Beier, who calls attention to the esoteric nature of everyday consumer products, who’s symbolic and material lives go largely unexamined. Drawing on the theories of Roland Barthes and Arjun Appadurai, Ugelvig examines Beier’s use of discarded commodities—from marble countertops to equestrian figurines—and the materialist narratives embedded in them, which prompts a reflection on the global exchange systems that shape and make up our frenzied world of commodities.

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Featured Faculty

Michael Chemers,

Professor of Dramatic Literature, Performance, Play, & Design (PPD);

PPD Department Chair; Director,

UCSC Center for Monster Studies

Professor Michael Chemers has recently edited The Figure of the Monster in Global Theatre: Further Readings on the Aesthetics of Disqualification along with Analola Santana. Bringing together international perspectives on the figure of the “monster” in performance, this edited collection builds on discussions in the fields of posthumanism, bioethics, and performance studies. The collection aims to redefine “monstrosity” to describe the cultural processes by which certain identities or bodies are configured to be threateningly deviant, whether by race, gender, sexuality, nationality, immigration status, or physical or psychological extraordinari-ness. Professor Chemers was also recently profiled in The Jewish News and talked about another very successful Monsters Festival which took place at UCSC last month. He also adapted the play The Inspector General that runs through November 24th in the Mainstage Theater.

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Featured Staff

Alexia Lomeli

Undergraduate Advisor,

Film and Digital Media

After graduating from UC Santa Cruz a year ago, Alexia Lomeli (Merrill ‘23, psychology) is back on campus as part of our beloved staff. As an undergraduate advisor for the department of Film and Digital Media (FDM) she works part time and helps guide students through their college experience. With a BA in psychology working with undergrads connects to her desire to help people.

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Featured Alumnus

Jordan Magnuson

M.A. ’19

Digital Arts and New Media (DANM)

Five years after graduating with a Master’s in Digital Arts & New Media (DANM) Jordan Magnuson (M.A. ’19, DANM) won a Fulbright scholarship to continue his work on video game poems. Now living in Bergen, Norway with his family, Magnuson is flexing his creative skills and teaching.

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Arts in the News

Dean Celine Appointed Inaugural Campus Representative on New

UC Asian American Pacific Islander Leadership Council

This systemwide council will support the Asian American and Pacific Islander presence at UC and efforts to improve AAPI faculty and staff advancement and retention. The council will also promote awareness of AAPI diversity and provide opportunities for networking, mentoring, and professional learning. Dean Celine Parreñas Shimizu and the other council members, comprising of senior administrators from across the UC system, will serve as liaisons to their respective campus leaders, informing them of and engaging them in UC AAPI Leadership Council activities, providing data and analysis about trends in AAPI participation at the University of California, and inviting their perspectives on actions that will maximize the advancement of AAPIs at UC.

New Film by Joseph Erb, Associate Professor Film and Digital Media, Blends AI with an Indigenous Perspective

Cherokee Nation citizen and filmmaker Joseph Erb, Associate Professor Film and Digital Media at UCSC, is giving insight into his next film project that blends artificial intelligence with an Indigenous perspective. The film has a working title of Redbird and the Robot and includes an elder played by renowned Cherokee actor Wes Studi who is assigned an Indian Health Service AI robot. Shot entirely in the Cherokee language, the film explores the relationship between the elder and the robot. Humor and traditional knowledge are used to educate the robot about Indigenous values leading to a transformation in the robot’s operating system.

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Russell C. Rodriguez, Assistant Professor of Music, Delivers Phillips Barry Lecture

Russell C. Rodriguez delivered the Phillips Barry Lecture at the 2024 American Folklore Society annual meeting, a significant honor within the field of folklore and music studies. The Phillips Barry Lecture is a prestigious event, named for Phillips Barry, a key figure in the study of American folklore, especially for his work with traditional songs and ballads. Barry’s influence in these areas has shaped much of the way folklorists approach the study of vernacular music and its role in cultural transmission. Rodriguez’s invitation underscores his own contributions to these fields, marking him as a prominent scholar whose work is valued both in academic circles and within broader cultural conversations about folklore, music, and heritage.

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Professor Warren Sack, Film and Digital Media, Guest at MIT for Book Launch & Symposium

The Interrogative Design Symposium is being organized as a celebration of the artistic and intellectual legacy of Krzysztof Wodiczko, with the launch of the book Interrogative Design, published by the MIT Press, edited by Ian Wojtowicz with contributions by Warren Sack and many others. The book and the symposium, happening December 5 and 6, examine the role of art and design in activating the public sphere and enriching public discourse through the production of critical questions.

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Work by Lecturer Abram Stern, Film and Digital Media, Part of Exhibition at / (Slash) Art

The online publication 48 Hills has profiled an exhibition at / (Slash) Art in San Francisco that includes work by UCSC Film and Digital Media lecturer (and MFA/Ph.D. alumnus) Dr. Abram Stern. Stern's project Operational Character Rendition works upon a collection of hearing-related documents published by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The article notes that, “Stern’s application reveals the slow, labored process of machine ‘reading,’ the artist also prompts viewers to consider the opacity of governmental agencies and processes.” The durational installation transforms documents into kinetic poetry and metadata. The exhibition, Fictions of Presence, is curated by Assistant Professor of Art and Creative Technologies, Dorothy R. Santos, and is open through December 14.

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Music Department Students Place in National Association of Teachers of Singing

Several students from the Music Department placed in the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Classical auditions for the National Association of Teachers of Singing (SFBAC NATS) on November 2. In the upper college treble division, Kristiana Budke took first place, Maddison Ramirez placed second, and Err Shirley received the Honorable Mention. In lower college treble, Chloe Blue won second place, and in upper college TBB, Andrew Palacios also won second place. All are students in the voice studios of lecturers Sheila Willey and Emily Sinclair.

The Center for Monster Studies’ Podcast Features Interview with Pixar’s Pete Docter and Professor Michael Chemers

Professor Michael Chemers, Department of Peformance, Play & Design, who also directs the Arts Division’s Center for Monster Studies, interviews Oscar-winning director, animator, writer and Chief Creative Officer of Pixar, Pete Docter. Docter wrote and directed many popular Pixar movies including Inside Out, Up, Soul, and, discussed in detail here in the interview, Monsters, Inc.

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FDM Student Hannah Jayanti Receives Funding from Sundance for Documentary

Film and Digital Media (FDM) Ph.D. student Hannah Jayanti and her co-director Alexander Porter have received production funding for their documentary film Badlands from the 2024 Sundance Institute Sandbox Fund. They are one of 15 projects receiving support from this highly competitive fund. The fund provides grants to projects in any stage from development to post-production, providing filmmakers with opportunities to explore the link between science and culture through nonfiction storytelling.

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Michael Lindsey, FDM’s Graduate Programs Coordinator, Has Chapter in New Volume

Film and Digital Media Graduate Programs Coordinator, Michael Lindsey has a chapter that appears in a new volume titled Frontier Ethnographies: Deconstructing Research Experiences in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which is available through Berghahn publishers. In it, he discusses his fieldwork approaches and methodologies for studying music with hereditary musicians in Kabul's old city. He details his navigation of social and cultural norms that helped him establish intimate relationships with his musical contacts to facilitate access to privileged information and networks. His chapter also provides a unique perspective into the musical scene in Kabul during a time when music was not outlawed by the Taliban.

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Music Student Michael Fischer-Haagens Awarded Hortense Zuckerman Prize

Michael Fischer-Haagens, who is graduating at the end of fall quarter 2024 with B.A. in Music, Contemporary Practices Concentration, and Honors, was awarded the Hortense Zuckerman Prize for outstanding performance and scholarship. His Spring 2024 Capstone project included his concert premiere performance and discussion of his original three-movement solo piano composition Out of the Blue, under faculty advisor Assistant Professor of Music James Gordon Williams.

Arts Division Opportunities

University of the Future, Now!

Deadline: December 13, 2024

University of the Future Now! Grant Applications invite our students to imagine new objects of study that expand their education– using this fund’s resources to create the university of the future.

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The Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence and Equity (ADFEE)

Deadline: February 14, 2025

The Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence and Equity (ADFEE) is dedicated to supporting the dissemination of student research. Qualifying projects must demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. This fund is supported entirely through the generosity of our donors, and remains open as long as funding is available. Funds are administered through the Office of the Dean of Arts.

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Arts Professional Pathways Internship Scholarship

Deadline: May 9, 2025

Arts Professional Pathways supports successful student application and placement in internships. The intention of this scholarship is to make internships more accessible to all students by offsetting living expenses, moving expenses, lost income, or increased travel expenses associated with the internship.

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Arts Research Institute (ARI) —

The Arts Research Institute administers a number of grant programs that support arts research and practice, visiting artists, and collaborative inter-disciplinary arts-based research across the UC Santa Cruz campus. Funding is available for faculty, students, visiting artists, and research.

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Lakas Shimizu Memorial Scholarship Award for Students in the Arts

Lakas Shimizu remembered for his inclusive nature and leadership potential, inspired a scholarship at UC Santa Cruz funded by his family. The scholarship supports arts students engaged in creative scholarly practice and community organizing for inclusion and equity. Lakas’s family aims to ensure equal access to education, reflecting his values of unity and opportunity. Through this scholarship, they honor his legacy and encourage students to embrace their strengths and contribute meaningfully to the world.

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BroadwaySF: Part-Time Ushers for Holiday Season

BroadwaySF is hiring new ushers for the upcoming holiday season and beyond. BroadwaySF manages the Orpheum, Golden Gate, and Curran theatres in San Francisco and hosts a wide variety of events including touring Broadway musicals, live comedy, music acts, and more. They pay $20.72/hour at the Curran and $20.02/hour at the Orpheum/Golden Gate.

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Shotgun Players: Hiring Front of House and Production Staff

The FOH team shares the responsibility of opening and closing the theater for performances, ensuring lobby and house cleanliness, distributing tickets, serving concessions, and addressing patron concerns as they arise. They’re also looking for set, props, costumes, sound, video, and lighting designers, stage managers, and ASMs.

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Joffrey Ballet School: Summer Internships

Joffrey Ballet School hosts summer intensives in several cities including New York City, Los Angeles, Miami and more. They hire more than 70 paid interns with different contract lengths available from 4 to 15 weeks. Interns receive free housing and perks, including attending classes for free. Their internships offer a unique experience for those who are interested in Arts Administration, Performance Arts, Education, Residence Life, Health & Wellness, and Marketing.

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Theatre Bay Area: 2025 General Auditions

Deadline: November 29, 2024

TBA's 2025 General Auditions will bring together casting professionals, artistic directors, and over 250 local actors for a weekend of Bay Area talent. This year, they are partnering with A.C.T. to hold the General Auditions at the Strand Theater in San Francisco on February 8–9.

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Willa S. Kim Costume Design Scholarship

Deadline: Dec. 6, 2024

Two recipients will receive up to $7,500 each to be used towards tuition, registration fees, supplies and/or travel expenses over a one-year period between May 31, 2025 - May 31, 2026. International study is allowable, but the scholarship will only cover tuition, registration fees, supplies and/or travel expenses to participate in extracurricular (non-credit) training in hand-drawing and/or painting.

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Matchbox Magazine, Annual UC-wide Literary and Arts Publication Seeks Undergrad Submissions

Deadline: January 15, 2025

Matchbox Magazine is accepting undergraduate submissions for their 19th edition (prose, poetry, visual art, music, and spoken word) through 1/15/25. Matchbox is a wonderful opportunity for students who have not been previously published to receive recognition for their work. Students can submit their work to Matchbox Magazine at 

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Dramatists Guild Foundation Emergency Grants

Deadline: Rolling

Dramatists (playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists in the theatrical genre) facing a financial crisis and needing financial assistance and/or support are eligible to apply for an emergency grant.

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Pollock-Krasner Foundation

Deadline: Rolling

The Foundation welcomes applications from visual artists who are painters, sculptors, and artists who work on paper, including printmakers. Grants are intended for a one-year period of time. The Foundation will review expenditures relating to an artist’s professional work and personal expenses, and amounts range up to $50,000. Artists must be actively exhibiting their current work in professional artistic venues, such as gallery and museum spaces.

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Join our events

Find Events and Exhibitions at

November 22-23-24

"The Inspector General"

Final weekend!

November 23

Opera Workshop: "Into the Woods" (Act 1)

Back-to-back matinees for all ages

1:00 and 3:00

November 24

Barn Dance

with the UCSC Celtic Music Ensemble

November 26

UCSC Orchestra

Bruce Kiesling, conductor

December 4

Artist talk with Israel Campos

Institute of the Arts and Sciences

December 6

Open Studios

Art Department


December 6

UCSC Concert Choir

December 7

UCSC Chamber Singers

December 8

UCSC Jazz Ensembles

"Swinging With Basie"

with vocalist Jamie Davis

December 13

Tomáseen Foley's "A Celtic Christmas"

with William Coulter


February 14–23

Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors"

Direct by Patty Gallagher

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