The word evangelism is familiar to most believers, but what does it mean personally for each of us? For me, the musician, Samuli Edelman sings it best in his new summer hit “Open Secret” The refrain is:
“It is hidden here, between us.
It is ancient and simultaneously new.
It is always apparent, but only seen by the heart.
It is an open secret”.
Naturally, he is singing about love, but for Christians, evangelism is that act of love. We speak, and sing about God’s love towards us and how we can each personally receive God’s love.
“ It is an open secret” that has to be shared so that it can be revealed to many. Whose mission is it to tell others about this secret? In Matthew 28:19, Jesus says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,”. Kalevi Lehtinen, pastor, writer and the most internationally well-known Finnish pastor, interprets this verse as “the whole congregation is to take the entire gospel to the world with the complete love and power of the Holy Spirit’.
That is the entire congregation, not just evangelists, or the pastors. That is you and me! We are the witnesses for Christ, because we have received the Holy Spirit and in that way are born again in Christ. For each of us, God has planned out the way and the place for us to share the good news. Your personality, experiences and relationships are what is needed. No one else can have these characteristics on your behalf, they will not meet the criteria, they will not have your characteristics. The secret is also that, you can’t know who is waiting for you at this very moment, who God has planned to offer salvation in him through you.