May 2024
Cleanup Under Way at Royal China Brownfield
After several months of soil testing and planning, cleanup of the former Royal China site in Sebring is under way now that a contract has been signed.
Grant Fuels Use of Native Plants at Idle Sites
A grant from the Mahoning Valley Health Foundation is enabling the Land Bank to accelerate its use of native plants in the care-taking of vacant properties.
Demolitions Clear Prime Corridor in Campbell 
Three beyond-repair buildings on Robinson Road in Campbell have been demolished, clearing way for redevelopment in an area long beset by blight.
Intern Digs Deep into Native Plants Initiative 
Jillian Lemons, a YSU environmental science student and greenhouse assistant at the Land Bank, discusses her passion for native plant conservation.
The Dirt is published by the Mahoning County Land Bank. To learn more, call us at
330-259-1040, email us here or visit our website.