Our Weekly Message

News, Invitations, and Ministerial Reflections

February 9, 2024

Dear Congregation,

It was wonderful to be with many of you last Sunday—on Zoom as well as in person. I felt the warmth! I look forward to connecting with even more adults, youth, and children this Sunday.

Among the impressive new projects at UUSS is one that has me thinking back to 1979. 

Exactly 45 years ago this month, an earnest high school senior in Indianapolis wrote a term paper for English class. He wrote it about the prospect of solar power for the USA—for the goals of conservation, reduction of pollution, and energy independence. The photovoltaic technology was fairly new back then, and he argued for broader public acceptance and government support.  

I was that writer. Not to be immodest about my influence, but only a few months later, President Jimmy Carter announced his solar energy program to the nation. The White House even installed 32 solar panels for heating water. Unfortunately, after President Reagan took office in 1981, those panels came down, and the government stopped following my term-paper recommendations. In recent years, however, California residents and our state government have become solar trailblazers.

Now, even UUSS is poised to go solar! The Board of Trustees has approved a project which will save us about $680 per month in utility costs. It will conserve energy and reduce our carbon footprint. Half the project's $80,000 cost will be funded by a generous bequest by the late Richard Hayden.

The remaining will be funded by donations from all of us. In February, the Solar Sisters are staffing a table in the Sunday Welcome Hall. (See me pictured above with Sandra at the Light the Future donation table.) Pick up a fact sheet there. You may also send a check to UUSS (memo: “Solar”), contact our Bookkeeper (, or visit and click “Donate to Solar.” 

You can “buy” a solar panel for $330, but all gifts are welcome!

As of Thursday, we have raised $10,700 from 22 donors. Three Sundays to go! We hope that everyone will decide to be a part of this project by making a gift. Let’s light the way!

Yours in service,


Rev. Dr. Roger Jones

P.S.—Please join us after the service this Sunday for a Meet and Greet with our Nominating Committee, Board of Trustees, and Program Council. Learn about the opportunities to serve UUSS and grow personally through our varied positions of elected leadership. Grab your coffee and then we'll see you in the Fahs Classroom!

Have you noticed the link that says "(Message clipped) View entire message" near the bottom of these e-mails? We have so much news in here sometimes that it does not all show up when you open the email. Scroll down and click on the link to see more!

Sunday Mornings with UUSS

Face masks are available but not required.

Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here

(Closed Captioning available on Zoom)

 Service time 10:30 a.m.

Did you miss a service? You can find links to past services here

Our February Soul Matters Theme is

Justice and Equity 

Here's the link to the Soul Matters materials

Sunday Morning Programs

Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS

1st Sunday - Labyrinth meditation in the meadow (Feb. 4)

2nd Sunday - Justice and Equity Orientation/Discussion on Feb 11 is cancelled. We’ll be back on March 10.

3rd Sunday - Qui Gong/Tai Chi (Feb. 18)

4th Sunday - Exploring Unitarian Universalism (Feb. 25)

Sunday, February 11, we will be gathering for a a Newcomer Orientation and Tour.

Join us then or on the second Sunday of any month, right after the service, in the Welcome Hall.

Sunday, February 11, 10:30: We Are The Weavers 

Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, preaching, with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Worship Associate Courtney O'Neil, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva.

The song goes: “We are the weavers / we are the woven ones / we are the dreamers / we are the dream.” Join Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd as she explores themes of equity and liberation through her belief that interdependence and connection make us more resilient and more hopeful.

Sunday, February 18, 10:30: Measuring Miles and Moments: Glimpses and Lessons from a Sabbatical

Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Ministerial Intern Rosemary Dodd, Worship Associate Karen Sparrow, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva


UUSS gives periodic sabbaticals to its ministers. Rev. Roger was gone for five months. Today he recounts a few stories from his journeys abroad and journeys within, reflecting on surprises encountered and lessons learned—including what he missed about our spiritual community.


Soup Sunday after the service! 

Joys and Sorrows in Our Congregation

In Loving Memory: We extend our condolences to our member Barbara Baker on the loss of her second sister Diane Schutz, age 85, who died January 17 in Fresno. She was a school bus driver for many years, a mother to four and grandmother and great grandmother to more than 30. In 2022, Barbara lost her first sister, Kathy Bernard, a former UUSS Trustee, fundraising volunteer, and social activist.

In Loving Memory: We extend our condolences to our member Jan Fleming and her partner Jim Chakedis on the death of Jim’s only son, Brian Chakedis, on Dec. 21 at home in Rocklin. He was 57 and had multiple medical challenges. Born and raised in Santa Rosa, he shared a passion for motorcycle racing with his dad, and Brian won hundreds of trophies and ribbons. For many years Brian actively bought and sold classic European motorcycles and cars, especially in England.

In Celebration: We share the joy of our member Victoria Owens at the  Public Radio and newspaper coverage of her entomologist daughter Avalon’s work on light pollution and insects. Avalon and her husband are lay leaders in a UU congregation near Boston. See the New York Times, “Why Are Insects Drawn to Light,” 4/27/23 and “When Fireflies Await a Night that Never Comes,” 8/11/22.  

If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken by a minister at Sunday’s prayer time, let us know at this link. Make sure to tell us you do not want us to mention it aloud, or if you would like a phone call from one of the ministers.

Join us in Religious Education!

Click here to read this week's RE/Family Ministry Email

Childcare--The Nursery (Rm. 11) welcomes infants 6m+ through age 5. Staff supervise child-led play in a fun and friendly nursery filled with toys and games. Snacks are offered. Access through the main entrance. Please contact Crystal with questions.

Soul Kids - (K-5th grade) meets this Sunday, Feb. 11, during service. Annette will lead our circle of connection this week. Join us to light the chalice, check-in, read a fun story and conclude by planting vegetable seeds and painting rocks for a springtime garden. Please start in service!

Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) - (7th-9th grades) meets this Sunday, Feb. 11, during service. Join Alicia and Bess for creativity and conversation! Please start in service!

Other engaging activities for children, youth and families are available and information can be found in the email linked above! There's always a lot happening in RE!

Our RE Coordinator Crystal Fountain has weekly office hours and is available by email too.

What's Happening?

For a listing of all events this week and coming up

check out our Weekly Calendar/Bluesheet.

Celebrate Lunar New Year In Elk Grove! The Justice and Equity Team is encouraging you to attend the free two-day Lunar New Year Festival in Elk Grove next weekend, all day on February 10 and 11. There will be an opening parade on Saturday, traditional music, food, Vietnamese singers, and the Miss Vietnam pageant on Sunday. Learn more here.

Ukulele Strum-Along on Monday, February 12, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. in Fahs Room. Come at 1:30 for tutoring and loan of a uke. All welcome! Contact:

Save the date for the next Lectio Divina poetry discussion with JoAnn Anglin, Monday, February 19 at 10:00 a.m. Attend via Zoom at We will be back to our 1st & 3rd Monday schedule in March. All are welcome!  

Our Work for Justice

February's Community Partner is Planned Parenthood Mar Monte

Social Justice Updates

Learn About the Pros and Cons of Proposition 1 (March ballot) this MONDAY

Our own Patricia Wentzel will be delivering a guest presentation on the Prop. 1 ballot initiative that will appear on our Primary Election ballots in February/March 2024.

The event is hosted by NAMI and will be a Zoom event. NAMI is one of our 12 Community Partners in 2024. Join us February 12 at 7 pm. Zoom Link Meeting ID: 874 4800 7779 Passcode: 672054.

Registration Now Open!

Mark your calendars for April 19-20!

Elevate your Unitarian Universalist experience by immersing yourself in the Pacific Western Regional Assembly. This is more about more than geography; it's a community of individuals like you, representing local UU congregations and communities. Your active involvement is indispensable. Whether you participate virtually or in-person at First Universalist in Denver, this gathering promises an enriching and enjoyable experience, fostering connections among individuals and congregations.

Join the excitement as we come together with the MidAmerica Region of the UUA for shared programming, strengthening ties across our regions. Friday evening kicks off with a compelling keynote conversation between our UUA president, Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, and the new President of the United Church of Christ, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson – both remarkable women of color dedicated to justice work.

Saturday unfolds with workshops, conversational gatherings, a special luncheon, and a pivotal Transitions Update. While the official Regional Assembly concludes on Saturday afternoon, those extending their stay can savor dinner connections in Denver on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning, local UU congregations open their doors for special Earth Day worship, creating a family-friendly environment. Many Assembly events are suitable for all ages and child care will be provided as well.

Registration for Regional Assembly is open! Be part of the intricate web of connections! Whether you aspire to be a discussion leader, a workshop facilitator, or contribute in various other roles, your involvement is welcomed. Reach out to Rev. Sarah Schurr at to offer your time and skills, or if you have questions you would like for us to give to Rev. Dr. Sofía and Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia.

Staff and Minister Availability

Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) is available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. Rosemary: Schedule an appointment with ministerial intern Rosemary Dodd: Her days off are Friday-Saturday, and her study day is Monday. Rev. Lucy Bunch is on sabbatical Feb. 4 - May 31.

Our office staff members ( or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30, except public holidays. Our part-time staff have hours that vary (some of them serve UUSS only on Sunday), so please call the office if you have a question or need to be in touch with them. Our Pianist and Music Director are available by email and invite you to choir practice Wednesday nights at 7:00.


FEBRUARY 19 for President's Day

UUSS Mission 

We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.  

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