What Doctors Wish Patients Knew about Trauma-Informed Care
The American Medical Association’s What Doctors Wish Patients Knew™ series asks physicians to share what they want patients to understand. In the most recent installment, two physicians discuss what patients need to know about trauma-informed care.
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How Early Childhood Experiences Affect Lifelong Health and Learning (Video)
Harvard University’s “Center on the Developing Child” created an animated video explaining how high stress and adversity impact child development and chronic diseases in adults.
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Stress, Depression and the Holidays: Tips for Coping
The Mayo Clinic delivers guidance for coping during what is inevitably a stressful season, giving guidance for adults struggling to manage their mental health in the hustle and bustle.
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Children and Grief During the Holidays
Chatterbox Pediatric Therapy Center offers insight into how children cope during the holidays from a counselor’s perspective, helping adults recognize symptoms of grief and the best ways to support them.
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At-Risk Kids Weather the Holidays Better with Caring Adults
Healthnet December 2020 – Featuring Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris' TED Talk, this article outlines the ways that buffering support can give children with ACEs the tools they need to be protected from the physiological impacts of toxic stress.
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Holiday Trauma Triggers
Lakeside is a therapy school dedicated to trauma-informed care, and they have a comprehensive article on how people can be triggered during the holidays, inviting reflection on how to empathize with and manage those who need support.
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Helping Students Affected by Trauma for the Holidays
The National Association of Secondary School Principals presents ways to help students navigate what can be a stressful season, helping teachers and other caretakers of children recognize signs of trauma and ways to help.
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Avoiding Holiday Stressors: Tips for a Stress-Free Season
The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a comprehensive post outlining the risk your mental health faces during the season, giving tactics to avoid pitfalls for those who may be more likely to struggle.
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Navigating the Holidays for Students with ACEs
Noticing an uptick in behavioral issues around this time of year, Dr. Joshua MacNeill posted an important article to the PACES Connection blog sharing his best advice for helping students and children as the season nears.
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