EXPO, banquets, UTV drawing this month.
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We're just thirty day out from waterfowl season! If that snuck up on you, too be sure to attend the Waterfowl Hunters EXPO on the 27th and get your UTV raffle tickets (drawing at our August 28th Hunter's Eve Bash) so you have a new rig to get you to your blind. |
August also plays host to our Midland Wings banquet and their chapter is raffling off a pretty amazing CZ Sharptail 20ga valued at over $1,100 at their August 25th banquet in West Bend - get your CZ raffle tickets here! And, check out the rest of our class A raffles here.
I hope you enjoy our August edition...
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2022 Season: 30 Days and a Wakeup
By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
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We have only 30 days to waterfowl season with the September 1st start of Teal and Early Goose seasons. Hope you’re ready - or that you’ve set aside time to GET ready this month. I have some suggestions that might help. | | |
Retirement Planning?
There is no tax when your IRA is used as a gift to WWA, but it is subject to taxation if given to heirs. Consider leaving them more favorably-taxed assets.
For more information visit wisducks.plannedgiving.org
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UTV Raffle Drawing on the 28th!
Last call for tickets for your chance to win over $17,000 worth of prizes including this 2022 Polaris Ranger SP 570 Premium UTV and a Karavan trailer to haul it with!
Learn more...
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Some People Actually Read Annual Reports
A little bit history, a little bit financial, WWA”s annual report shares what the second year of the pandemic looked like for WWA. Want to understand what WWA did for its members in 2021?
It's a pretty good news story...
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TWO New Chapters Join WWA
Just how easy is it to start a WWA chapter in your area? Interested volunteers in both Forest County and Dane County have started new WWA chapters in the past month!
Meet them here...
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Thank You to our Wonderful Volunteers
It’s only 32 days to early goose and early teal season in Wisconsin as I write this message, but who is counting.
Read on...
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Want to Win an $1100 CZ Sharptail? | |
Our August featured Class A (WI residents need not be present to win) raffle is for our Midland Wings chapter who will be drawing for this CZ Sharptail 20ga, side by side, 28″ barrels, frame color case hardened w/ blue barrels, walnut stock, choke tube kit included (MSRP $1165!)at their 13th Annual banquet on August 25 at The Columbian in West Bend, WI.
Get your CZ Sharptail 20ga tickets here...
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Waterfowl Recipes Part III
Who's in the mood for some goose tacos?
Read on...
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Spring Breeding Survey Gives Cause for Optimism
DNR survey results point to a promising season this fall for Wisconsin waterfowl hunters.
Read on...
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Ora Clough - A Wisconsin Carver
A Decoy Corner article by Bruce Urben
Ora Clough was a perfectionist as evidenced from his decoys.
Read on...
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Thank You to our 2022 Sponsors & Donors | |
In Memory...
Thanks to all those that have cherished the memory of a loved one by donating in memoriam to the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association. Those recently memorialized were:
- Mr. Robert Fiegel - Donors: Judy Scharpf, Carl M. Hennig, Inc.
- Mr. Dale W. Arenz - Donors: Darlene Hunt, Fred Welch, Scott & Kelcy Boettcher, Cheryl & Mark Gehring, Mr & Mr. Donald Muehling, Municipal Law & Litigation Group, Jenny Kinsler, Tammy & Joe Marwin, BL Simon, Bill Peebles
- Mr. Jason Odebrecht - Donors: Jason's family and friends
- Mr. William Kocher - Donors: Fred Welch, Dale Arenz
- Mr. Tom Cheesebrog - Donor: Leigh Cheesebro
- Mr. Carl Halvorsen - Donors: Holly Kempf, Employees at NeighborWorks Blackhawk Region, Victoria Dickman of Herslof, Inc., Kristy Vogt of Kewaskum Chapter of Commerce, Farmers & Sportsmens Conservation Club
If you'd like to consider a lasting and meaningful memorial fund contribution for that friend, hunting partner, co-worker or relative with WWA, please contact us. Each contribution will offer:
- A personalized letter to the family of the deceased,
- A letter from WWA sent to the donor confirming contribution for tax purposes (address & individual donation amount must be supplied),
- The option for the donor to designate which WWA program they wish their contributions be put towards, and a listing in this section for the duration of one year
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