Butte Environmental Council E-Sentinel

September 2022

BEC's Mission is to protect and defend the land, air and water of Butte County and the surrounding region through action, advocacy and education.

Our monthly newsletter is designed to keep our community informed about local issues that impact our region's environmental quality and bring you opportunities to become involved.

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In this month's issue:

  • September 17th is the 35th Annual Cleanup!
  • Thank you to our Cleanup Sponsors
  • Round UP for BEC at the Chico CoOp!
  • Welcoming California Climate Action Corps Fellows
  • Water Forum Postponed
  • Become a member for SWAG!
Donate or Become a Member HERE

Save the Date - Bidwell Park and Chico Creeks Cleanup

Butte Environmental Council is pleased to announce the 35th annual Bidwell Park & Chico Creeks Cleanup that will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm followed by a volunteer celebration in Hooker Oak Park until 4pm. In conjunction with World Cleanup Day, the California Coastal Cleanup, and the Great Sierra River Cleanup, the annual Bidwell Park & Chico Creeks Cleanup is an event dedicated to improving the local environment and our community by working together to keep these green spaces and waterways waste-free before the winter rains wash debris downstream.

What Community Volunteers can Expect

Registration and check in begins at 8:30 am on 9/17/22 at Hooker Oak Park. Participants will receive their materials, cleanup location assignment, receive a safety briefing, and sign liability and photo release forms. From there, they will head out to their cleanup site, one of nearly one hundred cleanup zones designated by Butte Environmental Council. At the site, participants will scour the landscape for all types of trash, from the smallest to largest, most common to most unique. Large bulky items will be retrieved by participants calling the BEC dispatch center for a pick up, where special core volunteers or even the City Public Works department are directed to assist with removal. Participants can collect their items in buckets and bags which can be hauled to the nearest of two drop-off locations: Waste Management is hosting the downtown location in the parking lot behind city hall on 5th and Flume St. and Recology is hosting the Hooker Oak Location. Alternatively, if participants don’t have the ability to haul on their own, they will be able to contact the dispatch center to have a team come pick up the waste for them. 

BEC is encouraging participants to take photos and track their efforts, and even has planned various challenges to win prizes. Microtrash is a huge problem everywhere and, even though the big debris is more fun to remove, microtrash is just as important to clean out. BEC will be awarding the person or group that collects the most microtrash with a prize. Additionally, other prizes will be available for the most amount of CRV bottles and cans collected, most number of clothing items found, the most number of steps taken, and Best of Show- most unique or strange thing found (voted on by other volunteers). Details on how to enter the challenges will be provided in the volunteer information packet. Stay tuned to BEC's social media to learn more.

Celebrating Our Community Volunteers

After 2pm, when all the waste has been hauled back to the collection locations and total estimates have been tallied, BEC is hosting an appreciation event at Hooker Oak Park and inviting all volunteers to attend. There will be music, food, informational booths, photo opportunities, announcements, and space to picnic to celebrate the hard work accomplished when the community works together. During the celebration event, challenge winners will be announced as well as the preliminary totals of waste removed from parks and creeks due to the efforts from the day. Food for meals will be available from Gnarli Deli, Lundberg Family Farms, and locally sourced fruit. This is a celebration for volunteers of all ages, please join in the day’s efforts and enjoy the rewards of all the hard work done.

History of the Cleanup

Since 1987, Butte Environmental Council has held community cleanups with more than 11,000 volunteers, over 40,000 volunteer and staff hours, who have removed over 508,000 pounds from sensitive natural spaces in Chico. That is more than 254 tons! BEC takes pride in its efforts in action and education to divert waste from filling up the Neal Road Landfill and goes to great lengths during the annual cleanup event to divert as much as possible to be recycled. Over the past 35 years, BEC’s cleanup efforts have diverted over 111,000 pounds of recyclable material from going to the landfill. To learn more about what it means to divert waste from the landfills and how to do your part, check out BEC’s Recycling and Rubbish Education (RARE) program.

Thanks to All the Cleanup Sponsors and Donors

Butte Environmental Council is a small grassroots nonprofit serving the Butte County Region. Its work is not possible without generous donations from individuals such as those from their “Friends of the Cleanup” nor would this event be possible without dozens of community business partners.

Send questions about this annual legacy BEC event to for more information.

Thank You Cleanup Sponsors

Thank you to the 2022 Bidwell Park & Chico Creeks Cleanup Sponsors! 

Special shout out to The Rose Foundation, Butte County Public Works, Butte County Fish & Game Commission, C Force Bottling Co., Sierra Nevada, City of Chico, Altacal Audubon Society, Recology, Waste Management, Klean Kanteen, Chico U-Lock It for your generous donations. 

We also greatly appreciate the support from, Chico Green Builders, Friends of Bidwell Park, Printed Image, Chico Area Recreation District (CARD), Cloud Chaser, KZFR, Chico Natural Foods Co-Op, Members 1st Credit Union, CN&R, InterWest Insurance Services LLC, Pullins Cyclery, Beatniks, Tri Counties Bank, Chico Naturopathic Medicine, Azad's Martial Arts Center, Stand Up For Chico, North Valley Harm Reduction Coalition (NVHRC), Sigma Metalytic, Melton Design Group, Raleys, Costco, Captain Killion Productions, Mr. Kopy, Costco, Raleys, Sigma Metalytics, Hodges Nursery, Upper Park Clothing Co. Lundberg Family Farms, and Gnarly Deli.

The endless support from the community helps us to achieve our mission to protect the land, air and water of Butte County!

Other Upcoming Community Events
  • 9/10 - Citizen Water Quality Monitoring with The Stream Team (more info HERE)
  • 9/17 - BEC presents the 35th annual Bidwell Park & Chico Creeks Cleanup
  • 9/20 - Oroville - Draft General Plan Open House Event (more info HERE)
  • 9/21 - Chico - Draft General Plan Open House Event (more info HERE)
  • 9/27 - T.E.K. Wildtending Plant Walk in Verbena Fields (more info HERE)
  • 10/22 - Make a Difference Day with CSU Chico
  • 10/29 - Butte County Day of Climate Action Volunteer Event with CA Climate Action Corps
  • Every Thursday - Help make local compost with Paradise Community Compost (more info HERE)
  • Every Friday - Volunteer for TEK wildtending at Verbena Fields from 10am-1pm (more info HERE)

View BEC's Community Events Calendar HERE. If you would like to promote your environmental-related event to the next newsletter or on the community calendar on our website, please email

Welcome Molly and Rose!

We would like to welcome our 2022 California Climate Action Corps Fellows! For this upcoming year we will have two fellows, Rose Brazil Few and Molly McKellar, acting in their respective roles and Sustainability Coordinator and Urban Forest Fellow.

Molly is a Chico local and who completed her undergraduate degree in biology this past May. As the Urban Forest Fellow, her main goal will be to coordinate tree planting efforts throughout the community in places like schools and community parks. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and divert food waste from landfills back into gardens in the form of compost. She will also help with outreach and education through youth workshops. 

Rose is a Humboldt State University graduate with a degree in environmental studies. Recently, she spent a year abroad teaching English as a second language to youth in Spain. She is excited to return to her hometown to put her experience in education and environmentalism into action and help the community. As the community sustainability coordinator, Rose will work alongside the Urban Forest coordinator to plant trees in the Butte County region and provide support for community gardens and grassroots household food composting initiatives. She will take efforts to promote sustainability through outreach, workshops, and upcoming BEC events.

Postponed - Water Justice Forum

Due to unforseen constraints, BEC had to make the difficult decision to postpone a community event on an ultra critical topic: "Envisioning a Water Smart Community for All"

Please stay tuned for more updates on this forum within the next few weeks.

To stay up to date on all our events please visit our website, Thank you!

YOU are the reason BEC thrives!

BEC is a grassroots non-profit dedicated to a healthy environment for us all. Our work is made possible by people like you! Being a BEC member means sustaining the work we do for the environment of Butte County and the surrounding area:

  • Angel Members contribute $35 or more each month, or $420 annually.

  • Sustaining Members contribute between $4 and $34 a month, or $48 annually.

You don't have to be a member to contribute:

  • One-Time Donations of any amount helps us serve our community and the environment!
  • Volunteers help by donating their time, energy, expertise, and resources.
Donate or Become a Member HERE
Thank you for your continued support of
Butte Environmental Council.
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Caitlin Dalby
Executive Director
(530) 891-6424