Hi friends,

May is a month of growth and transformation in nature and at the library. We have big changes ahead that we can’t wait to tell you about.

Roof Replacement Project (May/June 2024)

Later this month, construction crews will be onsite to replace our rubber membrane roof. The Dome will not be affected. While you may notice noise and the temporary loss of a few parking spaces to equipment, we anticipate minimal disruptions.

New Opening Time (effective May 28)

Beginning Tues., May 28, the library’s opening time will shift to 9 a.m. This adjustment is permanent, allowing our staff to use 8 – 9 a.m. for meetings, trainings and projects to improve our services.

New Behavior Policy (effective May 28)

Your safety and comfort while visiting the library are our top priorities. We’re introducing a more comprehensive patron behavior policy, shaped by community and staff feedback and approved by the Oshkosh Public Library Board of Trustees at their regular meeting of April 25.

Key highlights include:

  • Any illegal activity witnessed or reported will be referred to law enforcement immediately. Patrons engaging in illegal, violent, or threatening behavior will face immediate consequences, with no automatic reinstatement of library privileges.
  • The policy includes an anti-bullying statement and addresses issues like sexual harassment and workplace safety.

To ensure a smooth transition, we'll have a grace period for implementation and provide support for staff members as they enforce the new policy. Read the Library Behavior Policy.

These changes mark significant steps forward in our efforts to make your experience at the library even better. If it’s been a while since your last visit, we’d like to invite you to return to an improved environment.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our director by email or call (920) 236-5212 if you have library-related questions or concerns. We always value your input.

We hope to see you soon! 

Library Director Darryl Eschete recently launched the first of many community conversations at Caramel Crisp Corner. Missed this session? Stay tuned to our Facebook page for upcoming opportunities to connect. 

June 1 – Aug. 3

Summer reading? Yes, please!

Chain necklaces and brag tags for kids; gift cards, snacks and books for teens; even SIX grand prize drawings for adults! There are rewards waiting for everyone who tracks their reading time this summer. Register online or at the library.

I can't wait!
  1. Do: Our very first Art After Hours event is planned for Sat., Aug. 3 from 6 – 9 p.m. It’s a fun-filled night for ages 16 and older. We’ll have mocktails (Grape Expectations, anyone?), fruit-flavored waters, cotton candy, freshly popped popcorn and more. Enjoy a community art display, henna hand painting, and lots of opportunities to unwind and get creative under the Dome. Want to display your art at the event? Individuals and organizations can contact Community Engagement Librarian Sandy for details.
  2. Learn: Ever wondered how Oshkosh Truck began? On Sat., May 11 at 10 a.m., historian Tim Wright will share stories under the Dome about the company’s early years.
  3. Know: The library’s Summer Hours begin on Sat., May 25. We’ll close at 1 p.m. and reopen on Tues., May 28 at 9 a.m.

What are we reading and recommending this month?

Tell me more!

What will you read, watch or do this month?

Our good stuff list

Freedom to Read: This month’s Banned Book Club is reading Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. Join us on May 21 at 6:30 p.m. to hang out and talk about the story with other readers.

Super Friends!: Travel back to the 1970s with us and meet Augmento, UWO's own superhero, created by a group of students, including artist Bill Bukowski and Marvel Comics legend Mark Gruenwald. In the Second Floor display cases you’ll find the original Augmento comics and much more, courtesy of the UWO Archives and Area Research Center.

New for kids: Have you seen the cute little LEGO table in the Children’s Department? Kids are loving the addition to our LEGO collection! A big thank you to Beth Lang for the donation.

A Galaxy of Stories: There’s a library on the moon now. It might last billions of years.

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Oshkosh Public Library

106 Washington Ave.

Oshkosh, WI 54901




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