A Blue Christmas
A Service of Worship in the midst of our Disappointments, Fears, and Grief
For a variety of reasons, not everyone is cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other dis-ease that puts a question mark over the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful for many people. This service is intended to create time and space for you. You may be going through a dark period this Christmas or be here with a friend or family member who is. Perhaps you just need a moment, a space in which to quiet your heart and mind to let God’s Spirit speak to your heart; a time to pause and be held by the One who never stops loving you. No matter the need; this time of reflection is offered to provide an opportunity to worship, as well as being reminded of God’s presence with us. God is faithful and His great love for us never gives up.
In the Northern Hemisphere, December 21 is the longest night, the winter solstice, which means literally "standing still." It marks the shortest day of the year, the official start of winter, when the sun is the farthest distance from the earth. Tradition says that nature and all her creatures stop and hold their breath to see if the sun will turn back from its wanderings if the days will lengthen and the earth will once again feel the sun's warmth. Another interesting convergence for this day is that it is also the traditional feast day for Saint Thomas the Apostle. This linkage invites making some connections between Thomas's struggle to believe the tale of Jesus' resurrection, the long nights just before Christmas, and the struggle with darkness and grief faced by those living with loss.
In the gathering darkness of December, we anticipate the coming again of the Light of the world. It may only be the hope that marks Advent's waiting that keeps us looking toward the coming of Christ. It may also be that the blue of the Advent season (which symbolizes hope) is the very remedy we need for what makes us feel "blue" at Christmas.
The service you attend may include the Lord’s Supper. At this great feast we dine at Christ’s table with all those who have gone before us. All are welcomed and encouraged to come to the table.
We pray that this time of accepting where we really are, will provide healing and hope for a troubled heart and rest for those who are weary.
May God bless and keep you in the Lord’s deep and abiding peace.

Tuesday, December 14, 2022, at 7:00 P.m.
Ascension Lutheran Church       
5106 Zion Avenue San Diego, California

Bethlehem Lutheran Church 
925 Balour Drive Encinitas California
Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 11:30 a.m.
Pacifica Synod Office 
1801 Parkcourt Place Building C Santa Ana, California
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 3:00 p.m.
Clairemont Lutheran Church
4271 Clairemont Mesa Blvd San Diego California
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
5895 Ball Road Cypress California

St. Paul Lutheran Church
111 West Las Palmas Drive Fullerton California

St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
8350 Lake Murray Blvd San Diego California

Calvary Lutheran Church
3060 54th Street San Diego California

Peace Lutheran Church
280 East Ontario Avenue Corona California
If you don’t see a service near you, please check with your pastor or deacon to see if they are aware of one.
Pacifica Synod, ELCA | www.pacificasynod.org