"My Kingdom Is Not Of This World" John 18:36

I have often imagined myself there when Jesus was on trial. Pilate asked him if he was a king and Jesus’ reply was, “My kingdom is not of this world,” John 18:36. And yet we read about a time in the future when the Bible says, "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!" Revelation 11:15.

Biblically speaking, we are living in-between those two verses and although we have come a long way in the 2,000+ years since Pilate, we are not there yet. We are on a journey and sometimes I hear God, the Father, telling all of us children… “FIVE more minutes!” Without a doubt, the kingdoms of TODAY’s world are as much in conflict with the Kingdom of God as they were in the 1st century. 

And, we see the conflict raging here in America as we approach another Presidential Election and examine the radical moral and spiritual differences between the two parties. Be sure to VOTE your values because elections have consequences!

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