Volume 9 Issue 7 August 2022
A monthly newsletter published by MKSA LLC
Back to School for Children with Special Needs
Back to School for Children with Autism
It's almost back-to-school time and with that comes challenges for students with autism as their routines change again. With some preparation, the transition will hopefully be a little smoother. We share some resources with you with information and tips on how to navigate this time of year.
Sensory Processing Issues and Back-to-School
Now is a good time for parents to give though to strategies for children with sensory processing issues and their return to school. From clothing and supplies to new routines, it's a good time to start to prepare children for this adjustment gradually. Some resources are below:
New School Routines Start Now
One of the best ways to help your child get ready for the return to school is to start now. Little by little, you can modify routines, have conversations, and develop a plan. This helps make the transition from the pool or park to the classroom easier for you and your child. Adjusting bedtimes, talking about the upcoming year and activities to come, and planning together with your child are some ways to smooth the change.
What are YOU reading?
Our list of recommended books continues with a theme of back to school:
- Dear Teacher by Amy Husband
-Benny the Brave in First Day Jitters by Julie Anne Penn and Darren Penn
-It's OK to be Different by Sharon Purtill
August is...
Admit You're Happy Month, Family Fun Month and National Picnic Month. Put them all together and have a wonderful time! Enjoy.
We're very social!
We are enjoying sharing on social media and we value all of our friends and followers. If you don't already follow us, we hope you will! We welcome your input and feedback and look forward to seeing you!
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