The Metaverse Will Meet Events
If we feel “presence” then we feel events. Julius Solaris, the oracle of events, shares his thoughts on why the metaverse will become the home of the events space.
The White House Builds a Framework
Democracy is often not pretty, and it’s even less pretty when you try to shoehorn a new paradigm into an existing government. Part of the hold-up in getting us to a working digital currency is figuring out who’s going to run the show. The White House finally issued some guidance for regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), consistent with their mandates. It’s not an
exciting read, but at least the discussion of who’ll take charge has begun.
Fear, Loathing and Events
Years ago when I was running conferences at CES I was threatened by a guy, best described as a right wing fanatic, who didn’t believe we should be discussing anything but American made cryptocurrency. He ranted at me for a bit and then said that he would be back to get me. I called security and they ejected the guy from the premises. No re-entry allowed.
I hadn’t recently thought about that episode until the recent stabbing of Salman Rushdie, which took place on stage at the Chautauqua Institution, a historic gathering place for artists and
thinkers. Rushdie received three stab wounds to his neck, four stab wounds to his stomach, puncture wounds to his right eye and chest, and a laceration on his right thigh.
While incidents like these are rare, they cast a pall over inviting controversy and may ultimately lead to stiffer background checks. What do you think?
VSef Acquired by BPA Worldwide
Since the early days of the pandemic virtual platforms have been trying to align themselves around how to measure data collected from virtual events. VSef, one of the key players, was just acquired by BPA Worldwide. This is good news all round, since BPA already owns RDSE, another virtual events reporting standard. Hopefully they will merge to create one strong, widely used, system. |