- Fresh Plaza News -
Felix Instruments' Avocado Quality Meter Makes a Cameo Appearance

F-751 Avocado Quality Meter taking a dry matter measurement
It's always fun to see our instruments unexpectedly pop up in the news. Last month, the F-751 Avocado Quality Meter made a cameo appearance in Fresh Plaza's interview with Global Avocado's CEO, João Bento.

Mr. Bento feels that Portuguese avocados are becoming a staple product in the European market as volumes increase every year. “At the moment, Portuguese production is already very important to the European market, not only because of its weight in quantity, which is increasing year after year and which customers want to keep track of but also because of its recognized quality that everyone wants."

Global Avocados proudly uses the F-751 Avocado Quality Meter to assess fruit maturity.

Our team will be at Fruit Logistica
and Sival 2023!
We look forward to seeing you at Fruit Logistica and Sival 2023

Fruit Logistica Is February 8th-10th in Berlin! This event covers every sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations, products, and services at every link in the international supply chain.

Sival is January 17th-19th in Paris! Over 26 000 international visitors at the exhibition product offering includes all plant productions and sectors, from arboriculture, vegetable crops, seeds, and viticulture to horticulture, medicinal and aromatic plants, cider, mushrooms, and tobacco.
Whether you're in Berlin or France, our teams are looking forward to meeting with you at an upcoming trade show!
Fruit Logistica
Berlin, Germany
February 8-10th
Paris, France
January 17-19th
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