Christ Church exists to show everyone God loves them unconditionally.
God's love.
There are several ways to give to the mission of Christ Church:
you can mail in your pledge or place in the Sunday offering,
give online, or text GIVE to (850) 403-6673.
We experience God's love (Worship)
Sunday 10:30 AM service streamed on Facebook Live or YouTube
Click here to listen to last week's sermon.
**An email is sent on Saturdays with links for Sunday worship and Christian Education.
In-Person services on Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
In-Person service on Wednesday at 12:00 PM
We embrace God's love (Study/Formation)
New Formation Class: "What is That?"
Sundays Nov. 17 & 24 ~ 9:15 AM ~ New Library
Join Fr. Michael and Rev. Katie as we study the meaning and discuss the symbols found throughout our Church. This class will be held in the new library on Sunday mornings.
Adult Christian Education Offering
A Time to Laugh: Humor in the Bible by Mark E. Biddle
Sundays ~ 9:15-10:15 AM
Rm. 31 of Education Bldg. or by Zoom link here
St. Peter is a central figure in the life of Jesus and the early church. On occasions he gave extraordinary insight into the meaning of Jesus’ life and death. And then on other occasions failed miserably to understand Jesus’ and the church’s mission. Peter’s interaction with Cornelius has examples of both Peter’s insight and misunderstanding. This is the focus for this session. The last part of the conversation asks us as modern disciples how we are like Peter with deep insights and misunderstandings of Jesus. Contact Dick Hooper or David Starling for more information.
We extend the love of God (Outreach/Parishioner Support)
Thanksgiving Meal Volunteer Opportunity
The Epps Christian Center will be hosting a Thanksgiving Meal for our downtown neighbors in need on Saturday, November 23. To volunteer for the lunch, please arrive by 8:00 AM at the Epps Center (2202 N. Pace Blvd). The meal is from 10AM-2PM.
Ministry Opportunities & Ways to Serve
What does it mean to be the Church? The Church is not a building, but a community of people and there are many opportunities where you can share your gifts within our community. How is God leading YOU to serve in new and exciting ways at Christ Church? For a full list of ministry descriptions, please click here; for ministry survey, click here.
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Thanksgiving Meal Volunteer Opportunity
Saturday, November 23
Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service
Sunday, November 24
Parish Office Closed
Thursday, November 28
Friday, November 29
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If you were unable to attend Consecration Sunday,
it is not too late to make a pledge to Christ Church.
You may mail your pledge card to the church,
place in the offering plate on Sunday,
or submit your pledge card online, please click here.
Link for the Consecration Sunday blessing here.
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Wednesday, November 13 ~ 6:00-8:00 PM
Christ Church is starting a new ministry for parents whose children have recently left the nest. The first gathering is at the home of the Spangruds on Wednesday, November 13 from 6-8 PM. All empty nesters are invited. For more information and/or the address, contact the church office or email Fr. Michael.
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Sundays Nov. 17 & 24 ~ 9:15 AM ~ New Library
Join Fr. Michael and Rev. Katie as we study the meaning and discuss the symbols found throughout our Church. This class will be held in the new library on Sunday mornings.
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Saturday, November 23 ~ Epps Christian Center
The Epps Christian Center will be hosting a Thanksgiving Meal for our downtown neighbors in need on Saturday, November 23. To volunteer for the lunch, please arrive by 8:00 AM at the Epps Center (2202 N. Pace Blvd). The meal is from 10AM-2PM.
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Sunday, November 24 ~ 5:00 PM ~ Christ Church
Join Pensacola’s historic downtown congregations for our annual interfaith Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 24. Christ Church will be the host this year. This service is a collaboration of Christ Episcopal Church, First Presbyterian Church, The Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel, Temple Beth El, First Baptist Church, Allen Memorial AME, and First United Methodist Church. The service begins at 5:00 PM.
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The Parish Office will be closed
Thursday, November 28 & Friday, November 29 for Thanksgiving.
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Tuesdays ~ 6:30-8:00 PM ~ Odd Colony
We gather in the back room at Odd Colony. Please contact Rev. Katie with any questions.
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Fridays ~ 8:30 AM ~ Library
Park in the Christ Church parking lot and come through the black gate to the upstairs library. Please contact Rev. Katie with any questions.
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Saturday, November 16
8:00 AM ~ Library
Speaker: Roy Benevides,
Brotherhood National President
All invited!
Please make reservations
via the church website.
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Wednesday, November 20 ~ 11:00 AM ~ Library
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Thursday, November 21 ~ 9:30 AM ~ Centering Prayer Room
Newcomers always welcome; instructions provided for those who wish to learn!
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A Time to Laugh: Humor in the Bible
by Mark E. Biddle
Sundays ~ 9:15-10:15 AM
Rm. 31 of Education Bldg. or by Zoom link here
St. Peter is a central figure in the life of Jesus and the early church. On occasions he gave extraordinary insight into the meaning of Jesus’ life and death. And then on other occasions failed miserably to understand Jesus’ and the church’s mission. Peter’s interaction with Cornelius has examples of both Peter’s insight and misunderstanding. This is the focus for this session. The last part of the conversation asks us as modern disciples how we are like Peter with deep insights and misunderstandings of Jesus. Contact Dick Hooper or David Starling for more information.
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Monday, December 2 ~ Crestview
Monday, December 9 ~ Pensacola
On Monday, December 2, make plans to join the Pensacola Bay Concert Band at 7:00 PM in Crestview (Crestview Community Center, 1446 Commerce Dr, Crestview, FL 32539) for the annual Community Bands of the Panhandle Christmas concert. We will join our sister community bands: Emerald Coast Community Band; North Okaloosa Community Band; and Walton County Community Band. Each band will perform their own “mini-concert” with a Grand Finale combining all four bands for a holiday performance spectacular of nearly 200 musicians. Free admission, but please bring non-perishable food items for their local food pantry.
On Monday, December 9, we will perform the same concert in Pensacola, along with a Christmas carol sing-along, at 7:30 PM in the Henry Roberts Activity Center at The Wright Place, 80 E. Wright St., on the campus of First United Methodist Church. Free admission, but please bring non-perishable food items which will be donated to Manna Food Pantry.
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An Advent Quiet Morning:
Saturday, December 7 ~ 10:00 AM–12 Noon
Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church ~ Chapel
led by Fr. Bob Graves
Contemplative Outreach of Pensacola invites you to an Advent morning of quiet contemplation as we share two periods of Centering Prayer and three segments of silent reflection. Fr. Bob Graves, beloved Episcopal priest and teacher, will turn our attention to personal questions that arise from scripture and then guide us in discovering and journaling our thoughts, which Fr. Bob affirms, “are to be treasured.” May we begin living Advent with “Open Hearts and Open Hands,” open to receiving and giving. Details and registration at
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8:00 AM – Worship with Nursery available. The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old. Special books, age-appropriate activities, and a snack are offered.
9:15 AM – Sunday School is available for children and youth. The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old.
10:30 AM – Worship with Nursery available. The Nursery is available for children ages infant through 3 years old. This service also includes Children's Chapel during the sermon, designed especially for children ages 5 years old and up. Children are invited to follow the cross down the main aisle during the sequence hymn and will return during the peace, just in time to have communion with their families.
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Children and Family Ministry (CFM) has two ways to keep our families connected with Christ Church during the week. CFM is on Instagram, @cckidspensacola, and shares what is happening on Sunday mornings & ideas for how to keep faithful conversations happening during the week. CFM also has a bite-sized weekly email with the "5 Things" our families need to know for the week – Sunday reminders, save the dates, and more. Would you like to be added? Email Victoria to be added to the list!
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For the current EYC newsletter, click here. | |
Join Christ Church for POPping sermons and conversations! Here we will share the Preaching Of the Parish as well as conversations with People Of the Parish and Partners Of the Parish. Each week we will alternate between past sermons and interviews.
Listen on Apple Podcasts:
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Christ Church nametags are back! To request yours, please sign up after services on Sundays in the Parish Hall or online here. Nametags may be picked up in the Parish Hall the Sunday after your request is submitted.
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Each week our worship service is enhanced with beautiful fresh flowers. After the Sunday services, the altar flower arrangements are reworked into smaller arrangements. These arrangements are delivered to members of our parish family that are unable to attend a Sunday service. The altar flowers are a memorial, a thanksgiving for an anniversary, a birthday, a new birth, or a thanksgiving for God's blessings. The donation is listed in the weekly bulletin. Forms to participate in this ministry are available here and on the information table in the Parish Hall.
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Christ Church is here for you. There are many ministries to love and support the people who are the church. If you are interested in assisting with staying connected to our church family, please email Rev. Katie or call her at the Parish Office, 850-432-5115. It is easy to feel alone or disconnected, so reach out to one of the priests or someone at the church to say hello. Contact Rev. Katie if you or anyone you know has any needs. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call our pastoral care emergency line to speak directly with one of the priests: (850) 462-5137.
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We would like to give thanks for these special days and to add your name to the published prayer list in the Chronicle. Please print your name on the calendar on the information table in the Parish Hall. The calendar is checked weekly before the prayer list goes to print.
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I. For Those in Need. Including the poor, the unemployed, the lonely, the hungry, the homeless, the abused, the sick and dying, and those who grieve. For those suffering in body, mind, or spirit—including Members: Gail LeRoy, Connie Miller, Madeleine Orbik, Kathi Wright, Mary Stitt, The Rev. Jandy Watkins, Marian Hughes, Dee Whisenhunt Family & Friends: Wendy Meredith, Troy Williams, Grace Hanny, Brodie Lewis, Scott, Kelly Currin, Rob Wilmer.
II. For Those in the Armed Forces, especially—Erik Barton, Stewart Bova, Blake Busse, Morgan Cochran, Danica Roark Domokos, Pierce Fiveash, Sam Gaston, Robert Geiger, Sterling Gilliam III, Mitchell Harless, Benjamin Jensen, Joshua Justin, Art Lantigua, Hillary Leonard, Ben Mathis, Kathryn Martin, Sean McAbee, Tony Miller, Riley Nofziger, Austin Ordway, Gavin Harris Patterson, Kyle Roberson, Peter Shelton, Evan Valdyke, Wesley Valdyke, Jake Willstatter; and all those who serve this nation in harm’s way.
III. For All who have Died. May their souls and the souls of all the departed rest in peace—Ken Woolf.
IV. In Thanksgiving. For those in our parish celebrating birthdays—Dick Grayson—and anniversaries.
To submit a prayer request, email and let us know if this is for the public prayer list or for our confidential intercessory prayer list. You may also fill out the prayer request form online at our website (found on the Pastoral Care page under “Ministries”). All published prayer requests on this list also go on the confidential intercessory prayer list. Please note that names remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks and on our confidential intercessory prayer list until you ask to be removed. Please resubmit your request if you or a loved one needs to remain on the list. This helps keep our prayers current. Names in bold print indicate new additions to the prayer list.
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We welcome
Barbara Slade & Erik Stolhanske & their children, Mary Elizabeth, Ella & Monty
and Clarissa Richards
who visited with us on 20 October 2024;
and Michelle Mehok, Leonard Montgomery, and Delores Thompson
who visited with us on 3 November 2024.
We welcome into God's family through the Sacrament of Baptism
Neil Joseph Mortensen, 3 November 2024.
We celebrate the marriage of
Rebekah Joy Bisson and Grover Cleveland Robinson V,
9 November 2024.
The sympathy of the parish is extended to the family of
Joan Dorothy Benedetto who died on 18 October 2024;
to the family of
Linda Kronholm Harageones who died on 25 October 2024;
and to the family of
Kenneth Howard Woolf who died on 5 November 2024.
We wish Godspeed to
Meredith Ann Cordelia Jones & Matthew Ellis Wolf
who have transferred to St. John's, Tallahassee, FL;
and Rebecca Cogswell Gray Yonge
who has transferred to St. Christopher's, Pensacola, FL.
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