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May 2, 2024

Weekly Update

A Message from Principal Simpson

Diana Simpson

Dear Parents,

I cannot believe it's already May! This school year has flown by, and the fun events just keep on coming all this month. The STEAM Fair is taking place tomorrow, May 3. Thanks to the STEM Committee for all of their hard work on this event—all of the students (and the staff) truly look forward to it each year. And, special thanks to Mr. Nolting for all of the organizational work and preparation he has put into making this a fantastic day for our students. 

I’m also very excited about the Science Fair happening next week! Our third and fifth graders have been investing quite a bit of time and energy into their projects for weeks, and I'm eager to see their hard work pay off. It’s a real time of discovery for these students as they complete their projects. I invite you to volunteer for the event (details are below) and/or join us for parent viewing from 4-7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7. I know you’ll be in awe, as I am every year, about their innovative and thoughtfully designed experiments. 

A huge THANK YOU to our community for your support of the Fun Run last week! We’re so grateful for your generous donations! As you’ll see in the article below, thanks to you, the PTO has raised more than $65,000! With this money, the PTO plans to help BFA purchase a new Core Knowledge science curriculum, expand the rock wall, improve sound

systems throughout the building (which enhances safety), and help fund general improvements around the school. 

One of the many reasons we love Deputy Jensen, our School Resource Officer (SRO), is her dedication and support of our community beyond her day-to-day on-campus activities. Earlier this year, she donated two rides in her police vehicle for the PTO's silent auction. The winning families were the Ongerts and the Kraybachers (shhhh.....this is a surprise for these kids!). We’re sharing this with you because Deputy Jensen will arrive on campus tomorrow morning, May 3, and next Friday morning, May 10, with lights on and short siren bursts to give the winning students the whole experience of riding in a police vehicle! Please don't be alarmed. Thank you to Deputy Jensen and these families for supporting the online portion of the PTO fundraising.

Our elementary specials team, Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Hinkle, Ms. Johnson, and Mrs. Tickle, have worked very hard over the last two years to utilize the SCFD grant that they applied for on our behalf. Here are some fun statistics that reflect their dedication to making the best use of those funds: 

During the last two years, our students have participated in 51 programs. Five were field trips, eighteen were assemblies and twenty-eight were workshops. All of our students, preschool through eighth grade, benefited in some way from these programs.

Thank you to the team for making such a significant impact on the school with these grant funds! (For additional details, see this Grant Wrap-Up presentation.)

Mr. Zaccaria, our middle school assistant principal, is currently on paternity leave. If you need something, please email me directly at, and I will help you while he is out. Also, Mr. Peterson, our new elementary assistant principal, started shadowing Mr. Gomez yesterday. He will be introduced to students and staff this week. Please warmly welcome him as you see him on campus these last few weeks of school. 

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Simpson

SCFD Grant Stats

Getting Ready for the 2024-25 School Year

ALL K-8 Families: Access the Engaged Portal by May 9

Current BFA Parents:

By next Thursday, May 9, all parents/guardians of CURRENT BFA K-8 students should make sure they can log in to the EngagED Parent Portal.

IMPORTANT: When logging into the EngagED Portal, parents/guardians will be prompted for an email and password. (This is a change. Previously users were prompted for their username and password.) The email must follow this format: (Do NOT use a personal email address.) For example, if your current user name is absmith, you would enter Your password will remain the same.

New BFA Parents:

Parents/Guardians who are BRAND NEW to the district and have NEW incoming K-8 BFA students do not have Portal accounts yet. 

  • Parents/Guardians who open enrolled their children, created a username and password when they completed Open Enrollment (OE). These Portal accounts will be activated and accessible after July 1.
  • Parents/Guardians who did not complete OE (for example, those whose spouses completed OE for their child) will receive email Portal set-up instructions after July 1.

ALL BFA Parents - New and Returning:

In preparation for the 2024-25 school year, there are two required steps BFA parents/guardians/families need to complete during the summer for every incoming K-8 student:

  • Mid-July all BFA parents will log in to the EngagED Parent Portal to complete DCSDs Express Check-In; and
  • In August before school starts, your family will come to the school for in-person BFA Annual Family Check-In.

Additional details about these processes will be in future communications. For your action TODAY – please ensure you can log in to the EngagED Portal. If you cannot log in, please email BFA’s Director of Admissions and Records, Colleen Bobbin, at by next Thursday, May 9.

Important Health Room Reminders/Information

Current Families with Medicine in the Health Room or BASE

HEALTH ROOM MEDICATION: For parents who have signed for their student to take home any remaining medication, we will send it home with them (or siblings) on the last day of school. However, if you did not sign a medication release form, only a parent/guardian or a designated adult can pick up the medicine. Parents can begin picking up medication now, or wait until the last day of school between 9 - 11:30 a.m

BASE MEDICATION: If applicable, you also will need to pick up any medication stored in BASE, as we will not transfer medications for summer camp. 


Any medication left at school after the school year ends will be disposed of per the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) rules and regulations governing schools.


Students Who Plan to Take Medicine at School Next School Year 

For those students who take medicine at school, per Douglas County School District (DCSD), new medication forms are required at the beginning of each school year. According to the guidelines, forms should be completed and signed after July 1. (Medication forms from the prior school year are considered EXPIRED.) These medications include prescriptions as well as over-the-counter medications. New forms/plans and medications can be brought to school during BFA Annual Family Check-In, Teacher Meet and Greets, or on/after the first day of school. Forms can also be emailed to the health office or faxed to 303-974-1738. To find the form you need, see our Health and Wellness webpage.


As a reminder, herbal and homeopathic remedies may not be administered at school.



If your child is not compliant with vaccinations for the next school year, you will receive an email from the Health Room by July 26. If you receive this email, it will contain information on the necessary steps for compliance, either by vaccination or the exemption process. If you have questions about whether your student is compliant but do not receive this email, please contact us.  


Information about the Vaccinations Exemption Process

Per the CDPHE, if you choose not to have your child(ren) vaccinated according to the current recommended schedule, you must submit a Certificate of Medical Exemption or Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption to the school. Nonmedical exemptions must be submitted annually and dated between July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Downloadable certificates and the online education module are available at:

All new immunization records and exemption letters should be provided to the school by Friday, Aug. 16.  

The CDPHE issues letters each year about immunizations for the next school year. Below are the most recent versions currently available. These letters are important as they provide information about required vaccines, resources for low-cost vaccines, and details about the exemption process.

If you have questions about any of these processes during the summer, please contact our school nurse, Peggy Brown, RN, at

BFA News

Friendly Reminders

Calendar Updates/Reminders

Tomorrow, May 3, is an EXTRA Dress of Choice day for all students! Thanks again for your participation in CMAS testing--as the data we gain from these tests is important for our continued success.

As you know, BFA has been named a 2023 John Irwin School of Excellence by the Colorado Department of Education! 

We will officially be recognized at the State of DCSD event which begins at 6 p.m. TONIGHT, May 2, at the DCSD Legacy Campus. Please join us and help us celebrate the hard work of our students, teachers and staff! RSVP at

Next Week is Teacher and Staff Appreciation

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is coming up next week, May 6-10! The PTO will be recognizing all of our amazing teachers and staff who lift us up and make BFA such a special place for our children. 'Friends' is the theme for this year! Take a look below for details about the events the PTO has planned:

  • Monday: Santiago burritos 
  • Tuesday: Green Bus Café coffee truck
  • Wednesday: Zell’s Crepes and Suburban Girl Boutique clothing rack
  • Thursday: Girl Scout cookies
  • Friday: Succulents and gift bags
Friends Teacher App
Run for Funds Logo

Run4Funds - Donations Due Today

Today, May 2, is the final day to turn in all Fun Run donations! You can make donations at the Fundraising Website (password: franklin24).

  • If a donor sends cash or a check, please put it in an envelope clearly marked with your student’s name and teacher name, and turn it into the front office. Checks should be made out to BFA PTO. 


We are so grateful for everyone who has already donated--we are thrilled to announce that we have raised more than $65,000 for the BFA PTO! With this money, the PTO plans to help BFA purchase a new Core Knowledge science curriculum, expand the rock wall, improve sound systems throughout the building (which enhances safety), and help fund general improvements around the school. 

Thank you to all the volunteers, our teachers, and all the parents who came to cheer on their kiddos—you helped make the Fun Run a success!

NOTE: Please save the Fun Run t-shirts to wear on Field Day!


Evereve Fashion Fundraiser Tonight

Join us from 5-7 p.m.tonight, May 2, to shop for a cause at Evereve in Aspen Grove (7301 S. Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, 80120). Evereve will be providing snacks, and will donate 15 percent of all purchases (excluding gift cards) to BFA! It’s the perfect way to get your Mother’s Day shopping done. Hope to see you there!


Volunteers Still Needed


The BFA STEAM Expo is almost here! The STEM Committee is still looking for parent volunteers to support the STEAM Expo TOMORROW, May 3. Please visit the STEAM Expo Sign-Up and pitch in to help make the Expo a success. You can choose from helping out with the Trebuchets Target Practice, Summer Camp Promotion or setting up your own parent led activity! And, you don't need to be a science expert to help!

STEAM Expo Class Schedule:

  • 8:30-9:15: Vendor/volunteer check in and set-up
  • 9:15-10:15: 3rd, K, morning K, and Preschool
  • 10:15-11:15: 7th and 8th
  • 12:00-1:00: 2nd, 6th, 
  • 1:00-2:00: 5th and 4th
  • 2:00-3:00: 1st, Afternoon K, and Preschool

If you have any questions about the event or are interested in stopping by, please contact the STEAM Coordinator, Kyle Nolting, at

Tomorrow, please be aware of multiple exhibitors parked in the preschool parking area and more than usual movement happening during carpool drop-off and pick-up. Look closely and you may even see some dinosaur bones, farm animals or a fire truck!

Science Fair

Science Fair, May 6-8

You Don't Need to be a STEM Expert to Help!

The 2024 Ben Franklin Academy Science Fair is going to be held from May 6 - 8 with a parent viewing night from 4 – 7 p.m. on May 7.

We still need judges! Science Fair poster board judging will take place on Monday, May 6, and Tuesday, May 7. We'll also need volunteers for the poster board student viewing, which is from 8:25 - 11:10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 8. (Additional details on the respective sign-ups.)

Judges and student viewing monitors do not need to be STEM experts OR even have students participating in the fair. Sign up today:


Thanks to Mrs. Flint, Science Specialist, and Mr. Nolting, STEM Coordinator, for all their work on the Science Fair!

Come to the middle school play!

All Welcome at MS Performance

We hope you can join us for a tale about the funniest, craziest, most mixed-up place that ever called itself a school! BFA’s after school performing arts presents our middle school play, “Sideways Stories of Wayside School,” at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, on the BFA stage. Tickets are free and we’d love to see you there!

CEC Logo_final

CEC Year-End Celebration

The CEC would like to thank all our AMAZING volunteers who helped make this year's community events a success. They will be holding their end-of-year celebration meeting to recognize the volunteers who have contributed this year. The meeting will be held on the side patio at Torchys, Tuesday, May 7. Food will be provided. Please RSVP to the CEC by Saturday, May 4, if you plan on attending so they can plan appropriately. Thank you!

PTO Logo_final

Final PTO Meeting/Dinner

Please join the members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) for their end-of-year meeting! The meeting will be held from 5-7 p.m. on Sunday, May 5, at Redstone Park in Highlands Ranch. The PTO will be providing dinner. Please RSVP to the PTO and indicate on your sign-up if you have gluten-free and/or vegetarian dietary needs. We will do our best to accommodate. Hope to see you there!

pirates cove

Pirates Cove Volunteer Appreciation Event -

Be Sure to Log your Hours!

Did you know that one of BFA's traditions is a private summer event at Pirates Cove for families who complete their recommended volunteer hours? That's right! Your entire immediate family can attend a private BFA night at Pirates Cove on the PTO! Not only that, if you earn 50, 75 or 100 volunteer hours, you will be awarded special BFA logo'd items (distributed at Pirates Cove check-in) to show our appreciation for going above and beyond! So, mark your calendars for this year's Pirate's Cove BFA Night which will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, June 8. Be sure to log those volunteer hours! You don't want to miss it!!


Please note: No additional tickets will be sold. This is ONLY an event for those for families who have completed and recorded their family’s recommended volunteer hours (30 hours per family or 15 hours per single-parent household) in Help Counter by midnight, Wednesday, May 29. No exceptions will be made.


Thank you to all the families who have volunteered this year. We sincerely appreciate all that you do for BFA! 

News from our Library

The last day our Library will be open this school year is Friday, May 10. We will not check out any books after May 10, and all books must be returned by Wednesday, May 15. If you have a lost or damaged book, the fee will be posted in MySchoolBucks. (Note, if you return the book undamaged before the end of the school year, the fine will be removed.) If there are unpaid fines at the beginning of next school year, your student will not be able to check out books.


Room Parents Needed for Next School Year!

The PTO is looking for elementary (K-5) Room Parents for next school year! Being a Room Parent is a fun way to get your volunteer hours in, develop a great relationship with your child's teacher and get involved in the school. If you are interested, please send an email to the PTO Room Parent Coordinator, Amy Marks, at


Treat Yourself to Gelato & Co.

I scream. You scream. We all scream for ICE CREAM! Save the date for a fun spirit night from 3-9 p.m. on Monday, May 13, at Gelato & Co. in Highlands Ranch (1509 Park Central Drive). Gelato & Co will donate 20 percent of all BFA sales that night, so be sure to let them know that you are with BFA to make your purchase count! Mark your calendar. You won't want to miss out!


Save the Date for the Eighth Grade Dinner

Eighth grade families, save the date for the Annual Eighth Grade Dinner coming up from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, in the Middle School Commons. This will be a catered dinner for eighth graders only, brought to you by the PTO. If you are interested in helping during the dinner, please contact PTO Social Coordinator, Ewelina Chrzanowski, at

Bens Brigade Logo_final

Calling All Dads - Ben's Brigade Needs You!

Ben's Brigade is a PTO group open to all BFA dads that provides a place for dads to get to know each other, as well as opportunities for unique ways to give back to the school and earn volunteer hours. Ben’s Brigade handles work projects around the school, provides volunteers for school functions, and hosts a number of social events throughout the year - some just for dads and some with kids as well.


They have spring school projects coming up as well as their end of year picnic that will be held from 12 - 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 19, at Redstone Park. Ben’s Brigade will be providing food and drinks. If you plan on attending, please RSVP for the picnic, so they know how many to expect.

Contact Ben’s Brigade Committee Manager, Justin Mayhall, at to learn more.

Donate your instrument to BFA
Summer Camp

Skate City Membership Cards Available

Buy a $5 Skate City Summer Membership Card now through May 15 and the PTO will earn $2 back on each card sold! Summer Membership Cards allow you to skate at any Skate City location all summer long for $1 admission (skate rentals are $5). 

See the Skate City Summer flier for additional details. 

You can purchase your membership cards now; be sure to enter ‘Ben Franklin Academy’ as the full school name.

Camp Catalog

Summer Enrichment Camp Catalog

Summer is right around the corner! Each year BFA teachers offer different enrichment camps throughout the summer. We have such a wide variety of camps this year, that we created a catalog of choices. There are camps for all interests and age groups. Please see our Summer Enrichment Camp Catalog for all the details. 

Spring/Summer Uniform Sales

Uniforms are an important part of school at Ben Franklin Academy, and this is the time of year when our uniform vendors have their best sales of the year! French Toast just sent us their uniform sale flier (see below), and Educational Outfitters sent us a menu of options that you might find helpful (their flier is below as well). Parents also can purchase uniforms from Tommy Hilfiger.

You can find out more about uniforms on our uniform webpage (click Uniforms to find vendor information). We’ll share additional sale information via our public Facebook page and/or in our newsletters, as we receive it.

French Toast Flier
EO Flier
Upcoming Events


See what's happening this month.


Extra Dress of Choice - May 3

Fun Sock Friday - May 10 & 17

Accelerated Reader DOC - May 23

Eighth Grade Clap Out/Graduation - May 23

DOC/Last Day of School/Half-Day - May 24


Summer Break Begins - May 28

Board Bolts

Nominate Someone Today!

The Board and Principal Simpson recognize that there are BFA students who go above and beyond and achieve excellence in academics, character, effort and/or service. We are proud of these students and the characteristics they exemplify.

If you would like to nominate a student to be recognized as one of our Board BOLTS in May, please use this nomination form.

BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.

Ben Franklin Academy

2270 Plaza Drive

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519


Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239


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