Streams of Awareness


February 13, 2023

Valentines Day

It is just a day....but it has been vamped up over the years to be one of the greatest flower and candy retail days of the year. Displays are in full bloom, boxes of Valentines for school aged children come in all different styles with every favorite character. The reds and whites and pinks and heart shaped "everythings" from cakes to pasta take a front row on any retail shelf. But just as so many other holidays have become so commercial...we often just go with the flow of the followers without having any idea what all the fuss really is about.  

Valentines day is a day to celebrate people you love....and who love you back. It is a day tilted towards couples no doubt...but what if you are not a couple do you just sink into oblivion and wait patiently for the day to come and go. I think not..whether we are couples or not...we still can make this day a day of celebration for life itself and the love that comes to us first from God; for no one could love us more.

Reach out to someone today or tomorrow who you love...who has made a difference in your life, and send a quick text or handwritten note or do something that will be bring a smile of love to their life to remind them of the blessing they have been to yours. My list is many of those I love and adore but surely God will put someone on my heart today who might need a little encouragement or kind word of love to come their way.


If there were one word associated with Valentines Day it would be LOVE.

And there is no one in this world who loves us more than God above. He doesn't need one designated day to celebrate His love for us...he does that each and everyday but oh how we miss it and take His unconditional love for granted. We overlook His blessings, take for granted His forgiveness, don't recognize His grace and are moving too fast to smell His flowers....and feast on His provisions. Today, in honor of the love that we have from God...lets pass that love on to others. 

I know this sounds kind of syrupy....but truly if we take just a few moments to look around at our blessings and let the complaints and comparisons be overstepped and muddled...we will see that we are rich in love..each of us who has allowed God the chance to be our loving companion.....he shares with us a love that has no bounds...a love that is kind and holds no grudges...a love that only sees our best....a love that cherishes our attention...a love that seeks a daily relationship, a love that can give us strength when we are weak, and encouragement when we begin to lose faith, and victory when the world calls for defeat. Now that is true love...GRAND love at its best. 

Psalm 86:5

You are forgiving and good, O Lord,  abounding in love to all who call to you.

Valentines is tilted towards couples...and as long as God is by our side.....we are a "couple" whose relationship is founded on a greater love that goes way beyond what we know on this earth. Take time to pass that love that we know is from God to someone word or deed and with prayer.

Dear Lord, thank you for the deep and grand love that have offered toe ach of us. Help us to embrace it and take cover in it, and reflect it..Amen  

Happy Valentines to each of you...May you feel the love of God deep in your heart and spread it to those who cross your path.

And may God's blessings today, and Valentines Day and all the ones to come, be sprinkled into your lives. May we remember to praise God and thank him for them, each and every one. And remember sometimes God's blessings come camouflaged....and we have to seek out to find HIS silver lining.

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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