The election may be over, but staff at the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters Office still have work ahead making sure every ballot is properly tallied. Today’s SoCo Correspondent provides an update on the election process, including information on how you can monitor the vote count. You will also find stories on a new County ordinance that legalizes small, home-based commercial kitchens, a report on the health of the County’s pension system, and an innovative program to preserve Sonoma County’s farmland by helping small farmers acquire agricultural land at an affordable price.
If you have a friend or family member who lives in the area – or you know of a former Sonoma County resident who might be interested in receiving these updates – urge them to sign up for the SoCo Correspondent so they can receive it directly, normally on the first and third week of each month.
¿Está interesado en leer sobre lo que hace el Condado de Sonoma dos veces al mes? Este boletín estará disponible en español. Regístrese aquí para suscribirse a nuestro boletín, el SoCo Correspondent.
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Ballot count underway in Sonoma County | |
It could take more than three weeks to count every ballot cast in Sonoma County in Tuesday’s general election. And that’s not unusual. The complete tally of votes is never finished on Election Night.
Vote-by-mail ballots postmarked on or before Election Day will still be accepted if they are received by Nov. 12. In addition, elections staff must review tens of thousands of mail-in ballots that were dropped off at a vote center or official drop-box on or right before Election Day. All vote-by-mail ballots go through multiple steps for signature verification and prepping before they can be tabulated.
While the final numbers are not yet known, as many as 85 to 90 percent of the County’s 309,933 active registered voters cast a ballot in Tuesday’s election, according to projections by the Registrar of Voters Office. As of Thursday afternoon, 156,368 ballots had been counted. An estimated 103,772 mail-in ballots remain uncounted and are being reviewed to ensure they were signed by a registered voter. The Sonoma County Registrar of Voters Office has until Dec. 3 to count every ballot and certify the election results.
All of this work is done in the open and can be viewed by the public. The Registrar of Voters Office, located at 435 Fiscal Drive in Santa Rosa, is open each weekday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A livestream of the vote count can also be viewed on YouTube.
“We understand that people want fast results, but our processes are time-intensive and comprehensive,” said Deva Marie Proto, the County’s registrar of voters. “We prioritize accuracy over speed, and we have many mandated steps that we must take to ensure everything is done correctly.”
Tomorrow, join us for a special episode of the County’s weekly podcast, SoCo Chat, when we sit down with Sonoma County Registrar of Voters Deva Marie Proto for an update on the vote count. View and subscribe to SoCoChat here.
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COVID recovery program helps thousands with food, housing, financial aid and other services | |
Three years ago, Sonoma County received $96 million from the federal American Rescue Plan Act to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and help people hit hardest by its health and economic impacts.
The Board of Supervisors did something innovative with the one-time funds. Supervisors put $38 million into a new initiative that would create partnerships with nonprofits and other community-based organizations. Their goal: to deliver services to low-income residents and communities of color who suffered disproportionately during the pandemic.
A new report out this week documents the impact of that investment. The County’s Community Resilience Program has provided nearly 40,000 individual services to people in need, including food, housing, financial assistance, mental health counseling and other supports.
“Through this investment, the County developed partnerships with more than 80 community-based organizations to deliver the services our residents needed the most,” said Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, vice chair of the Board of Supervisors. “These initiatives are making measurable impacts in the lives of people who suffered disproportionately during the pandemic.”
Since its inception in 2022, the Community Resilience Program has funded more than 848,000 meals, provided direct financial assistance to 885 people, helped nearly 450 housing-insecure persons, funded mental health support to 316 people, provided career training to 380 people, and more.
A full list of Community Resilience Program projects and performance data can be viewed at upstream Most projects will continue to provide services to Sonoma County residents through the end of 2025.
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County opens door for home-based food businesses | |
Sonoma County is joining 16 other counties across the state that allow entrepreneurs to open a small dine-in or take-out restaurant in their home. Last month, the Board of Supervisors voted to create a local program that will issue permits for small-scale residential retail food facilities known as Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations, or MEHKOs.
To run a home restaurant, the operator will need a health permit from Sonoma County Environmental Health and a food safety manager certification. All workers must have a food handler card. Public water system permits from the state Water Resources Control Board may be required for residents using a private well water system.
Food must be prepared, cooked and served on the same day within the residence’s kitchen. Sales are limited to 30 meals per day or 90 meals per week, with gross annual sales capped at $100,000.
“Microenterprise Home Kitchens provide our talented home chefs with business opportunities, particularly for those with limited access to capital or facing industry entry barriers such as child or elder-care responsibilities,” said Supervisor David Rabbitt, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “They can also increase community access to healthy food, offering options for cultural or regional foods that may not be available locally, while ensuring food safety.”
MEHKOs will be allowed within unincorporated Sonoma County and the nine cities. They are subject to annual inspections and must comply with all relevant Health and Safety Code requirements.
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County reduces unfunded pension liability, saving taxpayers millions | |
Taxpayers and nearly 12,000 former and current County government employees recently got good news about Sonoma County’s pension system. The pension plan was 93.9 percent funded at the end of 2023, up from 92.4 percent a year earlier, according to an annual report presented to the Board of Supervisors on Oct. 22.
The results reflect the impact of strong investment returns and hard work by the County to reduce its unfunded pension liability, a term that describes the gap between the assets in the pension plan for County employees and the amount owed to retirees. Since 2020, the County’s unfunded liability has dropped from $625 million to $392 million, a 37 percent decline.
The Board of Supervisors has made $25 million in early payments on the unfunded liability over the last nine years, a policy decision that will save taxpayers an estimated $20 million in interest costs over the next 15 years, and more over time.
“Our pension system must be sustainable, both for taxpayers and the retirees who depend on it,” said Supervisor David Rabbitt, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “That is one reason why the Board has made it a priority to pay down our unfunded liability annually. It has not been easy, but this report shows our persistence has resulted in making good progress.”
During the meeting, Chair Rabbitt thanked the members of the Independent Citizens’ Pension Committee, which makes recommendations that further the Board’s efforts to ensure a more fair, equitable and sustainable County pension system.
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Protecting west Sonoma County from wildfires | |
Shaded fuel breaks can help firefighters stop a wildland blaze in its tracks. By thinning brush and other vegetation in woodland areas before a fire breaks out, crews can proactively reduce the amount of fuel that feeds wildfires while creating natural barriers that slow their spread.
The Board of Supervisors last month authorized $1.8 million to build three critical fuel breaks that will help protect residents in the Rio Nido, Guernewood and Hacienda areas from wildfires.
“This vital initiative enhances not only the Russian River community’s resilience against wildfires but also Sonoma County as a whole,” said District 5 Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, who represents west county. “Thanks to the collective efforts from everyone involved, we are moving toward a safer, more sustainable future.”
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The Northside Russian River Shaded Fuel Break Project will create 13 miles of shaded fuel breaks across ridgelines in west Sonoma County. It is funded by Cal Fire’s Wildfire Prevention Grant program.
The Board of Supervisors created the County’s own Vegetation Management Grant Program in 2020, devoting $25 million from the County’s settlement with PG&E over damage caused by the 2017 wildfires. The program, administered by Sonoma County Ag + Open Space, has provided $11.3 million in grants to 74 projects that have reduced fuel loads on 5,900 acres. The grant funding has helped to create defensible space around 630 homes, construct 82 miles of shaded fuel breaks and reduce fuels along 64 miles of roads that serve as critical evacuation routes.
The County has also approved five projects that will allow vegetation treatments on 93,887 acres under the state’s Vegetation Treatment Program, which provides for streamlined environmental review to expedite projects that protect the public from wildfires.
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County to host Nov. 19 webinar for landlords regarding new renter protection ordinance | |
Landlords are invited to attend a Nov. 19 webinar to learn more about a new County ordinance that expands protections for renters in unincorporated areas of Sonoma County.
The 6 p.m. Zoom webinar will review key elements of the ordinance, which requires landlords to report information about evictions using a new web portal created by the County. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions about the new rules.
Under the ordinance, landlords seeking to evict a tenant must have a “just cause,” such as nonpayment of rent, lease violations, or criminal activity. Tenants are now protected by just-cause requirements as soon as they begin renting, eliminating the one-year waiting period under the state law. Evictions, in most cases, are prohibited during a declared emergency, like a wildfire or flood. Landlords are prohibited from evicting tenants for nonpayment unless more than one month of rent is overdue; tenants can use this protection up to two times per year. When a landlord asks a tenant to vacate a property, they must provide the tenant with information – in English and Spanish – about their rights.
The County hosted a similar webinar for renters on Oct. 17. View a video of the tenant protection webinar here. Next month, the County will host an informational forum for renters in the Sonoma Valley. Additional information on the Dec. 4 meeting will appear in a future SoCo Correspondent.
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County launches new program to prevent homelessness in Sonoma County | |
Attend a Nov. 19 community forum on Zoom to learn about Keep People Housed, a new pilot program designed to prevent homelessness in Sonoma County. The 5:30 p.m. webinar will begin with a presentation about this ambitious two-year initiative followed by an open-forum style Q&A session.
The $3.9 million program will provide temporary financial assistance and services to eligible Sonoma County residents at high risk of becoming homeless. Participants can receive help with back rent, move-in costs, rental assistance and other housing-related expenses. The project is funded by the County of Sonoma, the cities of Santa Rosa and Petaluma, and All Home, a San Francisco nonprofit that designed the program. The City of Santa Rosa will administer the contract and Committee on the Shelterless will operate the program, with Reach for Home, West County Community Services, Community Support Network, and HomeFirst providing services in different regions of the county. Legal Aid of Sonoma County will provide legal services countywide.
Michael Gause, the County’s Ending Homelessness manager, will moderate the Nov. 19 webinar. Panelists include Chris Cabral, executive director of COTS; Mary Kate Johnson, director of regional homelessness prevention with All Home; Dannielle Danforth, West County Community Services’ director of Housing and Homeless Services; Sasha Brown, homeless services program specialist with the City of Santa Rosa; Margaret Sluyk, executive director with Reach for Home; and Kym Centaro, Housing and Wellness division director at Community Support Network.
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How will the election results impact the Sonoma County economy? | |
Jerry Nickelsburg, director, UCLA Anderson Forecast
The results of Tuesday’s election will not only shape the political landscape but could also influence the Sonoma County economy. Economist Jerry Nickelsburg, director of the widely respected UCLA Anderson Forecast, will explore the potential economic impacts of the election on Nov. 21 at the annual Fall Economic Perspective in Rohnert Park.
The morning event, held at Sonoma State University, is produced by the Sonoma County Economic Development Collaborative. In his keynote presentation, Nickelsburg will examine how shifts in policy following the election could impact local industries, employment and consumer spending.
Tickets, which include breakfast, are $60 plus Eventbrite fees.
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Pilot program to help farmers, ranchers acquire agricultural lands | |
One of the biggest barriers to starting a new farm is acquiring the land. A pilot program just launched by Sonoma County Ag + Open Space aims to help would-be farmers and ranchers do just that.
The County’s open space district has launched a Buy-Protect-Sell pilot program to help farmers and ranchers purchase land. Under the program, Ag + Open Space will buy a property and then protect it by placing legal restrictions on the property to ensure it is used only for agriculture and conserved forever. The agency will then sell the property to a qualified buyer at a reduced price.
“Agriculture is at the heart of what makes Sonoma County so vibrant and special,” said Supervisor David Rabbitt, who serves as chair of the Ag + Open Space Board of Directors. “Small farms are a vital part of our agricultural community, and implementing tools like buy-protect-sell means we’re taking steps towards making farmland more accessible to those who otherwise wouldn’t have the resources needed to purchase their own land.”
The pilot program is the first tool developed through the district’s Farmland for All program, which seeks to conserve agricultural lands while enhancing equitable access for farmers and ranchers. Applications from potential buyers are now being accepted. The district hopes to acquire its first property through the program by the end of 2025.
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Nov. 30 is deadline to apply for Project-Based housing vouchers | |
The Sonoma County Housing Authority is currently accepting applications for renters wanting to get on the waitlist for subsidized rental units at seven apartment complexes in Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Windsor, Healdsburg, Sonoma and Guerneville.
The apartments are set aside for renters who earn 30 percent or less of the area’s median income. To qualify for a voucher, a family of four would have to make $41,500 or less per year.
The deadline to apply is Nov. 30. Applicants who meet eligibility requirements will be placed in a lottery to get on the waitlist for a Project-Based housing voucher at the apartment complex of their choice. Options include Crossroads Apartments in Santa Rosa; Logan Place in Petaluma; Windsor Redwoods Apartments in Windsor; The Randall Apartments in Healdsburg; Alta Madrone Apartments and Fetters Apartments in Sonoma; and Fife Creek Commons in Guerneville.
If your household does not meet the criteria for income or household size, there will be lotteries in the coming months for Project-Based vouchers with various bedroom sizes and income limits. The County’s Housing Choice voucher waitlist is currently closed and is not expected to reopen until the end of 2025 at the earliest.
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Add the SoCo Chat weekly podcast to your playlist | |
County Communications Manager Paul Gullixson, left, speaks with Grant Davis, general manager of Sonoma Water, on a recent episode of SoCo Chat.
Have you subscribed to SoCo Chat? Our weekly podcast features in-depth conversations about our county. Don’t miss our recent discussion with Grant Davis, general manager of Sonoma Water, about how climate change is impacting our water supply.
Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and YouTube, and check out our growing library of episodes in both English and Spanish (Descubre nuestra creciente selección de episodios en inglés y español). Recent guests and topics of discussion have included:
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Free holiday parking at Regional Parks for veterans and active-duty military | |
Veterans, military members and their families are eligible for a special pass that waives the $7 day-use parking fee at Sonoma County Regional Parks over the Veterans Day holiday weekend.
Parking passes may be obtained in advance at the County's Veterans Services Office, 3725 Westwind Blvd., Suite 100, in Santa Rosa; Sonoma County Regional Parks, 400 Aviation Blvd., Suite 100, in Santa Rosa; and Doran Regional Park, 201 Doran Beach Road, in Bodega Bay. Applicants will be asked to show a valid military identification card, a Veterans Affairs card, a veteran’s identification card or an honorable discharge record. Sonoma County residency is not required.
The passes may be used for free parking from Saturday, Nov. 9, through Monday, Nov. 11.
Regional Parks offers the passes with support from the Board of Supervisors and in collaboration with the County’s Human Services Department to honor the sacrifices and contributions of local veterans and their families. In addition to the Veterans Day pass, Regional Parks offers a year-round Distinguished Veterans Day-Use Pass, which provides free parking to disabled war veterans, former prisoners of war and Congressional Medal of Honor recipients.
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Out and about: Día de Muertos celebration in Monte Rio | |
The County’s Central Communications team joined a number of public and nonprofit partners in taking part in a vibrant Día de Muertos celebration organized by Friends of Monte Rio this month
The Nov. 3 event, held at the Monte Rio Community Center, was filled with activities, delicious food and live entertainment. Participants enjoyed family-friendly activities like papel picado crafts, face painting and lotería games. Organizers created a beautiful community altar, where visitors paid tribute to loved ones who have passed on.
Congratulations to Jane Kleimo of Monte Rio, who signed up to get SoCo Correspondent and won a drawing for a free Sonoma County Regional Parks pass and a gift bag packed with County swag.
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Find room to grow with a County job | |
The County currently has nearly 60 job openings posted on its website. How can you improve your chances of landing one?
Sign up for the next Start Here! class, which provides an overview of the County of Sonoma’s job application, examination and selection processes. The two-hour virtual class will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 21.
The free class is intended for the public, whether you are looking for a new position now or planning for a future employment opportunity. Participants will learn how to submit a thorough application, best practices for the interview and examination, and much more.
Contact us at to register for the Nov. 21 class or sign up for our mailing list to be notified of future classes.
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Adopt the pet of the week | |
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