A Note of Hope and Call to Action

Letter from AFO's Executive Director

November 6, 2024

This election season has been emotional and exhausting. And yet, I am hopeful for the future. I am hopeful because tumultuous times call for citizen engagement, and being immersed in the design community has allowed me to connect with individuals who are actively working to enact positive change. At the center of that work is trust and respect, and when those are lost, we risk the ability to leave the world a better place than we found it.

I thank everyone who participated in our democratic process and encourage you to continue this essential work no matter the outcome of this election. We are certainly going to continue ours.

After our votes have been cast and as we settle into the next chapter, here are some things that you can do to continue community design engagement.

Be in conversation, especially when those conversations are directed towards hope and challenge. Oregon Humanities: Preserving Democracy for Future Generations with Manu Meel is providing that space right after this election on November 10, 7pm @ The Alberta Rose Theater.

Support nonprofit organizations. We are the third sector because we exist in harmony with private and government, while addressing community need that the other two can’t serve. Explore the Willamette Week Give Guide for your favorite (or new) nonprofit – I especially encourage you to support those who are empowering communities whose voices have been historically silenced.

Thank your educators. I learned immensely from the work organizations like the Architectural Heritage Center and City Club of Portland did to survey candidates about issues that are important to our built environment. I am also encouraged by the work educators do to support students, like Oaklea Middle School’s safe space for students post-election.

Uplift the future. If you are feeling hopeless for the “now,” pour your energy into the generations to come. Architects in Schools exists to spark that excitement for the design of our built environment, and we are still searching for volunteers. The Nonprofit Association of Oregon has an incredible directory for all manner of volunteer opportunities as well.

Immerse yourself in art. There are so many outlets to view and to make, and one of my absolute favorites is The BLACK Gallery. Their new exhibit, Room for Conversation, “welcomes groups and individuals to schedule time to simply be present within the art space while supporting the need for intersectional discussions and critical dialogue.” You can also catch a play at theaters throughout Oregon, or catch the film screening of Bring Them Home with a traditional buffalo feast at the Portland Art Museum.

Read a good book. Agatha Christie never gets old to me, nor will her books run out quickly!

Share: What are you doing to move through this election season?

In solidarity and community,

Erica Rife

Executive Director

Architecture Foundation of Oregon

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