Ruth & Lewis Davis
Religious School and
USY Youth Group Updates
For the week of November 6, 2022
Upcoming Events...
Kindergarten-2nd Grade Update:
After celebrating Havdalah, we wrote out our mitzvah leaf and placed it on our tree. Our focus this week was the story of Noah and the Ark. We watched a short video about Noah and learned about the significance of the rainbow. We created a picture project about rainbows using colored pipe cleaners (and cotton balls for clouds). A big thank you to our assistant, Jess, for helping us. We added the blessing upon seeing a rainbow to our project and read it out loud. For fun, we sang the song, "G-d told Noah to Build Him an Arky, Arky..." You can find this song on YouTube. Our snack was an edible Noah's Ark using bananas and animal crackers. Ask your child about the snack. We practiced reading the letters of the Alef-Bet and their sounds. We also reviewed the sight vocabulary on our Hebrew word wall.
Shalom, Ms. JO
3rd-7th Grade Update:
As always we began with a Havdalah ceremony and wished each other Shavua Tov! For our Tzofim badge, we continued learning about the mitzvah...Hachnasat Orchim-welcoming guests. We welcomed our special Israeli visitor, Rotem. 
Ask your child about the literal icebreaker she played with us! We baked chocolate cookies and decorated sugar cookies to give to our guests. We played CSK Bingo-"What Miss Stephanie and Morah Marla Said". The students had to listen to the lesson very carefully, so they would be the first to get Bingo. Ask your child about some of the things they learned in order to get Bingo.
In this week's parashah, Vayera, we also learn about the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim. Abraham showed enormous kindness to three guests. He could easily have ignored them, but instead, he chose to go out and welcome them. We read about this in Genesis 18:1.
Ask your child how they would determine the difference between a stranger as a friend you have not yet met versus a stranger whom they might not want to meet.
We also asked the students to think of times that they have been a guest or a host. You can start a conversation about how individuals should behave in these situations. 
In Hebrew- Students continue to reinforce their reading skills. They are brushing up letter and vowel and sight word recognition. Please have your child practice at home what they are learning in class. 
PS-The cookies were delicious!!
(3rd-5th Grade)
Sponsored By: Aronson Family Youth Fund

Please Register so we have an accurate count for materials!
Not a Youth Group Member? Click Here to Register Today!

Reminder if you are a Religious School Student you
are automatically enrolled in Youth Group!

Upcoming Dates:
November 15
December 6, 13
No Registration Required
Attention USYers 9th-12th Grade!
Click the link above & scroll down to the bottom of the registration page to pay for the event. Also, if you are attending you must fill out the waiver for the Escape Room. The link is also on the page.
There will be a bus picking us up Saturday at 6:30 pm at B'nai Torah.
Sunday morning will be parent pick up at 8:00 am at B'nai Aviv in Weston.

This will be a BAUSY, BRUSY, and CSK USY joint event.
This event is open to the first 50 total USYers that sign up.
Join USYers from across North America for four days of exploration and learning. Meet with civil rights activists and learn how you can help continue being an ally and advocate in your community. All Jewish teens in grades 8-12 are invited to attend, regardless of USY participation or experience.
For more information on our USY Youth Program:
CAMP RAMAH DAROM Registration is officially OPEN for both returning & new families for Summer 2023! Many of our aidot are already close to a waitlist for Session A and are quickly filling up for Session B! We are hard at work planning for what we know will be another unforgettable summer. We want to make sure that there are spots for all of the returning & prospective Ramah Darom families in your community, so please give them gentle reminders to get their registrations in ASAP. 
Ramah Darom Year-Round Retreats & More