Dear Friends:

This week in a yoga class, I heard the instructor say the name of a particular yoga posture in Sanskrit. I don't know any Sanskrit. I know I could learn all the special yoga words but I'm content to appreciate that yoga has a long history. The words convey a culture and a feeling and they help me enter the yoga world.

Every "world" has its special words, whether it's baseball, poetry, or your favourite hobby. You may have noticed that church has its special words. For example, at St John's, we enter the church building by coming into the narthex. We are greeted by sidespersons. A prayer at the beginning of the service is listed in the bulletin as the "Collect of the Day" and one near the end is listed as the "Doxology."

There are times when we think it's all too strange and we should change to words that are more accessible. I find myself doing this at the beginning of the worship service to help newcomers to know what to expect. There are other times when I want to insist that we keep our special words. Our words might seem strange, but they help us enter a world that is special and different and laden with history.

We have a special word for this time in the church year. We are in the season of Sundays after Epiphany. That's our name for the story of the Magi coming to worship the Christ child in Bethlehem. What do we find if we look up the word "Epiphany"? Encyclopedia Britannica goes with the Greek word epiphaneia, which translates into English as "manifestation." Wikipedia says that Epiphany is the "realization that Christ is the Son of God." In popular conversation, if you have an epiphany, it's an "aha-moment" when you make a connection you have not made before.

This Sunday's scriptures take us into manifestations and aha-moments. The boy Samuel hears the voice of God waking him up at night. He goes on to become a great prophet. Also this Sunday, Jesus calls his first disciples. They are so moved by him that they drop what they are doing.

May we be open to new realizations and insights as we come together to worship God. Find out more about Epiphany Star Words below In this newsletter, I hope you have your word and that it brings insights over the coming year.

Please join us this Sunday, 8:00 and 10:15 a.m. Welcome to St John's!


P.S. Please see the sad news below about Saskia Meuffels. We give thanks to God for her life and pray for her husband Jim Cummings at this time of loss. Funeral details follow.

SCRIPTURES – Sunday, January 14 - Second Sunday after Epiphany

1 Samuel 3:1-20; Psalm 139; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51


If you were away - or if you would appreciate hearing it again - sermons are kept on the St John's website. Our recordings now include additions from the service including readings and music. You may appreciate singing along to some of the beautiful carols of Christmas. Listen at the following links:


Epiphany Star Words

Jamie and I have hung up our star words where we’ll see them often. What about you? (If you didn’t receive one last Sunday, choose one this week.) Try using the little worksheet that was in the bulletin to reflect on your word. Watch for a Sunday date in the Easter season to gather together during coffee hour and share some thoughts about the words we received. If you’ve placed your word where you’ll see it, take a photo and send it in HERE, We’ll share some photos anonymously.

Pat Johnston

Honorary Assistant Priest


You are welcome to explore and grow in your faith through a series of conversations leading up to baptisms to be celebrated at the Easter Vigil - Saturday, March 30, 7 PM.

You may be interested in this journey for yourself - for baptism of confirmation - or as a companion and friend supporting those who are preparing. You are also welcome to "sit in" to see if this feels right for you.

Our first conversation: Sunday, January 28, immediately following the 10:15 service.



MEUFFELS, Saskia Francoise Claire

July 25, 1952 - January 7, 2024


Saskia died at home from a sudden cardiac arrest. She is pre-deceased by her parents Hubert (Herb) and Mary Meuffels. She was the loving and caring wife to her husband, Jim Cummings. Saskia was a career civil servant, starting with the Department of National Defense, followed by many years with Industry Canada. She then pursued a second career as an Industrial Technical Benefits Advisor working with Canadian and International companies. Saskia was known by many as an artist. Her most public art is the St. John’s crèche on display in the church where her funeral will be held. 

The funeral service will begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday, January 20, followed by a reception in the church hall.


Our Parish

Prayers for those in leadership roles: Gary, Allen, Pat, Karen, Barb, Kimberly, Kerry, Jesse, Stephen, Brian, Michelle, Jill, and all who minister at St John's.

Prayers for those in need: Robin.

Our Diocese

  • Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our Primate.
  • Our Community Ministries:
  • Belong Ottawa: Centre 454; St. Luke’s Table; The Well/La Source
  • Centre 105 (Cornwall)
  • Cornerstone Housing for Women
  • Ottawa Pastoral Counselling Centre
  • Refugee Ministry 
  • Holy Trinity, Metcalfe and all who minister there.

A Time of Prayer - Wondrous God, we praise you for the gifts of the Holy Spirit which you continue to shower upon us. Help us to be faithful disciples of all that Jesus taught us. Inspire us to look out into our world with Jesus’ loving eyes as we seek to discern your divine sparks around us. Guide us so that we understand how you want us to be messengers of your good news in our communities and our diocese. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Anglican Church of Canada

  • Dr. Andrea Mann, Director, and the staff of Global Relations; Ryan Weston, Lead Animator, Public Witness for Social and Ecological Justice; Executive Director, Will Postma, and staff of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

  • Executive Director, Karin Achtelstetter, and staff of Canadian Lutheran World Relief The Assistants to the Bishop and the staff of the Eastern Synod.


The Anglican Communion - Pray for Anglicans Worldwide

  • Church of the Province of South East Asia.


  • The flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Eeke de Vries and Arie Verduijn by their daughter Emmy Verdun.

Parish Prayer Group

If you wish to have someone prayed for send an email to:






 154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8


The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, Rector

The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant 

Barbara Hallam-Price, Interim Organist

Kimberly Johnson-Breen, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator  

Stephen Giles, Rector’s Warden

Michelle Smulders, Deputy Rector's Warden

Brian Cameron, People's Warden 

Jill Moll, Deputy People's Warden

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