Apply to be a Staff Senator by May 15
We've extended the deadline to apply to be a staff senator! Get your application in today. This is a great way for staff to get involved in university governance.
Apply for Professional Development Funds
The Staff and Manager Professional Development Fund program, offered by the Office of Human Resources and the University Staff Advisory Committee, supports staff pursuing professional and career development. Applications for the funds will be accepted May 1-31, 2024. Funding recipients receive can cover professional development activities occurring between July 2024 - June 2025; up to $1,000 for individuals and $2,250 for groups of two or more.
We'll be meeting this summer to review our advocacy priorities. Where do you think we should focus our efforts for 2024-25? We'd like to hear from you. You can review our current and past Annual Reports to see a list of our current priorities (and progress!) and send us your thoughts for the coming year (
Congratulations to Distinguished Staff
In a community of people who advance excellence and inspire others, 13 exceptional Buckeyes staff members were recently recognized with Ohio State’s highest recognition for staff.
The 2024 recipients were nominated by their peers and carefully chosen by a selection committee for their outstanding achievements, community engagement, creativity, service, passion for inclusion and demonstration of the university’s Shared Values. We're proud to celebrate these exceptional staff members!
Tech Tips: Microsoft Teams, LinkedIn Learning and Microsoft 365
Check out this tremendously helpful video of Eric Banta, Director of Digital Learning Solutions, discussing ways to use Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 and LinkedIn Learning to improve our work lives. She also provides an update on using Copilot and AI-Powered Coaching.
May is Mental Health Month
Use this month as an opportunity to explore the mental and emotional support resources available through in the ReThink Care modules. These free online modules offer training in mindfulness, meditation, emotional resiliancy, yoga and so much more. All employees also have access to the Employee Assistance Program. The Ohio State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has a member portal, online tools, well-being resources and work-life services that are available to eligible Ohio State employees, their dependents, household members, parents, and parents-in-law. The Ohio State EAP offers many everyday resources to help make your life a little easier and less overwhelming. Individuals have access to up to five free counseling services, resource locators to help find child or adult care, tools to improve your financial wellness, legal services, travel and entertainment planning assistance, support to find cleaning services, on-demand professional development courses, and much more.
Staff in the Spotlight Winners
Congratulations to Ashlynn Fisher and Cory Matyas of Biomedical Engineering for your dedication to our Shared Values! Out Spotlight winners receive a $50 gift card. The Staff in the Spotlight awards are a collaborative effort between USAC and the Office of Human Resource. This is a great way to recognize your staff members or colleagues for their great work ethic, hard work or volunteer work to help fellow Buckeyes. Nominate someone today!
Parking Upgrade/Downgrade
Faculty and staff can request a permit upgrade or downgrade for the 2024-25 permit year beginning Wednesday, April 24, through Friday, May 31. Permit holders will be notified by the end of the day on Friday, June 7 regarding their request.
Follow USAC on LinkedIn
See the latest information, pictures, and updates on our initiatives by following USAC on LinkedIn.
June 12, 2024
9 - 10:30 a.m.
USAC Open Business Meeting
Join us via MS Teams to sit in on our monthly open meeting. You are welcome to contribute via the meeting chat.
May 15, 2024
6 - 8:30 p.m.
Buckeye Employee Admissions Preview 2024
An in-person admissions overview designed for Ohio State employees and their college-bound students at the Ohio Union. An overview of the admissions experience including deadlines, financial aid and scholarships, regional campus options, tuition benefits and College Credit Plus enrollment options.
June 1-August 31, 2024
All summer
Summer Reading Bingo Challenge
By completing this challenge, you can earn a raffle entry for each completed bingo line (diagonal, horizontal, and vertical). At the end of the summer, at least 150 names will be drawn to receive an exclusive Ohio State prize of their choice! Open to alumni, staff, faculty and students.
The Ohio State University
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