Senator Mike Gabbard
February Newsletter
Vol. 18 Issue 2
Agriculture and Environment Committee, Chair
Judiciary Committee, Vice Chair
Government Operations Committee, Vice Chair
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Aloha e friends,
Happy President's Day! I hope you and your ‘ohana are safe and well. The 2024 Legislative Session has been keeping us all on our toes. We just finished our first big hurdle after bill introduction. As of February 12 - 1,293 House bills and 1,385 Senate bills have been introduced for a total of 2,678. I personally introduced 70 bills, of which more than half have passed out of their respective committees so far. Out of 183 bills referred to my AEN committee, I heard and passed out 110. It was a mad dash to get them scheduled and heard before our filing deadline on February 16.
This session marks my 8th year as Chair of the Senate Agriculture and Environment (AEN) committee, and 16th year as Chair of the Senate Environment Committee. The AEN Committee holds hearings every M-W-F from 1pm to 2:30pm. In the past, we‘ve had flexibility in terms of hearing end times, but since moving to a hybrid platform, we need to keep to the schedule. If you decide to testify, I highly recommend you summarize your testimony, so you can communicate your main points within the one- or two-minute time limit.
As always, you can contact me at (808) 586-6830 or if I can help you or your family in any way. You can also follow me on Instagram @GabbardAloha, Facebook, YouTube, and X @SENMIKEGABBARD.
Best wishes to you and your ‘ohana.
Me ke aloha pumehana,
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On the Senate Chamber Floor Opening Day - January 17, 2024
Sen. Mike Gabbard, Chair of Agriculture & Environment Committee and Sen. Angus McKelvey, Chair of Government Operations Committee.
Listen Story Meeting
On Saturday, February 24, 2024, at 9-10 am, I’ll be hosting my Listen Story community meeting. You can attend either in-person at the Kapolei High School Teachers’ Lounge, or via Zoom. Our special guest speaker this month will be Chelsea Arnott, Coordinator of the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council (HISC). In addition to important invasive species news and updates, Chelsea will share information on the Little Fire Ant and Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle infestations on the westside (and statewide) and what you can do about it. There’ll be time for Q & A.
Following Chelsea’s presentation, I’ll be giving a brief community and legislative update. Please send me an email at to RSVP or for the link to join via Zoom. In case you missed it, last month our guest speaker was Steve Kelly, President of James Campbell Company, Kapolei Properties Division, who shared with us an excellent presentation on the wonderful developments in our Second City.
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My 2024 Session Staff - At Your Service | |
2024 Staff on the 5th floor of the Capitol: Ann Glidden, Committee Clerk; Carlton Saito, Committee Clerk; Meg Turner, Office Manager; Nanouk Denis, Community Liaison. | |
2024 Staff in the Gallery of the Senate Chamber: Meg Turner, Office Manager; Nanouk Denis, Community Liaison; Lia Bellord, Asst. Committee Clerk; Ann Glidden, Committee Clerk | |
For the 2024 legislative session, my Office Manager is Meg Turner, who oversees the overall operations of my office and assists with my Agriculture and Environment Committee (AEN), which I chair. Meg has been working for me since 2014. My Community Liaison is Nanouk Denis, who started in September 2023. Meg and Nanouk are my full-time year-round staffers. I have two session hires who are with me for the duration of the session. Ann-Marie Glidden is my AEN Committee Clerk and Lia Bellord is my Legislative Committee Assistant. Prior to Lia being hired, we were fortunate to have Carlton Saito, my former Energy & Environment Committee Clerk from 10 years ago, come in and help us get started. We’ve got a great team this session and everyone’s doing an awesome job. 😊 | |
Co-hosting Aquaculture Informational Briefing - January 18, 2024
Agriculture & Environment Chair, Sen. Mike Gabbard, Water & Land Chair, Sen. Lorraine Inouye, and Vice Chair, Sen. Brandon Elefante.
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First Hearing of Session 2024 | |
BeautyCounter Sunscreen Panel Event | |
Sen. Gabbard, Jennifer McPartland (VP of Mission), Lisa Bishop, President, Friends of Hanauma Bay, Gregg Renfrew (Founder & CEO), Rep Darius Kila. | |
Sen. Gabbard, Tasi Hogan (Head of Advocacy), Lisa Bishop, Jennifer McPartland (VP Mission), Ann Glidden. | |
Jennifer McPartland (VP Mission), Lisa Bishop, Sen. Gabbard, Rep. Darius Kila. | |
BeautyCounter Sunscreen Panel Event: Hawai'i Environmental Leadership
On January 20, 2024, at the Four Seasons Resort O'ahu at Ko Olina, Sen. Gabbard - along with Lisa Bishop, President, Friends of Hanauma Bay, and Rep Darius Kila - was invited to participate in a discussion panel organized by and moderated by Dr. Jennifer McParland, Head of Mission. The panel was designed to foster an educational conversation among subject matter experts in Hawai’i’s environmental leadership, including the passage of the 2018 “Safer Sunscreen Bill” and subsequent legislation and policies to protect Hawai’i’s coastlines and waterways, combat climate change, and more.
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Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawai‘i (ALFH)
Current students of the Agricultural Leadership Foundation of Hawai‘i (ALFH) program stopped by to visit Sen. Gabbard on February 8, 2024 and hear from him regarding his 2024 legislative priorities. ALFH provides leadership development opportunities for people committed to strengthening agriculture in Hawai‘i.
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Invasive Species Informational Briefing | |
On January 26, 2024, my AEN Committee, along with two other Senate Committees and three House Committees held a joint Informational Briefing at the State Capitol about the status of invasive species, which have been declared by the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council (HISC) to be the single greatest threat to Hawaiʻi's economy, natural environment, and the health and lifestyle of Hawaiʻi's people and visitors. The following Committee Chairs jointly hosted the briefing:
- Senator Mike Gabbard, Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment
- Senator Lorraine R. Inouye, Chair of the Senate Committee on Water and Land
- Senator Joy A. San Buenaventura, Chair of the Senate Committee on Health and Human-Services
- Representative Nicole E. Lowen, Chair of the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection
- Representative Cedric Asuega Gates, Chair of the House Committee on Agriculture and Food Systems
- Representative Linda Ichiyama, Chair of the House Committee on Water and Land.
The hearing can be viewed on the House YouTube channel here.
A big mahalo to Chelsea Arnott, Coordinator for the Hawai'i Invasive Species Council (HISC), and her team for their help in organizing this great info briefing!
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14th Annual AG Day at The Capitol | |
14th Annual Ag Awareness Day - February 8, 2024
Sponsored by the Hawaii Farm Bureau (HFB) and hosted by Rep. Cedric Gates, Rep. Kirstin Kahaloa, Sen. Tim Richards, and Sen. Mike Gabbard.
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Ag Awareness Day showcases Hawai'i’s diverse agricultural industry and the many partnerships that make up this thriving industry. Sponsored by the Hawai'i Farm Bureau, this is an opportunity for policymakers and the public alike to learn about Hawai'i’s agriculture industry and meet the many organizations and people who provide locally grown and produced products. The 4th floor of the Capitol was packed with educational displays, food, fruit samples, and more! | |
FEB 15 – FIRST LATERAL (BILLS) – All bills referred to more than one committee must move to their final committee in the originating chamber and committee reports filed by this day. This was a major milestone. Not all bills make it past First Lateral. I’m happy to report several of my priority agriculture and environmental bills passed first lateral, so they’re still advancing.
FEB 22 – 28 – MANDATORY 5-DAY RECESS – We’re heading into a 5-day recess. And no, this doesn’t mean we get a holiday… Hawaii’s Constitution mandates a 5-day recess between the 20th and 40th days of the regular session when neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate convenes or assembles formally in the chamber. However, committee hearings still take place. The mandatory recess runs for five consecutive days and is intended to encourage the public to review the bills moving through the Legislature. No formal floor action takes place during this recess, but committees may still meet and conduct business, including public hearings.
MAR 1 – FIRST DECKING (BILLS) – The deadline for bills to emerge from all their committees (with committee reports filed) and submitted to the clerk of the originating chamber. This “decking” ensures a mandatory 48-hour opportunity for final review by the chamber’s members
before we’re asked to vote on the third reading. Note: A bill must pass three readings (votes) in each chamber before being sent to the governor.
MAR 7 – FIRST CROSSOVER (BILLS) – If you remember how a bill becomes a law from your high school civic lessons, it must pass three readings (votes) in the originating chamber before it can move (or “crossover”) to the other chamber. If successful, House bills are sent to the Senate and Senate bills are sent to the House for further consideration….
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My top ten priority bills this session are:
Ag Emergency Loan Funds (SB2431)
This bill would establish the Hawaiʻi Agricultural Emergency Loan Revolving Fund to support local agricultural producers. A permanent and dedicated Agricultural Emergency Loan Program is needed because loans to agricultural enterprises needing emergency funding due to natural and economic disasters are currently funded from the agricultural loan revolving fund and the dual-purpose places untenable and unsustainable strain on resources for farmers at times of need.
Sustainable Food Systems (SB2414 SD1)
This bill would establish the sustainable food systems working group within the Department of Agriculture. It would require the working group to submit a plan, recommendations for implementing the plan, and any proposed legislation to the legislature. It appropriates funds for an unspecified number of sustainability specialist positions to be employed by the DOA.
Biosecurity SB2419
Appropriates funds for the biosecurity program of the Department of Agriculture to develop and implement projects for clean plant material, agricultural treatments, diagnostics, and pest management.
Crime on Ag Land (SB2363)
Requires the Department of Agriculture to establish a two-year agricultural crime pilot project to examine the effectiveness of prosecuting agricultural crimes, including agricultural theft and agricultural vandalism, in the City and County of Honolulu and County of Kauai.
Cesspool Conversion (SB2426)
Requires certain priority level 1 cesspools to be upgraded, converted, or connected before 1/1/2035, and priority level 2 cesspools to be upgraded, converted, or connected before 1/1/2045. Appropriates funds to implement the cesspool compliance pilot grant project established with Act 153, 2022. Establishes an income tax credit for the cost of upgrading or converting a qualified cesspool to a director of health-approved wastewater system or connecting to a sewerage system.
DABuX (SB2421)
Appropriates funds to the Department of Agriculture for the continued administration of the Hawaii Healthy Food Incentive Program and to provide matching funds to beneficiaries who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. (SNAP)
Green Amendment (SB2933)
This is the fourth year that I’ve introduced the Green Amendment bill. It proposes a constitutional amendment to ensure the inherent and inalienable right of the people, including future generations, to clean water and air, a healthful environment and climate, healthy native ecosystems, and beaches. This bill would put a question on the ballot asking people if they want to vote to increase the rights of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or income, including future generations, to pure water, clean air, stable climate, and healthy environments. This would elevate these rights much the same as the Bill of Rights in our US Constitution does for the right to free speech, religion, and the right to bear arms.
Farm to Food Bank (SB2479 SD1)
Establishes the Hawai‘i Farm to Food Bank Program and Hawai‘i Food Assistance Program Special Fund to alleviate food shortages in the State.
Healthy Soils (SB2423 SD1)
This bill would promote organic and regenerative farming practices, helping farmers to play a critical role in climate change mitigation.
Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council (HISC) (SB2358)
Appropriates funds to support the Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council to ensure its long-term viability to continue fighting and irradicating invasive species.
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