The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
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It's not too late to join PTSA!
Have you been meaning to get your annual Bellevue High PTSA Membership? Would you like to access the 2023-24 school directory? All new and returning parents, guardians, students, staff, and interested community members are invited - it's not too late! Questions? Email: membership@bellevuehighptsa.com.
To sign up for membership go to: http://www.bellevuehighptsa.com/wp/joinptsa/
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On Wednesday, February 14, the PTSA will be providing lunch for the fantastic teachers and staff at Bellevue High. This will include a QDOBA Hot Bar, cold drinks, and candy.
We invite parents/caregivers to please contribute to this event by donating candy, drinks, or flowers. Please sign up and bring your donations to the table in the front entrance by 9am on either Monday (Feb 12) or Tuesday (Feb 13). Sign up for donations here.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with setting up for the event and cleaning up afterwards. Sign up to volunteer at this event here.
Thank you for your help. For any questions please contact Julia Leskauskas (Staff Appreciation Chair) by emailing julial@windermere.com.
Thank you,
PTSA Staff Appreciation Committee
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Hello Bellevue!
Below are some updates from the College and Career Center, if you have questions, want to meet, or need more information just send me an email, Teams Chat, or use the link in my signature to book a meeting.
- In the Community:
Camp Orkila Volunteer Application Open! Are you interested in spending a week at the beautiful Camp Orkila while earning community service hours? Apply to become a Camp Counselor for Chinook’s 6th grade camp, open to 10-12th graders! Completed applications will be accepted through Friday, February 9, 2024. CAMP DATES: April 23-26, 2024 with mandatory training listed in the application. 2024 Chinook Camp Application
Volunteers needed at Jubilee Reach: Volunteer to coach middle school sports or in the Jubilee before and after school programs, see Mrs. Hansen in the library if you have questions. Click here to apply
- College Visits:
HBCU Virtual College Fair: Monday, February 12th 5:00-6:00 pm BHS will co-host a virtual Historically Black College and University Fair with Mercer Island High School. Register here
Bellevue College Discovery Day February 10th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Discovery Day is an open-house event for all potential students and community members. We will have academic programs and student support offices tabling, campus tours, free snacks, and Bellevue College swag!
Lisa Hansen | College and Career Advisor
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BHS Orchestra Booster Club Meeting:
February 13th @ 8pm - VIRTUAL!
Our BHS Orchestra Boosters welcomes all orchestra parents to our next meeting on Tuesday, February 13th at 8pm (please note date & time). Join us from the comfort of your home, as this meeting will be virtual!
Please email with any questions and for zoom link. bellevueorchestra@gmail.com
We hope you can join us to hear details about upcoming events, discuss fundraising projects, and meet other parents!
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Wolverine Guard (WG) is a Bellevue High PTSA sponsored award that recognizes students who perform 100+ hours of community service in the 12-month period from May 1st to April 30th of each school year. Each student who reports 100 or more approved hours will earn the Wolverine Guard Community Service Award. During the last school year, WG had 98 Bellevue High students earn a Wolverine Guard certificate for the 2022-2023 school year!
- ALL BHS students from 9-12 grades are eligible for WG should they meet the requirements.
- Students who earn WG in at least two of their four years at BHS will qualify for a WG Blue/Gold Honor Cord at graduation; students with 4 years of service at BHS will be awarded the WG Distinction Community Service Award.
Submissions must include WG application, and time log forms. Time logs should include detailed hours and with signed (non-digital) signatures from volunteer coordinators.
- Volunteering is done through a non-profit organization (usually a 501c3 organization).
- The PTSA WG program is separate from the Bellevue School District volunteer hours requirement for graduation. We DO NOT coordinate with Naviance and will only accept Wolverine Guard time logs.
Application is due midnight on April 30th, 2024. No late application will be accepted!
Review guidelines and WG application and time logs at PTSA Wolverine Guard page: https://www.bellevuehighptsa.com/wp/wolverine-guard/.
Any questions, please reach out to Lucille Tam and Michelle Pflaum at wolverineguard@bellevuehighptsa.com.
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Room 1405
All parents of BHS Band students, please join us on the first non-holiday Monday of every month, for a chance to learn more about the Bellevue Band Boosters.
Mr. George and Mr. Harvey share all the ins and outs of BHS Band happenings and news about upcoming performances, special events, fundraising needs, and share how you can help volunteer and support your student and the band program! We have a lot of fun!
Meeting dates are March. 11, April. 1, April. 29, June. 10.
If you have questions, please email bellevueband@gmail.com
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Registration for Spring Sports at BHS is now open (registration will close on 2/25, to be added to the roster after that date please contact Kelli Mayer mayerk@bsd405.org
FinalForms is out athletic and activities database for our BHS students. The parent and student forms need to be complete every year prior to participating in sports or activities. Our BSD 2-page sports physical is good for 2 years from the date of physical and valid impact testing is good for 2 years. WIAA allows one sport per season.
To Participate in a Sport at BHS:
1. Register for Athletics or Clubs at BHS FinalForms (https://bellevue-wa.finalforms.com/)
A student may be on only one interscholastic sport roster per season
- Parent/Guardian and Student questions need to be complete every year
If you attend International, Bellevue Virtual Academy or Big Picture, please contact Kelli at mayerk@bsd405.org.
2. Please attend ImPACT Testing (if required)
- Athletes for most high school sports must have a current concussion baseline ImPACT test completed to participate (valid for 24 months) require ImPACT testing.
- Sports that do not require ImPACT testing are: Cross Country, Badminton, Drill Team, Swim Only, Tennis, Golf, and Track & Field (except Pole Vault requires the ImPACT test)
3. A 2-page BSD sports physical will need to be on file with the school Athletics and Activities department, email a copy to Kelli at mayerk@bsd405.org.
- BSD Sports physicals are kept on file for 2 years – please be sure we will have valid BSD sports physical on file for your athletes for the whole sports season.
Coaches and athletic trainer should not accept or receive a sport physical.
Practices are mandatory. If a team has a tryout, it will be scheduled for the first days of practice.
To find contact information for our all of our coaches please visit our school website – https://bsd405.org/bhs/wolverines/athletics/
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There's still time to join the Girls Water Polo Team. Whether you're an experienced player or new to the sport, we welcome you to join the team.
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Practices Start February 26
- 4 - 6 pm, Mon - Fri
- Edgebrook Club
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Boys Soccer Players: Captains practices are starting! Captains practices are optional, but a great way to get to know other soccer players at BHS. Please read on for details about this and other important information.
Captain’s practices – Mondays 5:30, at the stadium, starting Monday, January 15
Weight room - Tuesdays and Thursdays, weight room, starting Tuesday, January 23
Game schedule – the game schedule has been posted at: https://www.kingcoathletics.com/team/?schoolid=86&sportid=9#tab
Upcoming meetings
February 1, 5:00PM, BHS library – parents and players welcome – come meet Coach Mitch
February 15, 5:00PM, BHS library – players come and learn about the tryout process
March 5, 7:00 PM, BHS library – required parent meeting after tryouts
To be ready for Tryouts, which are February 26-28:
Make sure FinalForms is updated (boys soccer checked, waivers signed)
Make sure your physical is up to date and on Final Forms
Make sure your ImPACT test is up to date
Fill out this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdfF_7BdpQi4CLW6KCbwFdCTeu4TlJ36qG716dJk6vRWGd1A/viewform?fbzx=-9017075833685839619&pli=1
We are looking forward to a GREAT season!!
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ImPACT Test Dates for the BHS 2023/24 Sports Seasons:
No registration needed, just show up – the impact test takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
Students will need their BSD laptops for ImPACT testing.
ImPACT Testing will begin at 2:00pm at Bellevue High School – Lower Aux/North Gym – Room 0302
February 14, March 6, 13, 20, 27. April 3, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22 and June 5, 12, 19, 2024
Impact testing is required for Football, Soccer, Divers, Volleyball, Water Polo, Wrestling, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse prior to participating.
Any question please contact Kelli Mayer, BHS Athletics & Activities at mayerk@bsd405.org
The Wolverine Way. It’s Worth the Climb…. We hold high standards.
We embrace the challenge together and support one another along the way.
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Monday February 12th
Tuesday February 13th
Boys Varsity Basketball at 3A Seaking District Tournament v. Roosevelt OR West Seattle @ Sammamish High School 8:00pm
Supervisor John Hill
Girls Flag Football v. Mercer Island High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Wednesday February 14th
Thursday February 15th
Boys Varsity Basketball at 3A Seaking District Tournament @ Bellevue College 5:00pm IF WIN ON TUESDAY
Supervisor John Hill
Boys Swim and Dive at 3A State Championship Meet Diving Preliminaries at King County Aquatic Center, Federal Way
Cheer at USA National Championships @ Anaheim CA
Girls Flag Football Playoff Games – Opponent to be determined with MIHS, Newport, Sammamish/Interlake @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Friday February 16th
Boys Varsity Basketball at 3A Seaking District Tournament @ Bellevue College 3:30pm IF LOSE ON TUESDAY
Supervisor John Hill
Cheer at USA National Championship @ Anaheim CA
Boys & Girls Wrestling at Mat Classic XXXV WIAA State Championships @ Tacoma Dome
Boys Swim and Diving at 3A State Championship Meet Preliminaries at King County Aquatic Center, Federal Way
Saturday February 17th
Boys Varsity Basketball at 3A Seaking District Tournament @ Bellevue College Game time to be determined (11:30am, OR 3:00pm, OR 6:30pm)
Supervisor John Hill
Cheer at USA National Championship @ Anaheim CA
Boys Swim & Dive at 3A State Championship Meet FINALS @ King County Aquatic Center, Federal Way
Boys & Girls Wrestling at Mat Classic XXXV WIAA State Championships @ Tacoma Dome
Girls Gymnastics at 3A Seaking District Championship Meet at Ballard High School
GO Bellevue!!!
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Cherry Crest Elementary is hosting a Variety Show on March 15th from 5:30-8:30pm and we need your help!
We are looking for high school volunteers who are interested in helping with setup/cleanup, backstage management, helping performers get ready, photography/videography, concession stand management, being ushers, and more.
What: Cherry Crest Elementary Variety Show
When: Friday, March 15th from 5:30-8:30pm
Where: Cherry Crest Elementary
12400 NE 32nd St, Bellevue, WA 98005
Please help us make the evening a success! No experience required, volunteer hours available.
Marapod Volunteer Signup Link
More instructions will come as we get closer to the event. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact: varietyshow@cherrycrest-ptsa.org
Thank you!
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Thank you for sharing these spring enrichment opportunities with your school community! Flyer is attached. Limited financial aid available.
- Architectural Studies
- Writers Workshop
- Writing Arguments That Matter
To learn more visit us online at UW Youth & Teen Programs.
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The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
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Our Address:
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington
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