A Summer Sabbatical
by Mother Rebecca
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”
Ecclesiastes 3:1
“A time to work, and a time for rest.”
Mtr. Rebecca
On Monday, May 20, I will enter into a long-anticipated time of sabbatical. The word “sabbatical” is related to the word “sabbath”, the commandment to all creation that every seventh day is set aside – sanctified – as a day of rest. Just as we need one day of rest each week, we periodically need longer times of rest. Scripture speaks of a Sabbatical Year, the one year in seven in which God’s people were required to let their fields lay fallow, to forgive all debts, and to release any Israelites who had given themselves into slavery as a result of their debts.
God’s commandment regarding the sabbath is perhaps the most known and least observed of all God’s ways. Years ago, I read a life-changing book by Wayne Muller, the opening lines of which have stuck with me for years. I share his words when I lead retreats, when I meet with people for spiritual direction and counseling, and I want to share them with you now. Muller writes:...
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- The Gathering After The Table
- Mother's Day Confections
- Fig Youth Baby Supplies Drive
- Pentecost Readers Needed
- Handling Emergencies
- EMF Annual Meeting & Cookout
- Art Music Monday
- Recognition Sunday Approaches
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- Calling All Gardeners
- Fellowship of the Fig Movie Night
- Outreach Blood Drive
- Spread the Word
- Collecting VBS Snacks
- VBS Volunteers Needed
- Supporting St. Hilda's
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The Gathering
After The Table
Tomorrow, Saturday, May 11, immediately following The Table, we invite you to enjoy a small picnic snack. If the weather permits, we’ll gather at the picnic tables outside by the bell tower. Make your dinner reservations a little later so you can share a snack and socialize with fellow parishioners.
Mother's Day Confections
Transfiguration is proud to partner with Kent Fine Chocolates, who creates artisan bonbons and other confections from our own Transfiguration Kitchen! Next Sunday, May 12, parishioner and owner Robert Kent will have a booth available in the Tower Cloister, where you can purchase special treats for Mother’s Day. You can learn all about this fabulous Fig-related business, and place online orders, by visiting kentfinechocolates.com.
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Baby Supplies for Mother's Day
The Fig Youth will wrap up their collecting Baby Supplies for Mother's Day this Sunday, May 12.
Your donated supplies go to help struggling mothers. Items needed: diapers (all sizes), baby wipes, powdered formula, baby bottles, pacifiers
IMPORTANT! Keep all donated supplies in their original packaging and bring your donations this Sunday. There will be a collection box in the Gathering Space.
For more information contact,
Delynda Moravec.
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Pentecost Readers Needed
As part of our worship on Pentecost Sunday next weekend, May 18 and 19,
we hear the story from the Book of Acts in many languages. If you can read the story in a language other than English, at any of our three services, please sign-up today.
Fr. Ted Clarkson
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We are offering the opportunity to learn or refresh your CPR and AED skills on Saturday, June 8, from 10:00am to noon at church. Registration deadline is May 31 and the cost is $15/participant. Please note that no certification card is earned with this class eventhough the same material is taught. Space is limited so sign up now! For more information contact Alyson Thompson. | |
EMF Annual Meeting & Cookout
The EMF Annual Meeting with Board Elections and Cookout will be this Thursday, May 16th around the bell tower. Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches are on the menu as usual. Registration is $25/person and includes food and beverages.
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Art Music Monday
Mark your calendar for Monday, May 13 at 7:30pm.
Featured music and performers are:
Fanny Mendelssohn – Vier Lieder ohne Worte Op. 8
Robert Muczynski – Third Piano Trio
Gabriel Fauré – Piano Trio in D minor Op. 120
Maria Schleuning, violin
Gayane Manasjan Fullford, cello
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Recognition Sunday Approaches
Join us on Sunday, May 19 for Recognition Sunday! We're excited to celebrate our graduating high school seniors, and to express our heartfelt gratitude towards our amazing formation teachers and choir leaders. Plus, we'll be highlighting a couple of our inspiring ministries at The Fig. Don't miss out on this special day of recognition and celebration!
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Calling All Gardeners
We are excited to announce that we have started planting the David Diggs Memorial Butterfly Garden and have plans to create additional garden spaces throughout our campus to attract butterflies and other pollinators. If you would like to assist us in enhancing and maintaining the beauty of our campus, we invite you to join us for an information session on Sunday, May 26th at 10:15am in Roper Hall.
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Sign-Up for Sacred Ground
Here's your opportunity to sign-up to be a part of two new Sacred GroundCircles: one starting May 25 and one June 1. Space is limited, so sign up today.
Sacred Group is an 11 session film and readings based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. In small groups you are invited to walk through chapters of America's history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family stories, economic class, political, and regional identity. Meetings are from 10:00am to 12:30pm every other Saturday in the Church Parlor.
Please note that circle size is limited to insure a focused experience for all participates; therefore, registration is required using the buttons below. For more information contact the Racial Justice Ministry.
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Fellowship of the Fig Movie Night
Join the Fellowship of the Fig, Transfiguration's Young Adults Ministry, Saturday, May 25 at 6:30pm on the highway to the Danger Zone. For our movie night we'll watch "Top Gun" and have a hot dog bar. Please bring a side or dessert to share. We will be meeting in the Parlor.
Colleen Carson
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Outreach Blood Drive
Help save a life by donating blood. Sunday, June 9, Carter BloodCare will be on-site at Transfiguration. Visit the website below to schedule an appointment to donate between 10:00am and 2:00pm.
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New Ways to Spread the Word
We are thrilled to announce that our sermons are now available online on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. We invite you to follow/subscribe, share, rate, and comment so that our message of seeking and serving Christ in all persons can reach a wider audience.
Our usual Sunday services will continue to be livestreamed via YouTube and Facebook. Within 24 hours of our Sunday worship service, podcasts will be available for sharing via Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
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VBS Snack Collection Underway
We have begun collecting individually wrapped snacks for VBS. Donations can be dropped off in the blue tent located in the tower cloister.
Suggested items: Goldfish, cheez-its, pretzels, fruit snacks, veggie straws, fruit bars, granola bars, animal crackers, teddy grahams etc.
VBS Volunteers Needed
Vacation Bible School gets closer and closer: June 3-7 from 9:00am - Noon and offering an afternoon option for the first time. Be sure to sign-up your campers below! We also need Volunteers to help. Sign-up as a volunteer now so we can help you start preparing.
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Support St. Hilda's Guild | |
The members of St. Hilda's Guild faithfully serve the Fig by staffing the Kay Andrews Bookstore and Gift Shop and the Clothes Horse Resale Shop. | |
The Kay Andrews Bookstore
Our Bookstore and Gift Shop, located in the hallway near the Memorial Garden and the Children's wing are making adjustments to their hours of Operation. Until further notice the they will be open and ready greet you at the following times:
Thursdays: 10am - 2pm
Sundays: 9am - 1pm
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The Clothes
The Clothes Horse is a resale shop providing the community with a place to donate gently worn clothing and offering budget-minded customers a source of reasonably-priced, good-quality apparel.
Tuesday: 10am - 2pm
Thursday: 10am - 2pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Clothing donations are accepted at any time the shop is open.
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Share the Good News of Christ at work at the Fig!
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