News, Updates, and Important Information From the Bishop's Office
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Out & About with Bishop Shannon | |
Congratulations to our Seminary Graduates!! | |
The Rev. Audra Ryes
School of Theology, Sewanee:
The University of the South
"Today was my graduation from Seminary but most importantly today was a celebration of all the love, support, and encouragement that surrounded me and my family on this holy mountain. Alleluia! Alleluia!"
-The Rev. Ryes
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The Rev. Austin Wendt
Virginia Theological Seminary
"Graduating from Seminary felt like an ontological change. Throughout that day and since then, I have been giving thanks to God for my seminary community, our Bishop, our Diocese, my sending parish of St. James, Baton Rouge, and my parents and friends who have supported me through these past few years."
-The Rev. Austin
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Discovering Spiritual Gifts In Ourselves & Others | |
YogaMass Leader Training - is a
3-day workshop designed to equip lay leaders, clergy, musicians, yoga teachers, and practitioners to offer YogaMass in a faith community. Participants gain language to bridge yoga and Christianity and an ability to organize and deliver YogaMass.
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Goldy Play Core Training - Trinity Episcopal Church, NOLA
June 28-30 - Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance and models the worship life, stories, symbols and rituals of Christian congregations.
Godly Play Core Training is the recommended training for any adult leading or preparing to lead Godly Play sessions, as well as anyone who ministers to children, youth, and even adults such as lay leaders, family ministers, formation directors, church administrators, chaplains, clergy, vestry members, parents, grandparents, and caregivers.
Over the course of three days, participants experience all aspects of the Godly Play method and begin to become fluent in the Christian language system, Godly Play core stories, and fundamental Godly Play practices. Additionally, Godly Play's guiding Theology of Childhood is introduced, so participants become more deeply connected to their work. Learn more at
$349 per person, scholarships available to churches within the diocese
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Third Sunday Concert Series at Christ Church, Covington |
Joe Krown on piano will close out on May 19
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Please click on the image for more information about the Anglican Heritage Pilgrimage! | |
We are gearing up for another exciting year of Camp Able NOLA, a summer camp for young people with disabilities, but we can't do it without community. We offer a fun-filled camp experience that our campers may not otherwise be able to have. It costs on average $200 for each camper, which includes food, t-shirts, transportation, activities, and more.
Please consider sponsoring a camper this year, or help provide meals for our staff, tickets to excursions, and much more by donating Camp Able NOLA. Donations can be made via Venmo (@CampAble-Inc and specify "Donation to NOLA" in the description), online through Christ Church Cathedral (select "Camp Able Donations" as the fund), or via check to Christ Church Cathedral (specify "Camp Able" in the memo line).
Thank you!
Kristen Reinberger
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Camp Hardtner
For 75 years the Camp Hardtner Summer Camping Program has created an atmosphere of love and acceptance for more than 500 young people each summer as they experience a tradition unlike any other. We are not a camp built around paintball, water-skiing, or horseback riding. We are a Christian community that comes together for one week every year to play, laugh, cry, sing, and worship in the eyes of God.
Camp Hardtner is a church camp, which means we don’t just talk about God, we actually interact with God. We see God in the Kisatchie National Forest in which we play. We see God in our neighbors to whom we love and we share that same love of God with everyone we meet. Everything we do it is as one body and one family, and over the last 75 years we’ve learned that this style of program helps the campers from viewing each other as “us” vs. “them”. Instead our campers see everybody as a possible friend, which not only makes for a great summer, but is a lesson that sticks with them for a lifetime.
Please consider Camp Hardtner as a place for your children to spend one week this summer, and it just might be the best week of their lives.
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Solomon Episcopal Conference Center
A place to rest your mind and revive your soul Located on 207 rolling acres of piney woods just north of Robert, Louisiana, Solomon Episcopal Conference Center (SECC) is a peaceful retreat into nature for businesses, churches, families, individuals and groups of all sizes and denominations. Owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, SECC welcomes guests year-round to enjoy a warm and inviting atmosphere throughout our indoor and outdoor meeting spaces; sports and recreation facilities; overnight, hotel-style lodging accommodations; and complete onsite dining services.
Our beautiful, thriving grounds and facilities host conferences, retreats and gatherings of all kinds, including corporate meetings, spiritual retreats, professional seminars and workshops, conventions, sports clinics, youth and leadership camps, and company and family picnics. Special social events like family reunions, and private parties are available on a case by case basis. Whether our guests come to work, play, relax, or a combination of each, they will be treated to the renewing energy of nature and peaceful wilderness that surround our conference center in southeast Louisiana.
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A Conversation with Bishops: The Role of the Diocese in the Changing Church
It’s no secret that The Episcopal Church is approaching a period of significant change with the upcoming 81st General Convention and the elections for Presiding Bishop and House of Deputies’ President. These changes come with excitement but with a fair share of anxiety as well. Amidst the noise, the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) would like to invite you to a virtual discussion with Bishops +Brian Prior, +Michael Hunn, +Phoebe Roaf, and +Douglas Scharf on the role our dioceses have in shaping the future of our ever-changing church landscape.
Be part of the conversation shaping the future of our Church.
Click here to RSVP and learn more about this virtual event on
Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, at 2PM Eastern Time:
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Calling all Episcopalians! Join the Episcopal Pulse
The Episcopal Pulse Survey is a monthly micro-survey that dives into the pressing topics facing our church today – from church finances to young adult church attendance – and everything in between! The Pulse is a joint project between the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) and The FaithX Project designed to hear directly from Episcopalians to capture insights that will enrich resources for congregational leaders and enhance programs to better serve local Episcopal communities. Their latest survey dove into congregational health – have a look at our results!
Click here to join the Episcopal Pulse to participate in future surveys:
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Invitation to PRIDE by
Inclusive Louisiana Ministry
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June is PRIDE month, and once again, there are several opportunities to support the LGBTQ+ community as friends and allies in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and the North Shore!
We have added a new event to the schedule, which will take place on the north shore. We hope to see you in June!
Your Inclusive Louisiana Team
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Saturday, June 1st, 2024 - North Shore Pride Parade
* 5:00 PM
* meet in the front yard of 201 Jackson Avenue (to the left of the boat ramp) by 4:45 p.m. Parade walkers must acquire a ticket through Queer Northshore in order to participate. Here's the link and information to get a parade ticket:
How To Order Your Tickets:
- Select the number of Tickets from the dropdown (up to 5)
- Use the "Add a Donation" option to pay anything from $0 to as much as you'd like.
- Follow the instructions provided and complete your order.
- NOTE: Queer Northshore's donation platform (Zeffy) charges an optional processing fee. To avoid paying it, please select "Other" from the dropdown, and enter $0 under "Contribution."
Saturday, June 8, 2024 – NOLA Pride
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM: PrideFest 2024
- outside Phoenix Bar in Marigny [941 Elysian Fields Ave, New Orleans, LA 70117]
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM: NOLA Pride Parade 2024
- See link for route; starts in Marigny. Once we know our float number we will send that information out. We usually meet somewhere on Elysian Fields between the Phoenix Bar and the River.
Thursday, June 13, 2024 – Eucharist Celebration & Reception
- 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM: Join EDOLA Inclusive Louisiana Ministry for a Eucharist Celebration at St. Anna’s Episcopal Church [1313 Esplanade Ave, New Orleans, LA 70116] with reception to follow. Presider: Bishop Shannon Duckworth, Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Saturday, June 29, 2024 – BR Pride Festival
Noon to 7:00 PM: 2024 Baton Rouge Pride Festival at Raising Cane’s River Center
- EDOLA Inclusive Louisiana Ministry table at the Resource Fair (Fair till 5:00 PM)
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St. George's, NOLA - Courtyard Beautification Project | |
Amy Reggio's heart swelled with inspiration and determination following a visit to St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Albuquerque. Her soul was stirred by the breathtaking outdoor mosaics. She knew St. George's Courtyard in New Orleans deserved a similar transformation. As the Junior Warden in 2023, she felt a deep responsibility to breathe new life into the neglected space. Teaming up with former Junior Warden Jake Weixler, who had secured a grant for the church's exterior enhancement, and Mother Stephanie, a force of unwavering support, Amy embarked on a journey to revive the courtyard.
Gathering local talents, Ness Kent and Mahala Miller, both alumni of the Rhode Island School of Design, the team embarked on a collective & creative endeavor to envision and bring a stunning Tree of Life mosaic to life. The artists ingeniously incorporated salvaged elements from a damaged stained glass window through meticulous planning and heartfelt collaboration, infusing the creation with a sense of history and renewal.
With a renewed fountain, rejuvenated pond, and fresh landscaping, the once-neglected courtyard now stands as a sacred oasis, radiating beauty and tranquility for all who enter its serene embrace. It stands as a testament to the power of vision and collaboration and the transformative potential of community-driven revitalization efforts.
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A Louisiana Sunday Night on the LSU Campus | |
Laissez les bons temps rouler! The good times rolled big time at the St. Alban’s Chapel annual Crawfish Boil on April 28. The entire church family — LSU students, youth group kids, parishioners — enjoyed a fun evening celebrating the end of the LSU academic year. Over 400 pounds of crawfish were consumed and not a crawdad was left. Maryland, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, Michigan, Ukraine, and even North Louisiana were represented in the crowd. But with newspaper covered tables set up in the parking lot and swamp rock wafting through the live oaks, the scene was all Louisiana. Entertainment was provided free of charge by the non-natives as they attempted to pinch and pull their way to a meal of the south Louisiana delicacy — several drawing the line at sucking the crawdad heads. Boiled shrimp and chicken fingers were provided for the unadventurous.
he annual Crawfish Boil is generally held on the Sunday evening before the last full week of classes at LSU. It is St. Alban’s last major event for students during the term — an evening of food and fun before the grind of exams. The Crawfish Boil is an entry event to campus church life for many students and this year, hopefully, will be no exception. At least 30 student guests enjoyed St. Alban’s crawdad hospitality. Among the student guests this year were a group of students from LSU's Integrative Community Studies Program. These students serve as mentors to several special needs students who attend LSU. The students and mentors have been regularly attending St. Alban’s “Lunch with C. S. Lewis” — a weekly lunch and Lewis inspired devotional led by Fr. Drew Rollins, chaplain of St. Alban’s since 2004.
The Crawfish Boil followed the regular Sunday evening service. Every Sunday evening during the Fall and Spring semesters, St. Alban’s student leaders present a 30-minute service of Compline and music. Fr. Drew presents a short teaching highlighting the Gospel message from the morning service. Named "recharge!" (by the students), the service is designed with students in mind but is also very popular with parishioners. The Sunday night Compline service provides an easy, casual worship opportunity. And "recharge!" is always followed by a free, home-cooked meal prepared by teams of parishioners who enjoy the Sunday evening camaraderie as much as the students.
St. Alban's Chapel is blessed to have a host of hard-working volunteers and financial supporters across Louisiana and beyond— all devoted to its mission. The hospitality, the worship, the teaching, the music, the cooking, and cleaning is all about the mission: presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ and God’s unrelenting grace to the LSU students, faculty, staff, and surrounding community. His grace has created a joyful family at St. Alban’s and a place of refuge in an anxious and judgment-filled world for many. The ministry we share is the fruit that grows quite naturally from our personal experience of that grace.
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We are thrilled to invite you to share your news and inspirations for our EDOLA News monthly newsletter. Your contributions are truly valued and welcomed with open arms.
Our newsletter will typically go out on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We must receive information no later than one week prior (2nd Thursday of the month).
We encourage you to share an event or a story you’re excited about, especially those that involve more than one church, address the pain and poverty of the world, spread the Gospel, and/or educate or empower our churches.
For guidelines and submission links, you can visit our page, Submit News Events
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Clergy Calls, Transitions & Lay Job Opportunities | |
Details, including links to parish profiles, can be found here.
- Trinity Church, Baton Rouge, is seeking an associate priest for Christian formation.
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- The Rev. Cn. Allison Reid - Rector to St. Anna's, New Orleans
- The Very Rev. Rob Courtney - Canon to the Ordinary of Dio West Tennessee
- The Rev. Carol Spencer: Letters Dimissory received from Mississippi
- The Rev. Harry Jenkins: Announced Retirement Aug 31 - Christ Church, Slidell
- The Rev. John Craft: Announced Retirement May 31 - Chapel of the Holy Comforter
- The Rev. Gigi Connor: Church of the Annunciation Supply
- The Rev. Patrick Edwards - Chaplain to Episcopal School of Baton Rouge
- The Rev. Mary Koppel: Holy Comforter Supply
- The Rev. Bill Terry: Mt. Olivet & St. Mark's -Vicor Pro tem
- The Rev. Stephanie Fox, New Dean for Combined NOLA Deanery
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Top Headlines From the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs | |
Walking in Love. Making Jesus Known. Transforming Lives. | | | | |