Today's Hours of Operation

Grounds: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Gift Shop: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

St. Peregrine Mass

12 noon

Chapel of Mary


The St. Peregrine Mass is celebrated on the first Saturday of each month. At this Mass, those who wish may receive a blessing with the relic of St. Peregrine.


St. Peregrine is the patron saint of those with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. To learn more about St. Peregrine, please click here.


Recitation of the Rosary

11:30 a.m.

Chapel of Mary

Mother's Day at The Grotto

Mom's Free in Upper Gardens

Sunday, May 12

9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The Grotto Upper Gardens will be free to all mothers on Sunday, May 12. Just let our staff in the gift shop or visitor center know to receive your complimentary token to the elevator.

Complimentary Family Photos

Sunday, May 12

10 a.m. - 12 noon

and 12:30 - 2 p.m.

The Grotto Upper Gardens

We will have a photographer ready to take your photo up in the Upper Gardens. You will receive information about how to download your photo after the event.

Mass, Lunch & Learn

Join us every month for this special series. Gather in the Auditorium (directly under the Chapel of Mary) immediately after the noon Mass for lunch and a featured speaker discussing a new topic each month. Lunch will be provided. Attendance limited to 15 people, sign up required.


Tuesday, May 7 – Erin Peters, Executive Director of Northwest Catholic Counseling Center


Erin will talk about some of the mental health challenges currently facing our community. She will also address how The Northwest Catholic Counseling Center is working on these issues with values of justice and service at their core.


Sign up to attend: Mass, Lunch & Learn

Your Sanctuary of Peace

We hope you enjoy the photographs of our beautiful sanctuary, which we will share throughout the month of May, as we celebrate 100 years of The Grotto.

Today: Feast of Servite St. Peregrine Laziosi

The Feast of St. Peregrine

Today, May 4, is the Feast Day of St. Peregrine, a Servite Saint who lived from 1265-1345. The Grotto is a ministry of the Servite Friars.

Servite St. Peregrine Laziosi

St. Peregrine labored as a brother in the Order of Servants of Mary (Servites).

At age 60 he was diagnosed with cancer of the leg brought on by many years of disciplined prayer while standing, resulting in varicose veins which became ulcerous.

On the night before the scheduled amputation of his leg, Peregrine dragged himself to the foot of the cross in the community chapter room and fell into a deep trance-like sleep. Upon waking, he discovered that his leg was completely cured.

Peregrine continued his work with the poor and all who came to him in need. He experienced the forgiveness and mercy of God in his life and sought to share it with others.

When he died in 1345 he was already being revered as a saint. He was officially canonized in 1726, and is considered the patron of those who suffer from cancer, AIDS and other serious and life-threatening diseases.

St. Peregrine's Role Today

The lesson of St. Peregrine's life is not to promise miraculous cures; he is simply the one who placed his life and concerns in the loving care of a merciful and forgiving God.

He knew that the Lord was with him through all the trials of life.

St. Peregrine's trust in God can be a model for us in dealing with the pain, sickness and crosses of our lives.

St. Peregrine Ministry at The Grotto

The St. Peregrine ministry at The Grotto was established to help bring hope, strength and consolation to those facing serious diseases in their lives. We are committed to sharing the comfort and spiritual healing of Jesus to all who come here in need.

St. Peregrine Shrine

This mosaic was erected in the spring of 1974 and dedicated during the 50th Anniversary celebration at The Grotto.

St. Peregrine, kindly listen to my supplication.

You who were patient and strong in infirmity, help our infirm brothers and sisters to carry the cross of their infirmity with gentleness.

You who were miraculously healed by the hand of the crucified Christ, pray to the Lord for the sick: so that their infirm and weak bodies may recover health and vigor, and their uncertain and afflicted souls may find again peace, serenity and confidence.

St. Peregrine, pray for me that I may know healing in body, mind and soul.


Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of items relating to St. Peregrine, along with books, Rosaries, cards, medals, jewelry, home decor, yummy treats, gifts, and much more.

We invite you to come and explore the store.

Online Shop