Our Auxiliary put on a great dinner on 2 April. The next one will be Mexican, the 1st Tuesday, 7 May, at 6:00 PM. That will be just after our Executive Board/General Meeting, upstairs in the Remembrance Room at 5:00.
Thanks to Mike Hauser… The Scouts had a good turnout for bowling and lunch, on Saturday, 23 March.
The day before Vietnam Veterans Day, 28 March, we had 29 veterans show at Trailblazer Pizza. We went around the room giving everyone there a chance to tell their story. Was a very interesting time.
On Saturday, 18 May, which is Armed Forces Day, there will be a great event at the Nevada County Airport, with many old and present military aircraft there to check out, and so many veterans gathering. You won't want to miss it.
At 11:00 AM, on Monday, 27 May, Memorial Day, we will have an event at Grass Valley Memorial Park. Veterans and veteran support groups will honor deceased veterans with wreaths. We will have a couple veteran speakers, great singers, and will end with firing three volleys and taps, followed by bagpipes.
A lot going on in May. See you there.