The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
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16th Sunday after Pentecost

September 25th, 2022

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am, this Sunday!

Livestream Worship, 10:30 am, every Sunday!

**Mask required at 9:00 am Worship, Mask Optional at 10:30 am Worship

Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services!

*Sunday School for Pre-K-5th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday!

Get your bulletin here.

*Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim

Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

I have been using the word “community” in my opening of the Arkive Letter for a couple of years now. My theory is that you can be a part of the church without being an official member and that this is a more inclusive salutation. We have non-Christian members of our community and people who retain ties to their “home” or “family” church and yet they are a part of our community. Community like church implies that we are in relation to one another and bear mutual responsibility for the health of the body.

A member of the community can do everything a member of the church can do except vote at a congregational meeting and serve as an elder or deacon. You can even be a team leader. I am not sure that any of this minutia means too terribly much to many, but elders, deacons and ministers do vow to honor the constitution of the Presbyterian Church USA and Presbyterians often say that we do things decently and in good order.

One thing I have noticed over the years, is that a member of the community or a member of the church has a higher chance of falling out the back door when they have low worship attendance or don’t serve on a team or ministry. By falling out the back door, I mean they orbit farther and farther away from the center of the church and suddenly find themselves floating into space.

I was looking at our organizational chart, an ever-changing document, and I counted over 40 teams of people in our church doing ministry. That’s a lot of teams. That’s actually amazing. We even have two brand new teams called Community Engagement, chaired by Steve Debus, and Security chaired by Connie Batts and Scott Howe. Now, as far as I know, there are no team leaders at Ark and Dove complaining that they have too many members. Now that the pandemic is theoretically rolling into a less deadly endemic; if you are feeling like you are orbiting at a place far from the theoretical center, give me a call. We can find a new place for you in this community, or we can at least get coffee.

Community Engagement is running a door knocking meet the neighbor event tomorrow (see below) and they tell me they could use six more people to do the job right. Maybe that’s you?

Peace of Christ,


Message from Interim Associate Pastors

Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

We’ve been thinking about neighbors and what it means to be a neighbor, and we’ve been remembering a time when we lived in the suburbs in a house with a driveway and a garage. The people of the church Caroline served lived along narrow city streets. They would put chairs in the street when winter came, to claim a parking place dug out of the snow. One Sunday, seven of the church people had had their cars side-swiped the night before, by a drunk driver fleeing the police. Then there was the time the Crips painted a smoking gun on the side of the church in bright blue and yellow. The Bloods responded with their mark in black and red. The children of the church were terrified and outraged by the images on their church.

We lived in the suburbs. We didn’t have to worry about putting a chair in the street to reserve our parking place. We didn’t have to worry about our car being sideswiped in the night. We didn’t even really have to worry about the arguments between the Crips and the Bloods. But these were the things which kept our church neighbors awake at


What things worry our neighbors? What makes them happy? What changes are they hoping for? Who are the leaders in the neighborhood? We hope to discover some of these answers this Saturday and in the weeks ahead as teams from Ark and Dove go door to door asking our neighbors for their thoughts. Knocking on strangers' doors is the last thing most of us want to be doing with our Saturday morning. But it is important for those who walk in the footsteps of Jesus, who was incarnate among us, to talk with our neighbors. We’ll meet at the church at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 24. We’ll go out in pairs and return to the church to report on the things we’ve learned. We will be taught what to ask and how to ask it. Please consider joining us. You might be the very person one of our neighbors will want to talk with.

We don’t know what our neighbors will tell us, but after we have listened, perhaps God will direct us to act and perhaps our neighbors will have something less to worry about.

from co-interim Pastors,

Caroline and Stephen

Verse and Prayer

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.

I Timothy 6:10

God of Love you have called us into the church and to serve as your disciples. We thank you for the opportunity to grow in faith and to grow in understanding and concern for each other. Enable our congregation Ark and Dove, to be an incarnation of your love both in the church and in the larger community. Where ever there is loneliness, misunderstanding or injustice, may we carry your peace on our lips and in our lives. In your holy name we pray. Amen.

This Sunday, the services will open with a gorgeous cello piece, Chanson Triste, Op. 40, no. 2 by Tchaikovsky. This was originally written for the piano, and this arrangement is for solo cello with piano accompaniment and will be played by Brittany Wellington. It's been described as a "song without words", with its beautiful, melancholy melody.

The offertory is called "Goodness of God" by Bethel Music, which I will sing as a solo with piano. I wanted to keep this piece simple, unlike the full recorded version, which is for a full band. I first heard this song as a simple piano/voice cover and fell in love with it. Darlene Zschech wrote this piece after adopting her son, Ryder. She talks about driving down a long, country road when this song just came to her. She wrote almost the entire song on that drive- an outpouring of love as her heart overflowed with emotions after bringing her son home. Being an adoptive mother myself, this piece resonates with me and the emotions that I felt after bringing my precious children home. You will hear these words throughout the song, and as the song's ending:

And all my life You have been faithful

And all my life You have been so, so good

With every breath that I am able

I will sing of the goodness of God

Have a wonderful weekend, friends.

With love,


Director of Music

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TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481
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Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Bulletin - 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Let's Meet the Neighbors!

Join the Community Engagement Team as we we kick off our first door knocking campaign on Saturday, September 24th from 10:00AM-12:00PM with a lunch/debrief afterwards at the church (12:00-1:00PM). We will be getting to know our neighbors in King's Ransom, Arundel Mobile Village and Highland Court Apartments and trying to understand how we can work with them to make positive changes that help their families and the community.

Don't know what you will be doing? No worries, we will have a prep session on Saturday, 24th at 8:45AM to review the questions we will ask and "role play" what you will do. You can attend one or both of the prep sessions.

Sign up as a pair or singles (we will find you a partner) HERE. Questions? See Steve Debus at


How Close Can You Get?

Mask required at 9:00 am Worship, Mask Optional at 10:30 am Worship

Security Team

News from the Security Team

In recognition of September being Disaster Preparedness Month, PC(USA) seeks to remind us of the resources available at Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. PDA focuses primarily on natural and technological disasters, such as flooding and hurricanes, but also crises like Ukraine. One suggestion is to create a document listing the people with disabilities who attend church who may have limitations in an emergency and how best to assist them. Our Security Team has been working on floor plans to show the location of exit routes, emergency supplies, etc. If you are interested in joining the Ark and Dove Security Team or have suggestions for us, contact Facilities Elder Don Ziegler at or Team Lead Scott Howe at 

Stay tuned for more from the Security Team in the future!

The Lobby

New Episode: 18 September

Join this week's Lobby guest host Lilly as she interviews Amy Tardiff as they discuss and experience what it's like to take part in a Godly Play class. Anyone interested in teaching Godly Play? Please contact Sara Fox.

Previous Episodes

11 September

Join Lobby guest host Jim Cooper while he discusses all the upcoming events at Ark and Dove and the mysterious new gizmo in the kitchen with Earth Care Team Lead, Bob Fuller.

4 September

Joining this week's guest host Christa Kronser as she interviews our new interim Associate Pastors Steven and Caroline Price-Gibson to discuss their involvement with Ark and Dove.


“but those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:31

Dear Members and Friends of Ark and Dove,

Grace be upon you! As Summer turns to Fall, we once again find ourselves thinking more deeply about stewardship. The Stewardship Team would like to thank you all for the continued generosity of your time, talents, and resources this past year. We are a congregation that continually comes together to support and uplift each other and our community as we carry God’s dream into the world. This year, as we approach our 30th anniversary as a church, we find ourselves reflecting on our past and considering our future. We are filled with an overwhelming abundance of gratitude for the many ways that God carries us through the years and continually challenges us to grow in love and compassion. God is truly working in our midst at Ark and Dove, enabling the kind of spiritual renewal that transforms hearts and seeks to make the world a better place for all God’s children. It is in that spirit of renewal that we look to the future and all that it brings, rooted in the hope to which we were called.

Coming out of the past two years there is ample reason to be weary. Yet, with our hope in Jesus we are renewed daily. It is a divine energy that enables us to weather life’s storms, rise above defeat, and overcome all manner of struggles from the mundane to the monumental. On our own, these trials can easily drain us and leave us feeling disheartened and disillusioned. However, when we choose to lean on God’s strength instead, we not only find a renewed sense of deep inner peace, love and hope, but we also grow in the sort of resilience and passion that enables us to continue working towards justice and inclusion in this broken world. Renewed in faith, we grow in love toward God and neighbor and confidently set out with a fresh vision for the future.

As we grow into God’s vision for the future, it is evident that the mission and ministries of Ark and Dove are experiencing exciting renewal and revitalization. We are experiencing growth and new life across the board in areas such as our Earth Care Ministry, Community Engagement, GLEAM Team, Reimagined Worship, Rebranding, the Associate Pastor Nominating Team, and so much more. We are seeing many new faces join our church family and many more people are stepping up to volunteer their time, skills, and energy to ministries that spark their passion for sharing God’s love and spreading justice. It truly feels as though God is breathing new life into all that we are and all that we do both in and through Ark and Dove. This Fall, as we contemplate this beautiful renewal that God is bringing to fruition within us and the life affirming work that it calls us to engage in, our prayer is that you will consider how the giving of your time, talents, and financial resources can help us embrace all that God is calling us to in the coming year and beyond. Together we are committed to embracing the future, renewed in faith and living with hope and love.

Over the next several weeks, we will hear from various church leaders about some of the important mission and ministry projects we are engaged in at Ark and Dove and how we are growing and embracing the exciting vision for the future together. The Stewardship Team invites you to pray about your involvement and giving to Ark and Dove. Our hope is that each of us will prayerfully consider increasing our pledged giving by 1% of household income this year. This would enable us to not only sustain our current level of mission and ministry activities, but also reach for some of our more aspirational goals as we carry God’s vision forward in 2023. Just as God is so generous to us, let us be inspired to be generous to the work of God within our congregation and throughout our community. This November 13 is Dedication Sunday. We invite you to return your filled-out Pledge Card during the offering so that the Session will be able to accurately plan for the ministry and mission activities of the coming year. Through the giving of our time, talents, and resources, we can and will remain dedicated to doing the transformative work of love and justice in a hurting world. Thank you for your continued generosity and support.

The 2023 Renewed in God Stewardship Team

Outreach & Connections

Ark and Dove is always growing. Celebrate the past 30 years and the 30 years (and more) to come! We will be having a catered and potluck dinner at 5pm on October 23rd in the sanctuary. We are asking folks to bring dishes that remind them of "community", something they feel connected to. There will be multiple ways to get involved - pay attention to the Arkive for even more news to come!

Parent Group Meeting

Parent Group will meet on Sunday, Sept 25th at 11:30am for a potluck lunch in the Marshall room after service. This is a gathering for all parents and caregivers of newborns through college-age children looking to connect with other church families. Childcare provided for a small fee. Please bring a dish/dessert to share.

Queer Support Group

Queer Support Group on September 27 at 7:30pm in person at the church. Contact Amanda Crose at

Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Baltimore will be holding its IN PERSON Fall Gathering on October 1st at Catonsville Presbyterian Church pavilion from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The birthday party will be celebrating the 100th Birthday of the Birthday Offering. The cost for the celebration lunch will be a whopping $1 donation to the Birthday Offering! Joan Berry will need to report the count of those going (men can come too) by September 18. Please let Joan, 410-672-5237, know if you are coming.

Peaceful Demonstration

GLEAM and Anti-Racism are teaming up for a peaceful demonstration on Friday, October 7th from 4:30pm - 6:00pm. Bring a sign or select a sign from past demonstrations at the church. Join Us!

Friendly Seniors Plans

It appears that we are resuming our social lives. This means Friendly Seniors will begin only having special events, not a monthly meeting. We are currently looking at going to Bowie Community Theater the 15th of October at 8 p.m. to see Wait Until Dark, a mystery. The whole church is invited to participate. If we get 10 reservations the tickets will be $15 each. Give Joan Berry a email,, or call her at 410-672-5237, if you have a date preference.

Then in November, date TBD, we are looking at going to the Cryptological Museum for an afternoon. Again, everyone is invited. Clearly, there will be more details coming. The contact person is Joan Berry for any preferences you want have taken into consideration.

Christian Education

Mid-Week Bible Study

Join us every Wednesday at 10am for Bible Study and fellowship. Contact Pastor Stephen Price-Gibson ( for the Zoom inventation.

Ark and Dove Book Club -

October Selection

Join the Ark and Dove Book Club for our October selection of "The Girl in His Shadow" by Audrey Blake, an "unforgettable historical fiction novel about one woman who believed in scientific medicine before the world believed in her." We will discuss the book on Zoom on Friday, October 21st at 7:30pm. Contact Kim Champagne at for more information and/or the zoom link. 

Ark & Dove Library

New in the Ark and Dove Library

This month we asked Paula Sparks to comment on two of her most recent donations to the Social Justice - Antiracism section of the library.

Tears We Cannot Stop – A Sermon to White America

Imagine living in a society where your white skin marks you for disgust, hate, and fear. Only when you see black folk as we are, and imagine yourselves as we have to live our lives, only then will the suffering stop, the hurt cease, the pain go away.” These are the closing words of the Benediction chapter written by Michael Eric Dyson, ordained minister and Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University. The book is assembled as a church service, and the sermon bares truths that every white person should struggle with. It ends with hope and specific actions for reparations, education, and healing. Highly recommend!

You Are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame Resilience and the Black Experience (Edited by Tarana Burke and Brene Brown)

In this collection of short essays, twenty Black men and women offer personal stories that go deeply into their personal experience of Black life and offer an honest look at the effect racism has on people of color. Easy read…eye opening.

To see these and other books in our library, check out the catalog HERE.

Ark & Dove Banned Book Drive

Banned Book Drive! Help us establish a youth/teen library by donating a banned or challenged book from our list HERE. New and gently used copies requested.

Please contact Amy Tardiff ( or Kim Champagne ( if you have any questions.

Children Christian Education

Nursery: open for children age birth to 3 

9:00 AM and 10:30 Service

PreK Sunday School: Ages 4-5 

4 year olds , case by case at 9:00am service

ONLY at the 10:30 service

Godly Play: Elementary Ages, Grades K-5

9:00 service is a K-5 group

10:30 service has both a K-2 and a 3-5 group

Middle School Sunday School: Grades 6-8

Date starting TBD

ONLY at the 10:30 service

Leaders and Helpers Needed

To ensure that we can continue to offer the above Christian Educational opportunities we NEED leaders! Currently we do NOT have enough to fully staff any of these programs. Please consider offering your gifts and talents to help these programs thrive. You will need to complete a background check and training. Curriculum and materials are provided. Please contact CE Elder, Sara Fox at if interested. 

Thank you to those of you who’ve already made a commitment to help out this year!!!

Nursery Helpers: If you are already a CE leader or a high school student please consider signing up HERE to help in the nursery. You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed.

As always, any questions or concerns please reach out to me at

LOGOS is Coming Soon!

Registration is open now for the upcoming LOGOS year. Click HERE to register.

LOGOS is Ark and Dove's midweek children's program for ages Pre-K through 5th grade that engages our youth in the life of the church, providing opportunities to learn about God, to have fun, and to create lasting relationships with others. This year it will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:15pm starting September 27th through the end of March. On the third Tuesday of every month we will provide a family-style dinner for LOGOS kids, their families, and other volunteers at 6:20pm. 

One of the LOGOS core goals is to facilitate the development of strong Christian relationships between youth and between generations. With that in mind, we ask that at least one adult from each registered family sign up to volunteer. There are lots of different opportunities for participation this year, including some that are only once a month, check out our sign up genius HERE. We would LOVE to have other members of the church volunteer as well including our older youth and seniors! Email for any questions.


Candidate Action Update!  

The action has been changed from October 6 to Friday, October 14 at 7pm!

Ark and Dove will host ACT’s Anne Arundel County Candidates night in our Sanctuary, the County Executive and County Council Candidates will be invited. 

To register please click HERE.

We will need help in the following areas:

-Tech Team




Peace and Global Witness Special Offering 2022

We will be participating in the Peace and Global Witness Special Offering from now until World Communion Sunday on October 2nd. The theme for 2022 is "For you shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace." — ISAIAH 55:12. What could be better than spreading joy and peace to our community? The Peace and Global Witness Offering supports our financial commitment to ACT (Anne Arundel Connecting Together). At this time, we are collaborating with ACT to begin our Community Engagement project to become better neighbors here in Odenton. This is a perfect time to commit to gathering the financial support needed to meet our pledge to ACT.  Please consider giving generously to the Peace and Global Witness Special Offering.

CAP Food Pantry Item of the Month

The Christian Assistance Program (CAP) food pantry has been very busy, with August bringing some of the highest usage over the past five years. We're having trouble keeping the shelves full and are returning to our "Item of the Month" as a way to request food donations. The items for September are peanut butter and jelly. We have bins marked for CAP food in the cabinet across from the lobby coat rack. Food can also be taken directly to the pantry at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Odenton, on Tuesdays 10:30am-1:30pm and Thursdays 1:30-5:30pm. Or contact Greg Makar ( to make other arrangements. 

Anti - Racism

From Zero-Sum to Solidarity

I read and recommended The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee over the summer. If you haven't read it yet, there's still time, and you just might find a copy of the book in our newly updated library! Then join us on November 1st for an in-depth look at what racism costs all of us and how we can prosper together across race.

The author gives a 15 minute overview HERE

Prayer Requests

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Dr. Jesse Nicholson, Connie Batts' brother-in-law; Michael Brett; Lewis Shorter's sister-in-law, Kay Schwandt, in the hospital; Laura Talbert; prayers for granddaughter starting a new job; Danni Johnson, fighting cancer; Denise Bartgis chemo treatments; Thanks for Bill Champagne's son reaching a year of sobriety; for Michelle Schoonmaker's friends recovering from surgery; Donna Anderson's brother-in-law, Tom, recovering from surgery; prayers for Mike Davie's granddaughter starting a new job; for friends recovering from surgery; the birth of Hudson R. Degge, the child of David and Abby Degge; David and Abbey; Michael Britt; little girl diagnosed with leukemia and her family; the family of Gavin Hurley; Amanda Welford; Bruce Arey's sister; Helen Jarkiewicz; Tricia Gray; Dee going through breast cancer; Anthony Welford, recovering from surgery; Arlyce Lohr; Laura Talbert; Doug Dehaven with cardiac problems; Karen Judeich; Harrison-Wyatt Family searching for Jamil Wyatt; Marie, Nikol Sahai’s Mom; Irina Lee, Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law; Payton 18 months old, starting chemo therapy; Fran; Dot Forloines; Vaughn Brown; Dick Paronto; Pamala Morrison recovering; for Julie Devers' friend Zenia Dacio-Messina; for Hope Sutphin; Dotty Kaufmann; Emily Wehage; Diane Makar's friend’s mother; Jeff Miller, Kathy Miller’s brother-in-law; Freyja Hartzell; Amy Goldber's father, Michael Cooper; Rebecca Echols friend, Lauren Douglas; Andy, friend of Karen Dodson; Jeanne Elbefeld; Ghazal Abawi; Mike Bartgis's cousin; Marjorie Tanner, Laura Doughty’s mother; Ellen; Cara Moody’s father-in-law, Gary Moody Sr.; Friends of Michelle Schoonmaker: Carly & Chris Taylor and Bri Reed; Laurie Barrow's brother, Steve Beckwith; Fred Barrow’s sister, Betsy Sargant; Debbie Saylor's Family and Friends: Carlene Printy, Helen Rossum, Wayne Rennex, Alison Buffington & Chris and Jeff; Jack Sweeney; Mary Lou Dulina, friend of Cheryl Schafer; Alvin Dennis; Ashton Borsella; Tiffany Thompson; Courtney, Deborah Dingle’s niece; Lou Kareha's friends and family: Aubriella and Michael Steele, B. Wicker, James Karanasky (sister-in-law's brother), Thomas Kochis (cousin), and Nando Smacci (friend); Mike and Denise Bartgis' son-in-law; Lourdes Cordero's family and friends: Diane Cordero (sister), Jose (brother), granddaughter, and Fred and Arelene Jones (friends); Amy Tardiff’s Aunt Fran; Cameron Jackson, Ylonda Fauntleroy’s cousin, dealing with a difficult situation; Frank Stillwell; Mary Caolo; David Johns; Angela Goska; Belinda Edwards; Karen Stokes; Betty Small; Calvin Latham; Carol Saylor; Ray Bussey's mother, Doris; Amy Hagemann’s sister, Susan Pratt; Mary Benson’s sister; Bill Lifsey Sr., Amy Carskadon Lifsey’s father-in-law; Helen Wilkens' mother, Jane Reinert; Linda Taylor’s mother, Izola; Amy Goldberg’s grandmother, Ruth Cooper; Shelley Franklin's father; James Franklin's sister-in-law, Kelli Franklin; Gunther Kurtz, Laurie Barrow’s nephew; Carl Hahn, Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law; Ruth Doughty, Paul Doughty's mother; Cheryl and Doug Walcutt’s Family: Cheryl Walcutt (mother of Cheryl), Judy (sister of Cheryl); Don Clark, friend of Cheryl Walcutt; Margaret Schade, Erika Sealing's grandmother; Rob Yeager’s friends: Greta Daughtrey and Peter Brown; Linda Jordan, Christy Yeager’s mother; Bonnie, Linda Jordan’s niece.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113
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