RDCO Electoral Area West and North Westside residents face 16.5% jump in property with even more in extras and hidden debts. 

A budget report released by the Regional District of the Central Okanagan (RDCO) Finance department calls for a base 16.5% increase in property taxes for an average home in Electoral Area West plus additional fees to residents of the North Westside who receive community hall, water or fire services. This comes on the heels of a considerable tax increase in 2023.

Update: Responding to the overwhelming support from our readers, this news article has been updated to feature embedded links, providing easy access to important documents.

For 2024 Budget and related staff reports, we direct your attention to the Board agenda package dated January 25, 2026. Specifically, review item 8.2 - 2024-2028 Five-Year Financial Plan – Draft. 

2024 - 2028 Five Year Financial Plan - Draft

For details on the Gas Tax and Growing Communities Fund , we direct your attention to the Board agenda package dated November 16, 2023. Specifically items 7.1 Growing Communities Fund and 8.1 Community Works Fund (gas tax). Here is the link: Board Meeting Nov 16, 2023.

RDCO Board Agenda Package - Nov 16, 2023

Here are the key points from the budget

report and some missing facts:

Property Tax Increase: The report projects a 16.5% increase in property taxes on an average house valued at $548,313 in Central Okanagan West, translating to an extra $168, bringing the total to $1,193 in 2024, up from $1,025 in 2023.

Extra Fee for North Westside Residents: Those in the North Westside utilizing community hall, water, or fire services will face an additional $418, marking an $87 increase from 2023 ($331). Water rates across all communities are also expected to rise, with the exact amount undisclosed.

Soaring Administrative Overhead: Administrative overhead costs are skyrocketing, with a proposed $1 million increase in administration departments. The North Westside Volunteer Fire Department is hit with an enormous $109,447 Administrative Overhead fee, up a staggering 177% from 2020 ($39,473). 

Hidden Deficits and Cuts to Local Services: The budget report fails to reveal a disturbing trend of cutting grant monies which are eligible for local services in Electoral Areas. A meeting on June 8, 2023, saw the rescinding of previously approved local parks capital projects in Electoral Area West, diverting $4,298,000 gas tax reserves to WFN (IR#9 and IR#10), and imposing a $435,038 deficit on residents outside of WFN (IR#9 and IR#10) all without public consultation. These measures, which greatly effect Electoral Area finances, were backed by municipal directors and passed despite strong opposition from both Electoral Area Directors.

Questionable Allocation of Growing Communities Grant: Despite an influx of grant funding, especially from the Growing Communities Fund, the budget report lacks clarity in detailing how these funds were allocated. The one-time $6,950,000 Growing Communities Fund grant from the Provincial Government was distributed to the RDCO based on a per-capita calculation. Notably, Lake Country, Kelowna, West Kelowna, and Peachland each received separate distributions from the Province, distinct from the $6,950,000 allocated to the RDCO. Despite objections from both Electoral Area Directors Kevin Kraft (East) and Wayne Carson (West) in a November 16, 2023 meeting, the Board approved only $863,810 (12.4%) for local services within the Electoral Areas, with an overwhelming $6,086,190 (87.5%) allocated to regional services benefiting neighboring municipalities. This decision, backed by municipal directors, passed despite strong opposition from both Electoral Area Directors. When provided transparency it becomes clear how regional parks received grants for capital improvement, leaving local parks unable to proceed with previously approved improvements, including a multi-use pickleball court at Westshore. 

Your voice matters and your input into this budget process is crucial. We urge you to take action:

What You Can Do:

Email your questions and comments to finance@rdco.com

Subject Line: 2024-2028 Five Year Financial Plan

In your message state your name, include your civic address of the property that you either own or live in, and ask questions. deadline in Monday, February 12, at 8:00 am.

Ask Tough Questions:

  • Why the sudden spike in Administrative Overhead costs? Call for increased transparency.

  • How are the revenues generated by the North Westside Volunteer Fire Department for their participation in suppressing the McDougall Creek Wildfire used and are they used for equipment and truck replacement?

  • What justifies diverting grant funding from local services?

  • Why are residents in Electoral Area West outside of WFN (IR#9 and IR#10) saddled with a $435,038 deficit? Demand accountability from the Board as a Whole for their historical spending decisions.

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