Responsible Dog Ownership in Mulmur
In the Township of Mulmur, responsible dog ownership is not just a suggestion, but a legal obligation outlined in By-law No. 53-19. Among the regulations, two key provisions focus on dogs running at large and the necessity of cleaning up after them.
Please ensure your pets do not excessively howl or bark or otherwise disturb the peace. This helps create a harmonious environment for both pet owners and their neighbors, promoting harmony within the community.
Every owner of a dog is required to immediately remove any feces left by the dog in designated areas. This includes highways, roadways, public parks, and any public or private property other than the dog owner's property or that of the person having care, custody, or control of the dog. This "stoop and scoop" policy not only maintains cleanliness in public spaces but also prevents the spread of disease and environmental contamination.
By adhering to these regulations, dog owners play a vital role in fostering a clean and healthy environment for everyone in the Township of Mulmur. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in penalties as stipulated by the by-law.
if you have any canine-related complaints, please contact:
AgapiK9 Inc